Why my entire outfit logged last night to go play Firefall

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarlboroMan-E, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Lets say if i were to deprive you of the M key.

    You would have still played and continued to have fun. There is no "winning" or "losing" and alert, everyone receives XP in the end

    I don't know about you but i play for the killing/cert grind, not the alert
  2. llPendragon

    Well said.
  3. Ultramarine

    I plan to, and will take lead positions myself if that's what it takes to revive the old group if SOE fixes things. SOE just needs to recover the appeal first, I can't keep them playing if nobody wants to play it :p
  4. GhostAvatar

    There are two ways to fix population balance, either to get rid of players in the overpopulated factions or bring in new players to the underpopulated factions. I think it is pretty obvious which one SOE are going to go for, and thats not to remove potential revenue i.e. players. So they need to get new players into the game to fill the gaps. I am seeing a lot of new players join the game daily. Therefore I can only assume that the intake of new players isnt a big issue. So the problem then becomes retention of new players. Which leads me to believe that the biggest thing that turns new players off the game is the poor fps performance. Since this is what SOE are now focusing on and have probably ascertained this via email surveys to low level accounts that haven't logged on in a while.
  5. Ultramarine

    No he's talking mathematics. TR has 50% VS ~25% NC~25% so if you gathered together to fight TR it'd be 50-50%.
    The moment any faction gets more then 50%, there are more of that faction than the other two combined, at which point gathering 2 factions to fight the 1 is worthless, as they overpopulate you anyways even cut in half. His point, though not communicated well, was that overpopulation is not even close to resolved by teaming up against the overpop faction.
  6. Drealgrin

    why nobody cares about what you did.

    A.) Because you're not us, you have your own opinion on things, good for you. now go away :D
  7. Giggily

    Accusing every Mattherson VS of cheating is a pretty nice complement I guess.
  8. Twitch760

    Yes but it at least gives you a fighting chance. The enemy of my enemy is my friend applies here.
  9. Gritmo

    You guys can say all this stuff...

    But, if you look at the top scorers in the game on the stats page (well, at least on my server), most of them seem to pull it off playing defense.

    You seem to get more kills in playing defense somehow than offense. I assume you grab a MAX and run out and slaughter a few off or something like that.
  10. JudgeDeath

    Yeeeeah ... We didnt log to play firefall even thou TR was sporting 40% pop yesterday during alert.

    One does not simply ...
  11. BoomBoom4You

    I definitely can understand your frustration. The population issue is really killing the game for the people that can run it, but a huge chunk of the market can't even run it. I think optimization is a logical first step, but I hear you. It is sad.
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  12. Axehilt

    Eh, arenas are completely fine. The problem being that Firefall's PVP is awful compared to better arena games (TF2 and Tribes Ascend to name the important ones, but even CoD/BF3 are better.) And that's without getting into PS2 (in spite of the game's problems, it's damn fun.)

    I would've been fine playing Firefall for the PVE, but that's pretty awful too. I really just found nothing to enjoy.
  13. Jachim

    The population balance is actually quite decent, with some factions better than others and yes, the TR higher on many of the servers but not by that much.

    When you see the TR or the VS or the NC win by a landslide it's because they let everyone have alts that they can happily log into when their current faction is losing an alert. When a faction wins an alert with 60% that doesn't JUST mean 60% logged in for the alert, it means that a large percentage of the other two factions also logged off.

    use your brainmeats, man!
  14. Dead soldier

  15. Dead soldier

    once an alert starts TR on waterson seem to always have 50%+ percent on the continent
  16. IamDH

    Simple. Get the large outfits from NC/VS to cooperate with each other
  17. IamDH

    Simple. Get the large outfits from NC/VS to cooperate with each other
  18. JudgeDeath

    One would think it was a logical step to gang up on the larger party ... Otherwise you let them grow too much both in morale and numbers as weaklings will skip town to join the large number faction (with the fotm gear that seems to be more like flavour of the year gear)

    Remember guys .. Best fights are tough fights.
  19. Ganelon

    Woodman switches overpop every 3 months or so we used to have massive VS overpop and NC overpop before that. So it's just TR's turn to be overpop.

    The best thing is that Woodman NC and Woodman VS have biggest and second-biggest outfits in the entire game respectively.

    To put it in perspective: Keepers of the Void (VS) have 4500 members and Smurf G0ds have 4700, the biggest Woodman TR outfit (ELME) has 1700 members.
    • Up x 1
  20. Xae

    The problem with Mattherson is that NC and TR are too busy playing Forum Side while VS is playing Planetside.