LA3 Desperado vs TX1 Repeater

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tnsr, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Tnsr

    y u so unable, SOE?

    Here are the straight facts:
    TX1 deals more min damage (231 vs 200)
    TX1 deals more max damage (336 vs 334)
    TX1 has much higher RoF (845 vs 500)
    TX1 has higher bullet velocity (375 vs 350)
    TX1 has less CoF bloom (0.1/0.2 vs 0.12/0.24)
    TX1 has less horizontal recoil (0.1/0.1 vs 0.15/0.15)
    TX1 has less vertical recoil (0.65 vs 0.7)

    LA3 and TX1 have the same HIP stats

    LA3 has better ADS stats (whoever uses pistols with ADS?!)

    TX1 is standard loadout, LA3 costs 1000 Certs.
    Why do we have to pay 1000 Certs for a worse gun than TR has as standard equip? Why, SOE? WHY?
    If you want us to spend Certs or money on weapons, would you be so kind to make it better than the SMG TR gets for nothing as a pistol?
    Or is this a straight confession that you think the TX1 Repeater already is too strong?
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  2. Middi

    Could say something somewhat similar with the starter sniper rifles. Just try and be effective with the starter TR rifle.
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  3. Ned

    Why are you complaining when the Desperado is a half decent weapon?

    The Cerberus and Inquisitor are both terrible, the Desperado is fine.
  4. Middi

    Granted TR can at least upgrade to a similar weapon as the starter NC sniper rifle....
  5. rickampf

    Your Desperado is as close as you'll get from our dakka pistol, Sorry.
    And it is a lot better than Cerberus and Inquisitor... also you have the best standard sniper rifle.
    And your standard LMG is not called GOD SAW without reason.

    Have a good day sir.
  6. Koldorn

    Something something... Manticore is a worse magshot... something something...

    Darkside something something... complete...
  7. Eclipson

    The desperado deals 167 per bullet Max and 100 min, the repeater deals 112 max, and 77 min. The desperado does more damage per shot, while the repeater does more damage per burst.
  8. Tnsr

    Not similar, the same.
    To get the NC starter sniper rifle you have to spend 100 Certs.
    To get a worse TX1 repeater we need to spend 1000 Certs.
    See the difference?
    Just want to know what goes around in SOEs heads when they decide such things. It makes no sense. Completely no sense.
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  9. LordMondando

    Every side has several 'good' weapons, lots of weapons systems need balance passes as a lot currently don't fill much of a useful roll.

    If you start running now, you might make it in time to have them stop the presses and edit the evening edition of the times.
  10. llPendragon

    I agree.
    The Desperado fits into the NC line-up fine, but it's balance against TR is horrible.
    It either needs a more defined role that separates it from a TX1 comparison, or it needs to compete better against it.
  11. P4NJ

    Bloom and recoil are measured per shot, so you'll see that the desperado has those better or equal to the repeater.
    Also I like how you mention the 2 damage diference between the max damages =P

    Edit: it also apparently has a slightly shorter reload and 5 mags in reserve instead of 4, though that might be a wiki error
  12. Edenwolf

    From the looks of it, these new pistols are suppost to draw the line thinner between empires while avoiding being greater, or arguably equal to a particular empires trait.
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  13. Snyx

    Dude. It's a freaking pistol. It makes no difference because the person you shoot at with a pistol a normally at low health anyway. The TTK will be much lower than both. Get over it.
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