Weakest class and strongest class?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Syphers

    I'd say LA, HA and INF are pretty much on par. LA and INF require a better tactical mindset to really shine though while HA is much more faceroll. Medic can't outheal HA's shield too
  2. Kid Gloves

    Class balance is pretty good at the moment. Infiltrator is hard to use effectively, but that doesn't make it weak.

    The right class to use is the appropriate one for the job you're doing. I find myself swapping between engi, HA, infiltrator and medic a lot. MAX and LA come out situationally - but mainly because I haven't invested certs in them.
  3. DennisReynolds

    How come the only snipers that kill me are sub BR10 infiltrators with stock weapons and no costmetic customization? I think we can all relate to that.

    Is it a role that interests a large majority of new players for some reason? I can't recall the last time I was killed by a sniper over BR20.

    Back when I was a younger lad , "sniping" or "camping" were frowned upon in shooters so I guess it just sort of stuck on me that any sort of tactics that involved said methods would garner you some sort of socially awkward recluse that lacked any self esteem. So sniping sort of became taboo to me.
  4. ent|ty

    Not applicable.
  5. Vyss

    HA are by far the strongest 1v1 and in general. Though another medic is far more useful if there aren't many around.

    Weakest is tough and is a tossup between non-vehicle engineer and sniper.

    Engy is an LA without JJs and while AI turret is great, it doesn't compensate enough. The first HA he meet will quickly eat him for breakfast.

    Average snipers are pretty much useless and provide little support and low kills/hr.
  6. Ronin Oni

    LOL at infiltrator being 'weakest'

    Only in the sense of shields. I've had great streaks playing as infil, and those radar darts are priceless to help your faction now that scout flashes require driver to function.

    Weakest class? Depends what you're trying to do really.

    IMO they're all fairly well balanced and all provide key roles to an infantry fight.
  7. Ronin Oni

    Engy's are amazing...

    possibly weakest direct combat... but they also can carry AP mines or C4, the MG turret is quite useful in certain areas particularly at chokes which there are many of in infantry base fights now. They're priceless for ammo and MAX repairs though. Priceless.

    So yah, in a combat only comparison... I guess Engy is 'weakest'... it IS the support & vehicle class after all (Medics have AR's and revive grenades. Both are amazingly powerful)
  8. ent|ty

    This is going to be another topic about people's perceptions, because a good player can make a 'weak' class strong, and vice versa.
  9. Ash87

    Weakest: Infiltrator, due to the lack of AV and AA options. Extensive AI options, but totally outclassed when facing down anything sturdier than a flash.

    Strongest: Medic. Very good Medium-long range options for weapons, C4 for vehicles, self healing, area of affect healing, revives, revive grenades... A good medic with nanoweave 5 and all the healings can tank ridiculous amounts of damage.
  10. Tricky

    Damn dude, you didn't need to get all personal on me :(
    • Up x 4
  11. SinerAthin

    It depends on the situation.
  12. IamDH

    Infil weakest by far
    HA strongest
  13. Midnightmare

    Medic most powerfull i would say since they get solid weapons and healing takes no time.

    Weakest........a lonely max :p


    infiltrator.......can be alright but takes hell load of traning and you kinda need more than one rather expensive gun for a few diffrent roles.
  14. Spude

    I know right they should totally buff maxes.
  15. DxAdder

    HA Strongest (Most versatile)
    LA Weakest (There just a C4 delivery system)
  16. Pax Empyrean

    Most of the time, a Heavy Assault is the strongest. A Medic makes a bigger difference in a room full of corpses though. Infiltrators are usually the weakest. All they do is kill infantry, and *everything* kills infantry. Legend has it that Infiltrators have recon darts, but I almost never see them used.
  17. Thpthpthp

    I don't understand how people are saying Infil is weakest, I racked up 53 kills before dying while sniping yesterday and it took 0 skill to do. You can earn a stupid amount of certs just by sitting on the outskirts of a large battle popping all the people dumb enough to stand still.
  18. GrampaVanu

    Weakest: Infiltrator
    Strongest: Hoovie
  19. MrMurdok

    MAX suits are fine the way they are right now. Amazing power houses with proper support, totally useless without it.
  20. gregfox89

    Yeah but how much are you helping the battle by doing that?