Bring back the beta night!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Seaker Drone, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. Vanu2013

  2. TomDRV

  3. TomDRV

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  4. faykid

    the night should be dark and full of terrors, i agree
  5. Lance007

  6. -Synapse-

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  7. hellomumbo369

  8. Vanu2013

    Create a page for this on facebook and get everyone to like it. Put it onto the wikis so that everyone will know. Bump this thread every time you log in. COME ON!
  9. Testament

    I'm up for it as long as it doesn't impact the performance!
  10. Selieno

    Miss the old days of Beta, when I would fight the NC during the day and then, as night came closer, travel across the map with my squad just to watch the Vanu lightshows...

    As a side note, I actually got better performance back then than I do now with the exact same rig.
  11. Vanu2013

  12. YamiNoTenshi

    I did! It bumped me back and I ended up in a dark ditch :(
  13. YoXn

    honestly, I do not want Beta nights until they optimize the game.
  14. Pingonaut

    Planetside 2 Night: Pretty much daytime with darker tones.
  15. applepienation

    Nights have so much potential! So many new possible gameplay mechanices could be introduced! People were suggesting earlier on that IRNV shouldn't work during day, that flashlights blind IRNV scopes, spotlights on phalanx turrets, proper flare guns, and all that other stuff.

    I would love longer day/night cycles, too. Maybe like an hour and a half each, instead of what it is now.

    Hell, there's a lot of stuff I want to see in this game. Someday, maybe. Someday...
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  16. Vanu2013

  17. MasterDemoman

    Last bump was 2 days ago, changing that.
  18. GeneralOaklan

    I'd absolutely agree with this, this night was a sight to be seen, but with it gone, night is just day with a blue filter. Because they removed beta night, it removed a lot of tactics from the game and made many attachments useless. If they bring it back new players may be a slight disadvantage, but they can just stick by the players who actually have those attachments such as flashlights and IRNV
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  19. Skypebble

    Yay, this suggestion is still here and active! Hi everyone!
  20. [bwc] bhawk

    we need the nights back, so flashlights can be useful
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