SOE IS it time now for the NC to get a little REVAMP of love ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Caserion

    6 of the Tr weapons get changed on looks and suddenly that revamp equals all Vanu weapons noise changed.

    I get the NC would like some changes just like the Vanu got, but don't forget the republic. Art and sound department pls.
  2. Chipay

    Like the pre nerf NC MAX, or pre nerf phoenix?
    Those were all Straight up OP and have been nerfed to straight up UP
  3. Grumpy24thMAU

    "Those WERE all straight up OP." Anything else the VS would like their buddies in development to nerf for the TR and NC?

    The VS crack me up. Every time the NC or TR get something even close to what you have you piss and moan about it.
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  4. G3arfried

    they need to make the AI max weapons look different. 3 different guns with same skin -.-
  5. Chipay

    I couldn't care about what they buff and nerf. It's the dev team that does the balancing and if they nerf something then i guess they have the stats to prove that it is to strong.

    Also, what buddies in development? If you're saying that the devs balance based on their favorite faction then i have bad news for you.
    The biggest amount of devs are NC players, then there's a decent amount of TR player and a small amount of VS player devs.
    So by your logic NC would be having the most buddies in development, but they don't because devs don't balance by favorites but by stats.

    Next to that, how dare you generalize a group of people because of one comment from one person of that group, in real life that would be seen as racism and discrimination.
  6. Stew360

  7. LowTechKiller

    And the Gauss SAW sounds like a monkey banging on a metal trash can.
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  8. Wulfen109

    At least you aren't just saying OP. I'll take that
  9. Wulfen109

    Not to mention, gauss saw, EM6, and EM1 are completely identical in design. Anchor and GD-22 look too similar also.

    Edit: emphasis on the word IDENTICAL
  10. Wulfen109

    Its one thing to nerf us, but to make something utterly useless (aka pheonix and NC max) is beyond fair
  11. Stew360

    YEp , hope we will have a confirmation of relooking and sounds overhauls as well , to have some more Meaty guns sounds
  12. Van Dax

    to be fair that's true of all factions, VS just recently got their second LMG model
  13. FIN Faravid

    Visually NC does NOT need revamp of any kind, visually they are most beautiful faction with unique looking weapons and gear.
  14. Grumpy24thMAU

    If what you say is true, it isn't, but I'll rumor you in this case. If they balance by stats then that is living proof they favor the VS.

    Ridiculously OPed toys and doing nothing about the VS steam rolling every alert. Allowing the very existence of the Fourth Faction and it's faction hoppers. When you have people posting here bragging about leaving VS alts at the Warp Gate just for alerts I'd say that pretty much covers that.

    Racism and discrimination? LMAO. Are you that desperate to try and justify the VS domination of this game and the devs lack of caring?
  15. Chipay

    What overpopulation are you talking about? SOE's ATI doesn't show any VS overpopulation.

    Neither can i find any of those arguments in my own server, here on Ceres VS used to barely get 24-28% server population, since the server became a VS only recommended server we're back up to around 33-34%
    VS here has no 4th faction either, there are almost no population drops when alerts come or are about to end.
    Don't forget that one server isn't every server, because if i had to judge from my own server i'd say that VS is completely UP since it has a way smaller playerbase on Ceres.
    (less than an hour ago we lost the global AMP alert with 0 AMP stations, where NC controlled 8 and TR 2, from this i should conclude that NC is OP right?)

    No i am not, you generalize me as every standard VS player, you're generalizing the VS via a cliché you think is correct, you're judging a group of players based on a cliché and that's discriminating.
  16. Chipay

  17. Cuze

    It would be nice to have weapons be visually distinct so that I can tell which gun I am actually using without having use different camo patterns to color-coordinate them.
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  18. Stew360

    ah yeah ?

    Here is the , Em6 , the gauss saw , and the gauss saw s wich ones is wich ? tell me ?this is the most recent build on the test servers today

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  19. ThisSideOfThePlanet

    And THIS, my friends, is the problem.
    I can't count how many times I thought I was playing my medic based on the primary I was carrying, only to draw a repair tool and try to revive a friendly.:confused:
  20. FIN Faravid

    Changing look of some weapons is not revamp -_-