Why do NC have nothing on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xboxerdude, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Yetskii

    This is the problem too many gamers have...

    Oh noes, I messed up my kill streak...I cannot go to a different base and mess up my cert gain....

    CML plays to win, not worry about silly things like certs and k/d or streaks.
  2. Yetskii

    I love you too
  3. EliteEskimo

    Dzire don't let them get to you man, you're leading one of the few outfits that keeps NC in the game. To your credit BWC always enjoy fighting CML when we're fighting the NC, it keeps us on edge because you guys try to flank and make quick movements on the battlefield. :)
  4. Giggily

    I wouldn't say that a time difference of 7 seconds validates giving up any amount of XP in a game where winning or losing rarely makes any actual difference. Clutch saves during alerts, maybe, but I don't think NC has been having to worry about those very often.
  5. ElSuerte Diego

    I ran into CML's air force the other night during ops when we tried flanking Tarwich from the Scarred Mesa Skydock. It was painful. Obviously they didn't get the message that VS is op and that NC sucks.

    It seems like NC Mattherson is getting better. Last night during an Indar Tech plant alert, they managed to hold off the combined forces of both the TR and VS in order to force a draw. It didn't appear to just be numbers either. They good about using combined infantry and tanks to hold off pushes from Tarwich Depot. They also kept a hold of the cliffs surrounding the tech plant, which must have taken a good deal of coordination.

    I wonder how TR faired when they tried to come in from the Tower.
  6. Neptunium-K

    I started an NC character on Mattherson because a friend from my competitive team had been playing the empire for awhile, and because the reaver brings back fond memories. I switched after seeing some old friends on the VS side (I played VS in PS1, as well).

    I've mostly been playing at odd hours this past week, so my experiences aren't representative of prime time play. That being said, I hadn't seen the reinforcement request icon a single time on my NC character, and the NC command chat was . . . less than constructive. "Commanders" were typically ridiculing their empire or demanding relocation without giving any reasons. I've also been told that the general attitude amongst the few organized outfits on the NC side is that non-outfit players aren't particularly important - although that information may be incorrect.

    Coupled with these less-than-stellar experiences were constant complaints from NC players in /y about VS population. And while VS certainly had pop advantages during some periods, the disparity wasn't consistent: I've found myself in numerous fights where 20-25% VS pushed back 70+% NC or TR - thanks largely to organized outfits. The population thing seems to be the go-to excuse, and I've even seen it used immediately after majority pop NC forces were pushed out of the hex (like last night, for example). No kidding your hex pop is now lower: you just lost the battle.

    So yeah, sometimes pop is an issue. It's not always the issue, though, and the sooner you realize that fact, the sooner you can get to fixing it.

    As an aside, the command options in PS2 are awful compared to the original's selection. Just awful. Also, letting anyone cert that stuff? Also awful. For whatever reason, the VS orders seem to be used infrequently, and to good effect; the NC ones, though, not so much. At least not in my experience.
  7. BaronVonVirtu

    CML continues to be a good fight when we find them in battle, I've seen a couple of newer NC outfits show up recently (VCO?) that appear to be a bit organized and have some potential.
  8. Negator

    Lols, i love how this random nobody is bagging on the top NC outfit leader about, well, anything. Contribute to the fight yolokiddo, or let those with the backbone do it.
  9. VoidMagic

    I knew nothing good would come of Emerald losing the 666.
    Yes I'm done calling it Matherson.
  10. AngryPlayer

    You were talking about morning. Night time is much more close to prime time than morning. hurpdederp.
  11. Negator

    3 AM and 8 AM are equally as pointless
  12. AngryPlayer

    Those are both morning...
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    Vanu have about 3-5 large outfits that are highly organized and have 1-2 outfits that are small but can dominate a whole TR or NC outfit with ease.
  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    I'm not trying to be mean but I usually only see TR as a threat to the VS on Matherson and NC is just there.
  15. JKooL

    Who are you, and what outfit do you lead?
  16. Haruk

    What the hell happened to TAS?
  17. ChampagneDragon

    Dunno. Every time I open up my squad or platoon I get several of them in it. In fact, there are times there are nearly as many TAS members as Blue Lions.
  18. MagnumOpus

    1) Some truly insufferable idiots create some drama in LWTX
    2) The core competent group from LWTX switches to VS and joins GOKU just to get away from them
    3) The dramahag leftovers go back to GOON where they always belonged
    4) GOON opens recruitment to any mouthbreather that can find the Notifications menu to accept an outfit invite
    5) Mass TAS -> GOON conversion

    EDIT: You may consider this post an answer to the thread title as well
  19. Zenzell

    I tried playing in an NC outfit last week. Was a bunch of 16-17 year olds raging and cussing each other out whenever we failed to defend a point.

    At some point the platoon leader demanded we all go to the warpgate to deploy in galaxies within 2 minutes. Two minutes later the squad leaders didn't have a single galaxy out, and every squad in the platoon was rage kicked from squad one by one.

    And people wonder why playing solo is more fun to some people.
  20. Bape