The weight of all these certs is breaking my back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TFeldt, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Phazaar

    Agreed with OP. I'm literally at the point of getting reload speed for my Vortek, because there's just nothing else left that I want.

    It's beyond ******** that SOE aren't capable of increasing the cert bank - why on earth shouldn't we be able to keep more than 10k? And for that matter, why aren't the daily bonuses stacking yet? I'm sick and tired of logging onto six characters to collect something I am paying for. It's such a ******** situation I can't even think of an analogy for it...
  2. CEGrif

  3. Corporate Thug

  4. TFeldt

    Is this where I paste the picard facepalm picture? That's a great idea that basically solves a lot of my issues. Unsub, keep buying bling, when I feel the NEED FOR SPEED(y certs) then just resub. So obvious.. and yet it totally eluded me for some reason.

    Thank you so much for the suggestions mate. One issue is that I'm doing what another chap suggested above, namely going for auraxium for all the weapons (long, long, LONG time goal). The fury on the flash is in the bag for instance, thus I won't upgrade it further until I have auraxium on all the other weapons. For the flash in particular I stopped short of the max level since I tend to get killed before I ever run out of ammo. I go by feel, if I run out of ammo or feel it's lacking in some other way then I upgrade it further on demand.

    Other items like tricking out the galaxy is excellent advice, and I will after this thread, since it'd be fun to run transport again. But to be honest I mostly upgraded it to do some skywhaling.. turns out I'm absolutely terrible at it. But hey, that lumifiber sure looks snazzy on it.

    Every single one of your other suggestions are now on my todo list. The prowler ap sniping in particular is interesting. I tried it on the lightning but I.. well, got sniped more often than not. Let's see if anchormode can help me any.
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  5. Roarboar

    Either give us more to spend certs on, like more expensive and slightly better weapons and whatnot, or raise the cert cap to 30 + k
  6. Lucidius134

    Anchor AP prowler has the highest muzzle velocity in the game (for vechs for sure) IIRC. Cert up some zoom and you're golden.

    I know Compass rocked AP-AP alot.

  7. LT_Latency

    Does any know what happens when we get the cert refund??

    I am sitting around 9k certs. Will we lose cert if our refund goes over 10k??? Just want to know if I should spend some to be safe and not lose them when we get the refund.
  8. LowTechKiller

    He has a 6 month membership that automatically renews every 6 months. He's not STILL in his original membership period, but it's still a 6 month membership.
  9. Fenrys

    Would a bunch of players going around repairing everything and farming kills really be such a bad thing? It's not immediately obvious to me how it might hurt the game, while every other player benefits from a larger active playerbase.

    IMO, as long as they don't cheat or feed free kills, let them farm.
  10. Lucidius134

    It'de more than likely lead to people making level 1 accounts, finding an empty corner of amerish, purchasing engi-AV turrets and shooting eachothers sunderers/repairing and than selling certs in a black market to undermind SOE's monetization layout
  11. ViXeN

    20,000 certs?????????????? :eek: If you could gift certs in this game I would be happy to take some of that weight off your shoulders. :D
  12. RobotNinja

    I think they implemented the 10k cert limit, to discourage cert-hording so players are more incentive to spend Station Cash. Otherwise, it makes no damn sense to put a cap on certs.
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  13. phreec

    Hah! Take that, Membershippers! I never have this problem!

    I wish I did though... :(
  14. Xale

    I had for a little while.

    Then Harasser.
    And when when you get bored:
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  15. Cab00se187

    Stop playing so much and get some sunshine.
  16. Tommyp2006

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  17. gregfox89

    I don't think people in this thread know how the cert cap works. 10,000 is the maximum amount it will display, but you can still have more.

    Example: You have 10,900 certs (it only displays as 10,000) and you buy something that costs 1000 certs. You now have 9,900 certs and it displays the amount properly.
  18. HooWoo

    I still need 5250 certs to max out my prowler with reload speed 5 (for halberd) and lvl 9,10 for heat ammo and lvl 9,10 for halberd ammo... sigh.
  19. freeze

    I always feel bad shooting your harasser lately =/
  20. ToothpasteEater

    I feel like it's time to try another empire. Go cobalt with VS/NC (you probably wouldn't like to be on the other side on Miller)