World Domination Series Scores

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItsJustDash, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Drsexxytime

    At this point it's safe to assume that they just don't care about NC. They don't do NC any favors, and have probably decided to roll with the "hardmode" comments and let the people wanting ultimate challenge to play said faction. Not just the weapons, but the gear looks unappealing, with less attention to detail. And then you even have the horrible voice actor voices, which are terrible.

    Not to mention: NC gets a strong weapon? Nerfed in a few days. VS? Quite a bit longer. And TR? Unchecked for months. How awesome is that?

    I have BF4 pre-ordered along with premium. There are some other great games coming after that as well, not to mention War Thunder hopefully getting land combat going.

    All these people with the "maybe they'll fix it in a couple months/next year". Good luck with that to the devs with that I say. By then there will be numerous other titles to play, and ultimately, how much more playerbase will have bled off of PS2 out of frustration and/or boredom? SOE doesn't have the luxury of time on their side in this regard, and mix in the fact that there's AAA software on the horizon, it's only worse for them. People can play the waiting game perhaps, but SOE can't due to their bottom line under the microscope as per the layoffs recently.

    It's just a bad situation all around.
  2. m44v

    okay, I have to ask. I looked at the plot for miller, I didn't see a 40% skew. TR and NC fairly even while VS is underpop. And I can't make any percentage calculation because the plot isn't showing any numbers when I mouse over, but by just looking at it I can tell it isn't a 40% difference.
  3. Hatamoto

    no need to be excited over anything, it will play out as we have predicted .. TR wins. Time has already told a LONG time ago, this is how Miller has been for months.
  4. Myka

    Of course they're neck & neck. They are the two factions that actually have balanced equipment. TR's gear advantage is what drives TR overpop across all servers - 4th faction makes it worse, but is only a symptom of the larger problem.

    Until SOE acknowledge this, and start bringing the particular TR weapons concerned down to the level of their faction counterparts, there will be no change.
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  5. Malorn

    The scoring goes throughout the day, so just because an empire has a few % more during prime time isn't all that significant when the other 18 hours of the day it is even or skewed to another faction.

    Looking at the very chart you linked, throughout the last two days those populations have been very close. There is a small bump in TR pop that only occurs for a few hours out of the day, yet TR are outscoring the other empires by about 2-1 since the WDS started. That's a huge difference in scoring for such a minor difference in pop.

    Now look at Mattherson, which has a very clear late-night VS skew - much more than the TR on Miller have, yet the scoring is close between all the empires, especially TR/VS. And look at Waterson, which has a very obvious TR skew, yet Miller TR are outscoring the Waterson TR in spite of not having a consistent or significant advantage throughout the day.

    If population were causing all of this, I would expect Mattherson to have the same pattern as Miller, and Waterson to be significantly outscoring Miller, but neither is true. That's why I find Miller an interesting study. It challenges the common perceptions and assumptions.

    Edit: Ceres is also interesting, the scoring is very close, yet per population graphs TR have a significant population edge. That doesn't seem to be stopping the NC from being within a few points of them and the VS not far behind.
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  6. PapaMojo

    40 minutes later it is by 15,000. But, per the devs..."Time will tell.." Not sure what it will tell, but it will tell.
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  7. NoctD

    Umm like that Striker you all complained about wasn't brought down?

    Vanu have superior weapons to NC by a longshot!
  8. shd

    So by your own logic, if population isn't the cause of this massive TR advantage there are 2 possible reasons: either TR players are superior to both VS and NC across the board (which would be an incredible coincidence) or there is something wrong with the faction balance.

    Also, do you realize that this means 4th faction will switch over to the TR as well as the new guys joining in (who wants to be with the losers ?) and this will have consequences far beyond this little competition.
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  9. Hatamoto

    So what was the thinking behind the world domination event ?
  10. Ghosty11

    Anyone taking bets on exactly how many lost subs it will take before Smeds tweets that pop imbalances need to be fixed ASAP?
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  11. Odin

    Guarantee the playerbase is not surprised , seems the devs are though which is disturbing.
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  12. Odin

    Fix weapon imbalance and u will fix any pop imbalance, it's that simple.
  13. LordMondando

    Its actually quite easy to explain miller. Months and months of population imbalance, has caused the organised part of the NC and to an extent the allways massively underpoped VS to be decimated - Consortium here is a great case study, used to field 2 platoons nightly, now fields 2 squads at a push. TR now not only have far more people on a fairly regular basis, they also have the lions share of competent outfits on the server. Indeed compared to the NC especially (given the 'newbie funnel' effect, which has not been as much of a reinforcement of quality troops as I think any of us would like) the contrast people the number of people in basically competent outfits and not is stark contrast.

    Now this is partly an issue with how the outfit ecology generally works, as its basically a level playing field for a 'good' outfit to compete for manpower with random crap thrown together in the warpgate (which in effect nearly takes that manpower out of play), but that's another issue which needs to be looked into at some point. The basic issue common to all of this, as i've been banging on about now for ages. Just to compare the NC and TR as thats largely what i'm familiar with. Is if, NC have lets say 9 descent outfits in play with 1-2 squads, the TR have 12. Even with the most rudimentary cooperation going on, that's a flank we can't hold (either in a lane or a single base). Its often as simple as that.

    Then morale plummets and our forces are further diminished.

    And now, sizable population swings with people 4th fractional nearly every alert (and the alerts are 2-3 a peice in prime time, I thought they were supposed to be an off peak measure) allows the TR to easily dominate, to the point where to compete the NC and VS have to be playing amazingly and at levels of near military cooperation (and largely to leave each other alone) to have any competitivechance what so ever.

    Every fight, due to the game mechanics is a matter of holding a series of static objectives. If you have less organised manpower, at present. You are eventually either overrun or outflanked by a numerically superior force.

    If that large force had a weakness we could exploit, be a totally different game. As it stands, they do not. We either have to take an objective held by superior numbers, defend an objective against superior numbers or ghost cap.
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  14. Walking Bug

    [conspiracy mode on]
    Successful troll is succesful. Nicely done mr. Malorn. :(
    Oh wait ... :confused:
    ... you are doing this not as a TR representative from FNO but as a developer. :eek:
    [conpiracy mode off]

  15. Malorn

    Not necessarily. There's a lot of other possibilities, such as organization and local culture of the servers/empires. That's why we need more than just a few days of data and why I'm excited to see how the scoring habits develop.
  16. IamDH

    I'm rather confused. If the population isn't the main cause of this, what could it be? Skill cap? Better outfits?
    I'd find it rather shocking that a server would have a higher skill cap on such a scale. What i'd also like to note is that this website shows the amount of log-ins. If i were to log in to VS then switch to my TR account I wouldn't have an effect on the difference (well i think)

    I apologize if what i said sounds incredibly stupid. I just find it rather baffling that TR would have an advantage on all servers if the cause isn't population
  17. Hatamoto

    this explains alot ..
  18. Posse

    Exactly, one faction having superior players across the board is statistically impossible with the number of players this game has. So, if one faction is having a huge advantage over the 2 others, there are 3 possible reasons:

    1) Population imbalances
    2) Faction imbalances
    3) Better Warpgates

    Guess what? TR has the advantage in all 3 of them!! :eek:
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  19. ItsJustDash

    How about you come and play on Waterson during the day and see first hand instead of looking at charts that just is just showing someone has logged in at that hour? I mean any of us can log in the log out during the day to make it look like "even pops" but play the game and see first hand.

    Either way Oct 1st is sure looking good for a lot of us.
  20. freeze

    I haven't bothered to login in nearly 2 weeks now...

    this thread, these numbers and, the icing on the cake, these devs posts here, just tell me, that it was a good decision.

    it's mindboggling what you're letting happen to your game SOE
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