Whats the closet thing the NC has to the TAR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Raichu

    The TAR by far my favorite gun in the game I play NC as main. I was wondering what;s the closet thing the NC has to the TAR
  2. Ash87

    Heat rounds on the Vanguard.
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  3. Swoo

    You want the Carnage. The TAR with a foregrip is basically that gun.
  4. Lazaruz

    Carnage BR. Which in my own personal opinion is even better than the TAR :)
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  5. Bill Hicks

    The closest thing an NC can get is to press escape and make a TR character.
  6. DashRendar

    More NC should use the Vanguard, because it's awesome. I don't know why more NC don't pull it.
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  7. Revanmug

    What? No. The little brother of Tar for NC is the GR22. Not the Carnage.

    Also, why would put a foregrip on those gun?

    Because it is mediocre at infantry farming which is the main thing people do and for good reasons.
  8. Swoo

    The foregrip on a TAR is one of the best kept secrets in the game. Go to VR, try it out, it's a surprisingly effective combination. (Edit: And I've used it extensively in live settings, so I'm not trying to pull a 'I used it for twenty minutes in the VR and I hereby appoint myself master of all knowledge pertaining to the weapon!')

    And I still love the Carnage.
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  9. Rohnlex

    GR22, although you dont get 40 rounds :(
  10. Flashtirade

    Carnage. The GR-22 is closer to the TRV.
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  11. Mxiter

    GR-22 have very close stats to the TAR:
    -Same ROF+ Damage tier = same DPS.
    -Same COFs.
    -10 less bullet but shorter reload.
    -Lower recoils (vertical and horizontal) to balance to 10 less bullets (combined with shorter reload).
    -Slight better first shot mutliplier.

    The TRV have no NC equivalents like the BR carnage have no TR equivalents.
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  12. rickampf

    The Carnage
  13. lothbrook

    Its because its absolutely terrible the first time you pull it, it can't get out of its own way, it can't turn, and the reload timer is just plain awful. So most people pull one, die horribly, and think "Well i'm not doing that again", its just by far the worst tank when its uncerted.
  14. asdfPanda

    GR-22. They share the same firerate.
  15. Accuser

    Try the Orion (which happens to be the -default- VS LMG) and your love for the TAR will quickly fade.
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    Carnage BR with advanced foregrip and compensator. basically as close as you're going to get to any decent TR/VS weapon.
  17. Jachim

    Man I hate the TAR I dunno about you guys. Other than for close CQB... even then I prefer an SMG>
  18. Trysaeder

    Yeah, let me grab a weapon with more recoil, slower reload and lower rate of fire, all for another 10 rounds in the magazine.

    GR-22 is the closest thing to the TAR for the NC. Slightly better handling stats and comes with the advanced forward grip, but loses 10 rounds in the magazine..
  19. Hoki

    Are you foregrip people trolling?
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  20. DashRendar

    Valid point. Although that's acceptible for beta/early release. I would expect that by this time everyone is certed up and are trying things out instead of just playing infantry 24/7.