Yo Daily Reminder of Waterson's Problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItsJustDash, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Lampenfieber

    Where is SOE?
    Sugestion: Server FREE Transferer


    Input a population limit for new players

    33.x% VS
    33.x% TR
    33.x% NC

    When reach the limit for one empire, the new player can only create in that other two empires. This is a real method to fix this balance.
  2. DeadliestMoon

    It also doesn't help that you're apart of DVS, I hear they are notorious for team killing.
  3. NeverWas

    36~37% minus 5~6% that left 31% , that's for NC

    28% minus 3%, that's 25% for VS.

    now make your choice.
  4. Pirbi

    I'm just talking in generalizations of course. We have outfit members on at all hours and from all over the world. But it generally seems to be an EST server with participation peaking at a time when people on the east coast are off work and school.
  5. Ghosty11

    There is nothing "new" about this. The TR off peak dominance on Waterson has been around since last December. Mattherson Vanu became overpopulated due to many Waterson Vanu jumping ship to Mattherson, which only made Waterson's problems worse.
  6. Brayton

  7. Ash87

    ...Well to be fair, it was a draw.

    That said...

    Waterson's pop problem largely stems from the fact that there is a core of European TR that play during the morning hours when 80% of the server is away at School or work. Because of the difference in timezone, these people are getting home or off school. A few months back it was the late night Odam platoon that was doing it. This isn't because one faction is full of mature minded individuals who have careers rather than playing silly video games, it's because we have somehow attracted people from Europe. So, the next person who states: "My faction is full of mature adults, so we can't play all day" Should be taken out by their respective faction, and hurled in the streets, because this is counter-productive nonsense.

    I quoted the above because of the alert he mentioned actually typifies Waterson pretty well. The VS don't participate in alerts anymore. So during the Alert, VS were a ridiculously high percentage of the pop on Indar and Esamir. NC and TR were about even in pop on Amerish. VS took Indar and esamir, NC and TR fought to a draw on Amerish, locking the continent with a 30-50 person que. World pop on Waterson is typically Even during primetime, if not favoring the NC. The NC have fewer organized alliances though, though there are recent efforts to establish one, lead up by DVS. Conversely, Waterson VS is pretty much one big organized alliance of outfits with XOO, R8th, VDRS, DAWN, and a few others running with highly trained people in an organized fashion every night. Waterson TR has at Least 2-3 small Alliances running: CDL-HSTL-IR, ODAM-BAT5-TRAF, and at least one (Though I don't know about it's use much anymore) large group TS that is accessed by people intermittently.

    Out of the three factions, I am honestly going to say that the VS deserve much more help here, because they have such an organized core, and have such difficulty retaining people. If the NC on this forum were as dedicated to organizing, as they were to insulting and screaming about their plight, they would be one of the organized forces in Planetside 2.

    There are 2 Outfits on Waterson NC that could organize alliances that I would say have the potential to be lasting: DVS and H4T. Both have reputation, noticable members, and a core of players that could organize. So far what I have seen happening, and what I have heard from people in NC, is that the organizing groups all hate each other, and universally hate DVS. Frankly, you folks need to get over that. Organize smaller groups together first and work up from there, that is what it took for TR.
  8. CaligoIllioneus

    The thing is, while the population issue has always existed, it got worse with the change of meta. I played TR back when the objective was capping Indar and the best you could do is get a triple cap, which was extremely difficult. When that was the meta, it was more fair to the underpop factions, because while they couldn't take the continent with their inferior numbers, they could protect their own cap or protect the continent neutrality by throwing their people into the same hex. This is how Indar remained capped by VS for a lot of time, they'd send their forces to Arc Bioengineering which was stupidly hard to take.

    Also since more territory had to be captured in order to cap the continent, this led to the 2 factions focusing on the overpopped one, it was something that happened naturally because the overpop faction would eventually separate the other two. This kept the overpop faction in check so that taking a continent was still a challenge even if they had a lot of people. This kept things fresh for me as TR, because while you could outnumber the enemies, you had to fight on two fronts so the challenge was still there.

    The Odam late night platoon protected Esamir and Amerish caps and sometimes the Indar cap as well (when TR had it) from enemy ghost cappers or other late night threats. It was very useful in keeping the same global situation for the next primetime battle.

    Then SOE changed it so the continent caps mean nothing, and introduced alerts. I actually do like alerts, but they made population problems worse. Alerts, especially those that are not single-continent facility alerts, favor the overpop faction greatly.

    The underdog faction just cannot win anymore if it is the underdog. It can only win at a couple hours on primetime if the alert is on Indar and the pops are balanced, but a faction with say 29% pop can never win a "hold all the tech plants" alert, which led to a lot of VS abandoning alerts altogether, making the issue worse.
  9. ItsJustDash

    Look at my screen shot again you dope.

    Then tell me something,.
  10. Phyr

    Look at the post directly above the one you quoted.
  11. ItsJustDash

    Tells the same story ~.^

    Even though it is just one continent it tells the same sad story.
  12. Smoke_Bomb!

    Nope, far from it o_O

    Just pointing out what happened in the alert everyone was complaining about....Actions beget responses...TR will move over to Amerish or Esamir with the full expectation they will win the alert (admittedly aided with higher pop most of the time) while VS and NC will stay on Indarside (it's pretty common to see Indar Cont pops 30-40VS 15-25TR 30-40NC if the alert isn't on Indar, such as when the VS and NC alliance (i'm not the one saying it, an NC guy posted it in a different thread) warp-gated the TR on Indar primetime a few days back).

    Major props to the 2-3 VS and NC squads attempting to defend Heyoka and Mekala on Amerish, but they really couldn't anything once the TR threw 2 platoons at them while their "allies" stay on Indar. Forty minutes into the alert the TR held 5 tech plants, the NC and VS fourth factioned to the TR once it was pretty clear the alert outcome was decided, and TR threw everyone at Hvar simply because we desperately wanted a fight.

    I think most of the Waterson TR would gladly back some sort of account locking or other limitation to stop the fourth faction. The alert before the global tech plants was a capture Amerish one, which ended up a draw between the NC and the TR. That was loads of fun, equal cont pops (there was a huge queue i'm told) and a solid back and forth between NC and the TR on the map. Even with 20% cont pop the VS managed to play spoiler for both sides by taking a few TR territories and a NC one.

    My point being, abandoning alerts altogether like the VS and NC seemingly do just further increases the population problems those factions have. People who want to win the alerts will switch to their TR alts. New players who don't understand why their faction isn't fighting the Red Tide for the alert will switch to the TR. That only further expounds the issue with over-pop.
  13. EViLMinD

    You "hear" what? Like ANY large outfit, you will get some members who don't adhere to the established policies for code of conduct. I'm one of the original PS2 DVS members and we've never supported random TKing. We've come down hard on members who abuse other blues for no good reason. We don't think that's cool.

    Nevertheless, I have no problem whacking a teammate who intentionally TKs or attacks me. I feel completely justified defending myself or getting revenge on some creep if they start something. Heck no. Some dude shoots my Harasser because I won't let him in - he gonna die. Some dimwit opens up on me when no enemies are present - he gonna die.

    Please don't make such broad assumptions. That's how false rumors get spread.
  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    Frankly, even TR have difficulty fielding a full platoon of high caliber players. A while back you posted in the outfit recruiting forum on Waterson with the intent to form a non-outfit group of skilled players that would just have fun rolling together. I sent you a friend request, but since that time ~2 months ago, I have never received a tell or squad invite from you to go do what you were proposing to do. What happened?
  15. EViLMinD

    Sorry. Just friend me then. Same name. We'll do a few Harasser runs together. You'll be very glad you did. I drive a mean buggy.
  16. Brayton

    I just don't understand the hate. And yesterday was glorious when we tied but everyone got upset, because we tied.

  17. ViXeN

    The pops really aren't that bad in this one. Its pretty balanced. I'm shocked that VS actually has more than NC though. LOL

    I think the problem with NC is that I have noticed you guys aren't very organized, as far as the big outfits working together is concerned. There needs to be better communication. VS has had that same problem sometimes for a little while now but not as bad as NC.
  18. CaligoIllioneus

    I was on this alert and Indar looked like this because the NC was taking some territories near a tech plant on Esamir so the majority of TR went there to defend or to cap Amerish. On that screenshot the TR global pop was around 44-45% and some minutes later it was 47%.

    I don't know why NC had 0 tech plants, though
  19. LibertyRevolution

    Not winning is the same as losing.
    No reason to get happy about a draw..
    That just means everyone failed the objective.

    Personally just "winning" isn't even enough.. I get mad if its not a domination...
  20. NinjaTurtle

    Harder to blame them?!?!?!?!?!

    They are making it worse, it's this defeatist attitude that leads to defeat. No sports team that is successful goes into a big match thinking they are going to lose, they think they are going to win because that is the mentality you need to be triumphant.

    If players are deciding to take the easy route then there's nothing you can do to stop them, but they are not blameless
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