Who do I talk to about accurate ADS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aegie, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. phreec

    The only thing they need to fix is to remove all the scope wobble animations while ADS so the dot/reticle remains at the center of the screen while moving.
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  2. Hands Down

    Yeah, lag is what makes this game feel like a cheat-fest at times. It feels and looks like somebody is cheating when you go down after few bullets where half of your clip still leaves other guy in quite good repair... And believe me, it happens even to people with $2,000.00 rig and top of the line internet connection.
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  3. Aegie

    Yeah, exactly- this is what is so frustrating about this issue.
  4. Aegie

    I mean, if they want to get fancy and have something like parallax then they should do it right because according to the animation your projectiles should be leading the sight not following it. Oh, and just FYI for those who do not know, reflector sights are actually designed specifically to be completely immune to parallax: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflector_sight
  5. Gheeta

    While i completely disagree with your hipfire ranting i think this issue is absolutely unacceptable and needs to be fixed and fast.
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  6. Bill Hicks

    VS weapons have ridiculous synergy with hipfiring; other than that, ADS owns hipfire.
  7. Campagne

    I agree with the main point. PlanetSide 2 is far too rewarding for players who just spray as oppose to players that actively aim at every/most every enemy that they encounter.
  8. HerpTheDerp

    Sorry, I cannot hear you all over that ******** about ADS being useless and there's no reason to not hipfire.

    Try making a thread with less wrong with it.
  9. Goretzu

    Hipfire is a strangely even more powerful that it seems, I went on an utter hipfire rampage with a EM6 a few days ago, dispite it being set up for long range (comp/grip/HVA), I was actually shocked at how powerful it was in the right situation (very close and with corners to move straight behind after each kill), that the hipfire CoF covered 1/2 the screen didn't matter at the range I was using it. :D

    I don't mind hipfire being that poweful in your face close up though, but it's daft that on many weapons it's very viable right out to medium range.
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  10. Sordid

    I've basically just thrown my hands up and started reporting everybody. If the game is so laggy that it looks indistinguishable from cheats, it's a problem of SOE's own making, so they can sort through the damn reports.

    Well yeah, the fact that PS2 doesn't have proper reflex sights boggles the mind. Then again, it has guns with ejection ports blocked by rails and an SMG where the magazine goes in upside down into the stock and bullets magically teleport from it halfway down the length of the gun to the chamber, so it's pretty clear whoever designed PS2's guns has absolutely no idea how firearms actually work. It wouldn't surprise me if they thought reflex sights really were just a piece of glass with a dot painted on it.
  11. Iridar51

    Sooo. Still no reliable way to create an overlay crosshair at center of the screen?
    Preferably, without getting banned :p

    And before you say, no, I don't want to spoil my monitor with drawing crosshair with marker pen or resort to low-tech "bubblegum" solution.
  12. lilleAllan

    Are iron sights also slightly off center, like reflex sights are?
    I'm using iron sights on most weapons now (except the ones with terrible sights like the EM6 or Rhino). Especially on NC weapons with those horrible reflex dots.
  13. Trysaeder

    There are, but you must be playing in windowed mode (which is bad because it decreases performance and responsiveness) for them to work. Fullscreen solutions would require DX modification which can get you banned.

    I've used a CS classic static crosshair for a short time before, but the game's gunplay is just too choppy for it to be worth using windowed mode. During this time I've found that the hip fire crosshair isn't even in the centre of the screen (it's 1 pixel off).
  14. Iridar51

    I wonder if XSplit could be used for this purpose. There might be other uses for it, too. I saw HuskyStarcraft use XSplit to increase minimap size.
  15. Iridar51

    EDIT: Apparently, this can be done only while using two monitors, which seems kinda overkill. The link.
  16. Aegie

    overlay = bad, cheap, garbage
    fixing in game graphics (or mechanics) = bacon
  17. Kunavi

    I ADS in 80% of my encounters no matter the weapon. I never use Laser/Adv Laser. I never use NV either. If HF is so good and ADS is so bad yet I still have a good, consistently increasing K/D, I wonder if I should join the masses and HF only, with an SMG too. That should rocket my K/D insanely, right?... Damn, I might start thinking I'm suppressing my own skills here and that I'm in fact MLG material, held back by ADS.. ;P I doubt this is the case. I'm good, but not THAT good so I should have a TERRIBLE K/D for ADSing only if things are THAT bad.

    That said.. I agree with your XHair arguements and with that other Thread, I support all that you said and I think ADS and HF should have very clear and distinct differences, as in being situational- Not one being better than the other or we have QuakeSide2.
    So I must agree that if you prove HF tramples ADS in every way, they need to fix it ASAP!! >.<
  18. Aegie

    My problem is not so much performance related as it is related to the information you are provided.

    Hipfire provides 100% accurate aiming information 100% of the time + COF info + reticle changes color when you should shoot.

    ADS provides misleading aiming information anytime you move/turn no COF info and no easymode color changing reticle.

    What sense does that make?
  19. FABIIK

    Why not simply remove the crosshair hipfiring?

    You want a crosshair ? Go ADS.

    Like real weapons do...
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  20. phreec

    Well to be fair if we're gonna pull the real life card again, in real life you know approximately where your barrel is pointing. Not to mention the hipfire CoF is considerably wider than when ADS. Even ArmA 3 has crosshairs enabled in most modes because a real soldier knows where his gun is pointed, just not with the same precision.
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