I notice a lot of the high level BRs suck at shooting at people: why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. JudgeDeath

    I see the OP has read it.
    • Up x 1
  2. Sen7rygun

    Because high BR =/= Extensive front line infantry combat experience.

  3. LowTechKiller

    I'm in the minority, I guess, but I rarely run across a BR100 who can't play this game. BR100 takes a huge time investment and there's no way you can play that much without developing decent fighting skills. You may have run across one or two who let their little brothers play their toons, but I don't think you'll see that many.
  4. bPostal

    We could ask SOE to change it so that if you want to fight a BR 100 as a BR 30 you need a group of 4 like minded people. I'm thinking a HA, A Medic, An Engy and two ranged DPS should just about cover it. Then we can ask SOE to add backpacks into the game so that they'll drop loot!
  5. Campagne

    Probably because they're all pilots without any aerospace recourses left.
  6. hammyhamm

    Having a high BR doesn't make you a good player - it just means you have been playing for a long while. The "better" method for comparing relative skill would be average SPM (although this gets affected by afking/waiting for caps) coupled with KDR (including assists).
  7. hammyhamm

    Also, the way the clientside prediction works in the game means that you will have a much higher chance of survival 1 on 1 by maintaining a high initiative in fights (hint: don't be afraid to play aggressive when you can guarantee a quick ttk).
  8. SKYeXile

    i was wondering why low levels at this game suck so much, iv plowed so many **** players into the ground when farming I havnt been able to play in 9 months because i have such a backlog of potato's to peel which im using to make my victory fries with.
  9. DukeFlash

    Could be they have bad framerate, could be they normally spend their time in vehicles. Could be both.
    Could be they use iron sights too much when this game has turned into a hip-fire necessary game.
  10. Trysaeder

    Playtime = BR
    Playtime = experience (in the learning sense)
    Experience != skill

    I've seen people with over 1000 hours played who only have 2 KD and <200 native SPM (before boost). They may play heaps but do not improve much beyond average skilled players.
  11. Rayden78

    My framerate is not too good, so when playing infantry i'm mostly cannon fodder. Therefore i play only tank where framerate does not matter that much.
  12. Scudmungus

    BR100s are like rare pokemon, novelty STDs and leprechauns.
  13. Bill Hicks

    You all suck. Gun play is too easy in this game.
  14. Pirbi

    I dunno. But I can have a K/D of 2 or greater in a night and then be handed platoon lead and watch it crash to below 1 as I juggle coms, maps, and administrative tasks. Plus SPM drops. Still fun though.
  15. TeknoBug

    If you spend your time scrolling through your killboard on the PS2 players stats site, you'll notice most players that you kill or killed by are of < 1.0 KDR and ~80-150 SPH regardless of what BR, the amount of -good- players is pretty small.

    I know plenty of BR80's and up that are somewhat average.
  16. LordCreepy

    Who gives a damn about infantry? They are replaceable 0 resource cost gun fodder? Besides if you want to win a CC you don't really need to be good at shooting - just good at ressing people.

    Also what Pirbi said.
    BR= time invested -->chances are high a BR100 on foot is managing squads,plans on attack routes etc. Then you more or less just there to provide good spwan beacons, transports, talk on different people in TS and Leaderchannel, look @ the map, etc. not for fighting @100%. If the BR100 gets killed someone else of the squad will most likely kill the attacker and the BR100 gets ressed. --> nothing changed at the outcome at that fight.
  17. Peter Daniel

    As Mr. Torgue would say...

    Because :mad:EXPLOSIONS:mad: kills more.