OP; IMhO (C4 & Tank Mines)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormCrow23, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. deggy

    It's not so much a principled thing as it is a logical thing, but I don't think Medic really needs it either. If a Medic wants to hurt a tank he can revive the guy with the rocket launcher.

    I can't think of the last time I saw a vehicle killed by a C4ing Medic (It's probably happened) but if we take it from LA there isn't really a reason for Medic to have it.
  2. makrome

    is there any rational argument for reducing the number of classes with access to C4 (which you have spend quite some certs for) beside your personal dislike and reducing the number of threats for your vehicle ?
    How about tanks can't kill any non-C4 carrying class in exchange ?
  3. deggy

    You mean we should put walls up to reduce the power of tanks drastically? Hmm...

    That sounds like an acceptable tradeoff. The walls are up. LA and Medic, please hand in your C4.
  4. makrome

    read again pls.
  5. Kyouki

    Didn't read anything but title. But no, stop trying to nerf my c4. Tank mines are also visible from space so its not hard to see them either.
  6. deggy

    Learn to quote. I read your post.

    You want tanks nerfed against infantry. That happened in what, GU02? Now it's time for infantry to be nerfed against tanks. Don't want to get killed by a tank? Pull a REAL anti-tank class. Not Light Assault. Heavy or Engineer or MAX. Those are classes designed to kill tanks.

    For the record, I'd be perfectly happy if I never had to deal with infantry again. But there are SO MANY OF THEM that I can't avoid it. You think I WANT to farm infantry? I have to kill every single one of you because you're all carrying ******* C4. If I get killed by C4, it wasn't because I was a "bad tanker". It's because I was merciful.

    I let that one Medic live because he wasn't worth the time it would have taken to kill him. I have bigger fish to fry, tanks to fight. And what did it get me? C4'd. So now I have to kill every infantryman I see. Tanks are a secondary threat. I'm considering going back to my old Supernova VPC and rolling around with HE rounds because at least 90% or my deaths are to infantry-based weapons.

    Heavy Assault and Engineer and MAX should be the only classes that can hunt tanks. You know as well as I do that when people see an enemy vehicle, they run AT it instead of AWAY from it, hoping to be the one to get that tank kill.
  7. NeonNoodle

    Oh noes, C4! My only kryptonite!!

    You are always posting on these nerf C4 threads. What's your problem, are you running 1/2 or something?
  8. deggy

    What, am I not allowed to post in threads anymore? People who like C4 throw their opinions out there, and I throw mine out there.
  9. NeonNoodle

    No. I was only interested in how you are being killed so much by C4 that it has become the bane of your existence on these forums.
  10. Flapatax

    It's easier to be a bad tank driver forum-warrior than to watch your radar and not over-extend.
  11. deggy

    I don't actually get C4'd that much. I probably have more kills than deaths with it. But whenever someone complains about me headshotting them with AP, blame C4. It's the reason tanks have to kill so many infantry.

    If I could trade a gun that simply can't kill infantry for immunity to infantry AV I would do it in a heartbeat.
  12. makrome

    what i mostly gather from the nerf C4 crusade is someone sitting in a tank killing a bunch of infantry and giggles to himself 'deal with it' but when it comes the other way it's suddenly not fair and has to be nerfed into a state where it will be almost useless.

    Look at the tankmines, they're even further away from their role as mines, basically unuseable as such.
    And as predicted, now that noone bothers to use mineguard anymore they found some other thing to complain about.

    I'm still waiting that someone from the (have to steal a quote here) 'Vocal Associaton of Gamers Initiating Nerf Attempts' post some uncut video how he blows up a tankzerg or two all by himself with c4, since it sounds like all tanks roll from the vehicle pad with a brick of explosives attached and blow up when a LA looks at it.
  13. Mythicrose12

    Don't be obtuse. Tanks kill infantry simply because there are more infantry than other armor. Tanks aren't killing infantry just because of C-4.
  14. WTSherman

    If you're a tanker who wants to absolutely never see or hear a single infantry ever, you should probably be playing World of Tanks instead. Just saying, the fact that infantry are in the game at all means you WILL have to interact with them and vice versa. It's kind of the point of the game.