Even these boards have gotten boring

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LowTechKiller, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Testament

    I really look forward to playing Planetside in full fps and since the HE nerf, this is my most anticipated update yet. Can't wait!
  2. Delnar_Ersike

    The fact that new content is required to keep discussions going in the forums is kind of indicative of the way the game is designed: unlike some other games, where new tactics or ingenius ways to use the tools at your disposal allow for interesting discussions even during times of new content drought, almost everything in PlanetSide 2 is designed for a specific role, discouraging emergent gameplay.

    Only real exception would be using Gals as Maggie transports or aerial platforms for infantry, but those were discovered months ago. I'm almost tempted to see if high-altitude ESF bombing runs would work: have a squad leader set a squad waypoint at the target, then divebomb it with an ESF, rocketpodding the waypoint, then quickly flying out.
  3. UberBonisseur

    They stopped playing btw.
  4. BoomBoom4You

    Well, they have prioritized correctly in my opinion. I wish they could do both but they are human and have capacity constraints like anyone else. I'd rather them fix the game at its core rather than trot out a bunch of band-aids to distract players as the game slowly dies. For all of SOE's faults, they called it right on this one.
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  5. Calisai

    Lol, for me there isn't any drama as far as WDS goes. It might as well not exist. When you have a contest that so obviously favors the faction with the highest overall population... its not really a contest... they could have done quite a few things to mitigate that fact, but didn't.

    I will agree with OP, i've found most of the activity on the boards to be the same things hashed over and over. Nothing really interesting in the last few weeks.
  6. LowTechKiller

    I guess it's just me, but I don't see the big deal with the WDS. Everyone who play is participating, and there's a rolling scoreboard. Sounds like business as usual, except the high scoring faction gets a weekly 3 day XP boost.
    Am I missing something?

    And as far as the prioritization goes...I'm not complaining about that. I'm just saying that when the same old repetitive whine on the boards gets boring, then the game is getting boring. Sure, I can go play something else for awhile (like Rome2), but I don't really want to.

    Can't they release new content and work on optimization, or don't they have enough employees left?:oops:
  7. Pikachu

    I just want galaxy update this month. :( My wishes for this year are galaxy update, liberator update, hossin, continent lock thing.

    I think the fact that this is an MMO game with periodic updates affects how people enjoy the game, the expectations it creates. People feel like they constantly need to be fed with more content even though in any other game its fine to not have a single update and play for years.
  8. thepackett

    Optimization is better for content in the long run as content is limited by performance. I would love more content too, but the optimization will result in more content and more diverse content later on as they won't need to worry about hurting the performance.
  9. Cab00se187

    Well at least you found your problem. Get rid of the laptop and get an actual PC
  10. Pikachu

    I hope the optimization will bring more players. But then they would have to relaunch the game kind of. Make as much fuzz about it again as around release.
  11. Lambchopz

    They were going to have to do this massive performance update sooner or later, so may as well get it out of the way now before they start adding new continents and ****.

    If SOE plans on growing the userbase of PS2 beyond the relatively small group that have stuck around, it's going to have to start with performance optimization. Too many people get turned off by this game because they can't participate in the larger battles (you know, the main selling point of it) without dropping below 25 FPS.

    I would wager that the number of people who *don't* have significant performance issues in this game are a minority, because you need to have a pretty legit rig to be able to claim that. Even with a nice rig there's no guarantee you will get acceptable framerates. Again I say, it had to happen sooner or later. Now is as good a time as any.
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  12. MrMurdok

    Your face has gotten boring!
  13. deggy

    Meh, ForumSide IS a bit boring these last few weeks.

    I can't use my laptop right now, and when I come home for the weekend, nobody's argued amusingly at all against any of my posts. I'm tempted to post something flat-out stupid wrong to see if it actually generates discussion.
  14. Pikachu

    Make a thread about buffing inner blast radius of UBGL.
  15. deggy

  16. Bankrotas

    Laptop is fine, I had 60 stable fps and up to 110 fps in warpgate back in march. I travel too much and don't own constant place of living to settle down with a bigger rig.
  17. Liewec123

    tbh SoE isn't a small group of 10 guys in a basement, its one of the largest games companies in the world, we should realistically expect BOTH optimization and new content.
  18. Izriul

    Kinda lost interest now myself. Started FFXIV ARR and my god, it's such a great game! Been a long long time since I played an MMO f this caliber. SoE need to pull their fingers out their *** if they actually want to keep people, there's a fair amount of stuff coming. When people start with another game, it's much harder to pull them back to one that keeps failing to provide.

    I do agree though, I personally don't care about optimisation, I'd rather new content. In the ways of REAL content, this game hasn't had much at all since it's release (no, I don't think funneling in the lattice, adding new guns that take 5 minutes to make, or having pretty (ugly) icons from the players counts as content)

    Personally, I'd also expect content to be released AND optimisation done together anyway (actually, I'd expect the latter to be done before release but w/e). Most games fix bugs, add stuff and fix performance in their patches. Not...just one thing. Anyway, are all developers working on optimisation? Sounds like an excuse to me, I don't picture the art team or balance designers working on it also, so what exactly are they doing?
  19. Noxrawr

    Its nice for you that you get to play on NASA's computer hive. The rest of us are playing at 10 fps.
  20. Cab00se187

    Please don't speak for me.