[Suggestion] Make Phalanx turrets more resilient against C4/Mines

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scan, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Scan


    After hacking a phalanx turret, and having won the "will he pop out or not" game. I more often than not immediatly get destroyed by C4, or anti-tank mines that are being placed and then shot by the engineer that placed them.

    This instantly destroys the turret, and me along with it.

    I ran all this way, dodging enemies, avoiding detection, staying hidden in areas while surrounded by countless enemies, manage to hack a turret, and FINALLY after my goal has been achieved... BOOM. All my effort and time wasted by one person who simply placed some explosives and instantly kills me...

    I'm not getting a chance to react.... and this makes me very, very sad. :(

    Is it possible, pretty please with a cherry on top, to lower the damage C4 and mines do to Phalanx turrets, so I atleast get a chance to bail out, before it blows up?
  2. Astraka

    I feel your pain, but this is somewhat akin to the same complaints people have when I hack them out of the turret unexpectedly and have my Blitz aimed at their forehead.
  3. Scan

    Well... The big diffrence is, is that guy will respawn in a room nearby, and I more often than not am back at square one, probably a good distance away from where I was, without having had the chance to use the turret.

    Now.. I am okay with the not being able to use the turret part, but not with the instant death part.

    There's much risk involved, in infiltrating a crowded enemy base, and hacking their turret. The slightest reward for taking this risk and effort, could atleast be to be inside a turret that won't be destroyed within one second. (with less risk and effort)

    Seeing as how this thread doesn't get many replies, either I am the only one thinking like this, or no one ever hacks an enemy turret with the intent of using it. The latter would be understandable because phalanx turrets are so easy to destroy, it's hardly worth using it.

    I would like to see this changed, so it will motivate players to focus more on infiltrating, and less on kill farming. Furthermore, it would really give alot more utility to our class.
  4. IIXianderII

    Maybe they could add some effect to the hacking cert tree. The more along the line you are the greater health whatever you hacked has, and less heat is gained per shot. Not anything major, but just enough so that at max rank 1 C4 is not quite enough to destroy a turret.
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  5. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I've found that laying a proximity mine right around the bend of that little wall guarding the turret platform often nails anyone coming up to toss something like that. You get mixed results with different placements of the mine, but its a good way to ensure you keep it for a little bit.

    It works exceptionally well on those tower placed turrets with the jump pads...no one ever expects it for some reason.

    This made me laugh though, I almost thought your post was nanoweave satire.
  6. Scan

    This might work on both the NC and VS factions, but Claymores being as blatantly visible as they are, won't help you on this front.

    Well.....that scentence was ofcourse aimed at the comment: "We want people to have a chance to react" When someone asked: Why don't BASR headshots kills someone with Rank 3 NW. I think it was Luperza who said it... so everytime I get instantly killed I'm like: "HEY, I didn't get a chance to react!! no fair!!"

    The Phalanx Turrets in general have always been rather weak. They did however buff their damage output, so IF you happen to manage to get into one behind a few lightning/MBT's you can wreak quite abit of havoc. (this wasn't possible before the buffs, because the turrets fired balls of mud)
    Sometimes, the guy will pop out and you can immediatly shoot him in the face, and happily take over his turret.
    More often than not however, you can't kill the guy because the render delay is still very real. (he pops out, and can shoot you, but isn't rendered on your screen, so you cannot shoot him). So to remedy this, I enter the turret, and try to exit it it a couple of seconds after in hopes of being able to shoot the guy.

    A few things can happen then:
    - Either he has already placed mines and you get instantly blown up the moment you exit the turret.
    - He and/or his mates are waiting for you and kill you the moment you leave the turret.
    - The guy has run off, alerting his mates you are in his turret.
    - The guy is still there and you manage to kill him. (need an SMG.. and the only positive outcome)
    - The guy is still there and easily kills you because he's got a better weapon and superiour survivability.

    In any case, wether you manage to kill the guy occupying the turret or not, makes little diffrence, since he will respawn close by, he will bring C4/Anti-Tank mines, and you will get destroyed instantly, without prior warning.
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  7. Nuubo

    There is just a small problem with your sugestion..... right now, one C4 is not enough to destroy a Phalanx turret, in fact, the turret will have just below 50% hp after one C4 explosion (placed on the back of the turret - not sure if turrets have any weak points like tanks do, tho).

    So we are talking about two C4s to destroy one full HP turret and get one Infiltrator kill, thats 200 resources which could be used to blow up a MAX or two, a MBT or a slightly damaged Sundy. Sounds pretty balanced to me.....
  8. Scan

    I'm not asking the turret to not be destroyed. I'm asking to get a chance to get out before it does.

    A possibility would be to have some sort of audio warning.
  9. Nuubo

    Well, I wasn't replying to you....

    Anyway, can't you just place a Recon Dart(s) nearby to detect any incoming enemies?
  10. TheRighteous

    I know how you feel, really, its happened to me enough times. There are ways to prevent it however. Putting an AP mine behind the turret will usually stop any sneak attacks. I understand there may be something else you want in that utility slot, buy its a sacrifice that's worth it if you know you're going to be hacking. Like another guy said, there really should be a way to cert into more health or whatever :p
  11. Astraka

    Again, this is exactly the kind of solution I've heard a hundred times reference getting hacked out of the turret. The reward for your risk is you being able to use an AV turret against targets who are not expecting it.

    Just place a recon dart, hop in/out quickly if they don't render and kill the initial person in the turret, then proceed to use said turret to your advantage for the short time you have it. With a maxed recon dart you'll have 40 seconds of use before you'll be in the dark again about your surroundings. If you see someone come up to the turret while you're in it, hop out & deal with the threat accordingly.
  12. IIXianderII

    My apologies, I do not have very much experience with c4 (other than being on the receiving end of it) and just assumed it was 1.
  13. Artalion

    Suppose you get this warning. What would this change do to the game?

    First, it would hurt light assault players. Infiltrators aren't the only ones who go after turrets, LA's also target them... with two sticks of C4. They sneak up, drop the C4, detonate it and kill the engineer and the turret... except now the engineer can bail out and repair the turret.

    Tank drivers would also want in on the action. If the turret gunner gets to bail out, why shouldn't tank drivers? Two C4 also nukes vehicles, which allows LA and other classes to take out vehicles (with a little bit of stealth and guile.) How well do you think a LA would do against a 2/2 prowler if the crew is allowed to bail out?

    What you are proposing is a nerf to C4 and it's ability to kill for no other reason than to extend a kill streak.

    If you want to deal with the problems of being blown up in a hacked turret you'll need to change your perception. The strength of an infiltrator is their ability to go unnoticed. The moment an infiltrator is noticed, he is vulnerable. You described how brilliantly you infiltrated the base, but the moment you start firing from that turret, you are loud and visible. Defenders definitely will notice you.

    Placing a mine outside your turret is a good warning that you're about to get cooked. It is all the audio warning you'll ever need. It's not the best way, LA's can still jump on top and take you down. So, my best advice is to fire off a few shots, then disappear again after leaving a proximity present. Find another turret, and hack that one.

    You sound like you have a good handle of what it means to be an infiltrator, you just need to remember to apply them at all times. You stopped acting like an infiltrator once you got in that turret and that's why you got killed.
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  14. FateJH

    I'm not certain what to think about an Infiltrator who complains about an instant death without reaction situation when a large argument right now is in distaste of Nanoweave for stopping sniper rifles from being able to OHKO surprise.

    On the positive side, you were doing your job as an Infiltrator and not sniping, and the core issue of this thread only touches the act of infiltrating, so this may balance out, all things considered.