Rams. 50 silencer, flash cloak, or claymores?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntiFox08, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. AntiFox08

    Certs come pretty slow for me since I don't play 24/7 and don't do the obvious farming, so which should I go with? I've already proven to myself with the m-77 that the silencer is no issue, but do I really need it when sniping from 600+ meters? Also, flash cloak might help me get around easier, and claymores could protect me. I'll most likely get a 3 eventually, but wondered what to go for now.
  2. VesperInTheDark

    I've found that the silencer does nothing for my RAMS .50. Since I snipe from well out of radar range most of the time, something you may want to try is a Tsar with a 2x holographic and silencer. I'd go for the flash cloak, cause claymores are utterly worthless.
  3. Sen7ryGun84

    Hard call. With claymores being bugged as they are atm (enemy can see the lasers if the clay is planted while they in the zone) you may find some attachments for your favourite spear or ride will do you better for the time being.

    Side note: If you're already rocking out and doing well with the M77B the R50 won't change your life. It's got awesome velocity but the damage increase isn't game changing.
  4. SinMachine

    You cant sniper people with 600+ distance. Infantry dont render that far
    Silencer on SR7, M77B and RAMS50 is useless in my opinion because you going to be staying mostly far away anyways, plus compensating for uber drop off is nasty with x6+ scopes and sway and distance, specially when target travels
    Claymores are mehhh, you can still get kills with it for now (might be harder with implants eventually) but we did get short end of the stick with AI mines
    Flash cloak is a good upgrade. Sold, useful, I just barely use it
    Give TSAR a try. Here it is in action
  5. AntiFox08

    I heard negative reviews about the TSAR as far as not being able to get a decent scope goes, and the person in that video looked like a career quickscoper, which I have really no desire to be. I had no idea claymores were bugged, so that's pretty upsetting for me. I figured that when I had my m77 and was sniping people off the vehicle terminal at Aurora Materials that nobody could see me, because I didn't miss and keep firing tracers, and I had a silencer. Should I maybe switch factions? When I first started, I felt obligated to use any explosives, engineer, or medic, but now I've seen I can do more, and maybe I would have a better experience with another faction.
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  6. YuanrangJA

    If you are putting a SIlencer on the RAMS, you are not using it as the long distance machine it is. Silencers are for Scout Rifles or Bolt Action rifles which you use at mid to long ranges. RAMS is superior at primarily long to very long distances, meaning the silencer is just shooting yourself in the foot.
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  7. AntiFox08

    I'm not worried about the drop, because I can handle it, but I didn't know if silencer would conceal me at certain distances, or if other players even have their maps that zoomed out to see me. I usually only get to fire 1-2 shots before someone spawns a vehicle or runs away, if he doesn't die, and I don't spray tracers like some people. I only fire my second shot if my target is standing still, so I know my tracer won't hit the dirt and give my position away. I also am considering making an NC character seeing as claymores suck and I might have a better experience as infiltrator.
  8. tastyBerryPunch

    Well claymore are really bad. The only way I get consistent kills with them is when I place them behind an occupied turret I'm about to hack. Usually they just provide a warning when an enemy destroys them and you hear the explosion. If you're comfortable withe the M77, then no need to get the RAMS yet, try getting the 200cert Auraxium medal first. Cloack for the flash is great if you want to go behind enemy lines, but that's usually better with a SMG infiltrator. TSAR is a close range sniper rifle. You can get good killstreaks with it, if you find a good spot and use a silincer.
  9. Rift23

    Flash cloak/vehicle stealth is better than silencer IMO. Get behind those zergs/spam lines (especially on lattice) and watch the kills pile up.
  10. AntiFox08

    I already bought the RAMS though. I forgot I had 1000 SC from being a DCUO subscriber a few months back. I've used the RAMS quite a bit now, so I'm used to it. I think I'm just going to try NC sniping. I'll either subscribe or buy some SC so I don't feel as slow as my TR that is at least a Sgt. right now.
  11. starlinvf

    Consider this for second. The RAMS does 800@10m and 550@100m. The head shot multiplier is x2 (possibly higher with the RAMS). The silencer significantly reduces the velocity of the round, and modifies the damage drop off*. Players have 1000 total health (500HP/500Shield), and add another 250 with nanoweave 5.

    The top tier bolt action rifles have the unique ability to 1-shot through nano 5 at a semi-practical sniping range, and used to do it a lot better before the nanoweave buff. That being said, the silencer is forcibly bringing down you rifle one range tier, but lacks any of the benefits inherent to those rifles (namely the quicker bolt cycling and low power scopes). At the same time, your immediately killing off your primary advantage (high velocity) at longer ranges.

    Its also important to note that any player worth a damn would find you by tracers first, then spot second. If your doing your job right, as in scoring head shots, far fewer players will have the opportunity to survive and spot you.

    *as far as we know, it doesn't lower the min damage, just the shortens the range where it occurs. But bolt actions have not be extensively tested in this setup, as the lower velocity alone is considered counter productive for a long range weapon.
  12. TeknoBug

    Silencer will hurt your range, who drives a Flash these days, too expensive for what its worth, claymores are ok. Perhaps invest in nanoweave if you haven't yet.
  13. AntiFox08

    I decided to make an NC character, but can't decide on buying SC or membership. I have 300 leftover, so the 500 would be enough for the Longshot as long as I get the SC right away, but I could buy a pistol with more.
  14. Tradewind

    EM4 Longshot is a brilliant bolt action, up to 200m it's pretty much dead on.
  15. SpaceMilk

    You only need a suppressor if you are sniping at close/medium range, like what you should do with the default sniper.
    Bolt action snipers like the RAMS 50 are meant for long range. Just pick up a good scope and get something else, you don't need a suppressor.

    HOWEVER if you are in enemy territory sniping at long range, you MAY want a suppressor.
    The thing with people is that they just slap on a suppressor and forget about it. Bad mistake.
    The suppressor is a situational attachment, it really depends on what you are doing and where. Do not slap it on and leave it there for every operation.
  16. SpaceMilk

    The suppressor conceals your location if you are shooting. It 'suppresses' your weapon, meaning it isn't silent, but much quieter.
    If you are inside a base and 2 guys are facing away from you and cannot see eachother but are meters away, and you are behind one close up, shooting him with a suppressed weapon doesn't mean the other guy won't hear you, but it does mean that he will not know your exact location.
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    NC get a decent Bolt Action Sniper by default, and while the Longshot is a good upgrade, it isn't absolutely necessary. Frankly the NC and TR both have solid default pistols as well. Your call though.
  18. AntiFox08

    I already knew that it doesn't silence the shot, but what about muzzle flash? I haven't done any tests in empty areas with other people, but is muzzle flash very obvious? Is the flash suppression really good or is that only for scout sniping and not lone-wolfing in the mountains? I snipe from around 300m, but still far enough. On my TR, I was able to headshot guys off the vehicle terminal at Aurora Materials with a silenced M-77. Bullet drop isn't an issue, but I'm more concerned about radar awareness, as well as muzzle flash. Also, I'm just going to buy SC instead of membership so I can get the SC right away.
  19. SpaceMilk

    Flash suppressor is really good, especially at night as you basically blind yourself after you shoot without it and people would see you in the distance. It would not affect you negatively unless you are firing super fast.
    Suppressors also affect muzzle flash in the exact same way. If you just want muzzle gone, get the flash suppressor. It's very good for almost all situations with the sniper especially at night.
    Just so you know, flash suppressor does not hide you when you shoot, it just hides the flash.
  20. AntiFox08

    Maybe if flash suppressor was an option on the good bolt-action rifles, but I guess I'll just go Longshot and only get 12x on it, then go for bouncing bettys.