Why do people like the SVA-88?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Kodaa, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. KnightCole

    1 hour with the pulsar lsw and i like that gun alot. Its insanely easy to handle and its very acc with no noticable recoil. Or my time with nc has made it seem that way. I almost felt like a hacker using that gun.
  2. Posse

    Actually, the Gauss Saw has a higher vertical recoil, the thing is, the first shot recoil of the SVA-88 is pretty low, and with a compensator, vertical recoil is almost unnoticeable, I don't see it as being a challenge, I see it as the easy mode LMG, if you want a challenge, use the Orion for mid-long range :D

    Of course, using a compensator has the trade-off of making it worse for close range, that's exactly why I only use the SVA-88 for specific situations where I expect no close range combat, example: dropping on top of the spíre of any tower facility and sniping all the dumb TR with strikers and AV turrets in the landing pads (plus those Fracture MAXes with my lancer hehe), that's a great situation for the SVA
  3. Sossen

    Because it gets a great number of advantages in exchange for only one real disadvantage - very high vertical recoil. But vertical recoil is completely controllable, making it a high skillcap weapon with lots of potential.
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  4. Trysaeder

    Single shot recoil is nearly irrelevant in gameplay. The SVA's 315 recoil puts it above the SAW's 275 (Orion and CARV at both at 300), making it the gun with the highest recoil.

    I feel the same way. While it certainly can cater to most situations, it cannot do that all at once. While having an Orion + Polaris combination gives you better specificity, an SVA can adapt to those roles moderately well provided that you've got a terminal nearby.
  5. Posse

    It's the one that matters for burst firing at longer distances actually, I don't know where you're getting those numbers from btw.
  6. Sossen

    RPM times vertical recoil.
  7. Mastachief

    Didn't it come free with alpha squad.
  8. TheTreeness

    It was part of the alpha squad package, so in conclusion, yes.

    Anyways, usually there are positions in firefights that I like to call "sweet spots". I think almost everyone has had a taste of this, this is where you find that one position where your kills just keep piling up and you wonder how long this sweet sweet killing spree will go on for. With the SVA-88 your options on advantageous positions rise without sacrificing much CQC effectiveness, think of it like those shooter strategy games or VATs in the Fallout series.
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  9. ViXeN

    Stick with the Orion. Trust me. :D
  10. Kodaa

    I probably will for a while. My VS character is pretty new and cert starved right now, so dumping 500+ into a small sidegrade isn't really in the budget when the Orion is serving me so well.
  11. pnkdth

    Sort of feels like the GD-22S in the way it handles. This could be why it feels so good in the hands of someone who's been playing NC. Least that is the feeling I get when I play my NC HA(have a VS main). Infact, I think most of the guns I prefer the most of both my TR and NC alt are weapons that kind of feels like VS weapons. That, and I am probably a much better PS2 player now than I first started out.
  12. Ganjis

    Alpha Squad. I sort of got it for free (or got other stuff free and blindly bought it, however you view it). I tend to prefer the VS Alpha Squad weapons over the defaults except HA where I like the Orion as much as the 88.

    On the NC, I like the SAW and the AS one (EM6 I think) depending on situation. On TR I think I prefer the default, but I may have got muddled up and actually prefer the AS HMG (they all look the same), either way there is one I prefer.
  13. KnightCole

    Few more hours with pulsar and its dmg beyond about 20m is terrible. I took up position in the tech plant where i usually go over looking cap and fired hundreds of rounds into guys....hardly any kills. My nc guns pile the bodies up from that same location.

    Guesx thats the 143 vs 127 working there.

    Up close its pretty amazing though. Good hipfire and all. Makes me consider getting the carv-s as it to has 698rpm but with more gizmos.

    Another complaint..75rds...damn..i miss the xtra 25 lol.
  14. Qasar

    In instances where I'd use the SVA over the Orion, I prefer the Flare and it's only 250 certs.
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  15. Bill Hicks

    LOL have you even used the SVA ? its godly. It usefull at every range. Its good at cqc. Its easy to control. Yes the Orion is incredible. But having 25 extra rounds is extremely handy.
  16. Qasar

    1416 kills with it here. I still prefer the Orion for close to medium and the Flash for medium to long.
  17. Posse

    The Flare is crap, the only LMG I certed beside the Orion and SVA and I stopped using it before getting to Auraxium, as soon as I went back to the Orion my daily K/D bumped by 0.5-1 lol.
  18. Qasar

    First off, I apparently, in my lack of coffee sluggish mind, wrote "Flash" instead of "Flare". /facepalm

    Second off, okay, Posseee! Challenge accepted. Tonight I'll use the Orion again and see if that's what put me in my current slump. Pretty sure it's because I've been maining Medic lately, but even my HA game play has been crap. I worked hard and got up to a 1.82 k/d but I slid back down to 1.79 over the past week. :(
  19. BigDeezMac

    vs is easy mode

    go TR if you want a challenge
  20. Sossen

    Not true.