[Suggestion] Devs need to seriously re-think the harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vilaseth, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. StuntPoteten

    Wrong. It might have been unintended, but they left it in, and made special mention in the patchnotes that they left it in. But don't take my word for it. Read the patchnotes, I think it was GU10, maybe earlier, maybe later.

    ( Talking about the harasser here, dunno about any other vehicle that can/could do it ).
  2. Phazaar

    Rofl, not when it's intended functionality. This isn't the driver bugging out his repair tool, this is a person with a repair gun in hand, in the vehicle, sacrificing offensive power to increase survivability.

    It was even noted during the Harasser previews that the person in the third seat would be able to repair it.
  3. Stormlight666

    Yeah well that shouldn't be allowed. Period. The rumble seat isn't sacrificing offensive power because the Harasser bumps around so badly only a person with an aimbot could hit things sitting in it.
  4. Stormlight666

    If that's so then the devs are just showing their true colors on this. "Yeah we can't code a way to prevent it so we're allowing this game abusing system even though we fixed the past vehicle auto-fixing glitch. BTW, here's a new Harasser repair tool for all classes to be able to fix the vehicle as it drives - 2000 SC in the store now!".
  5. ent|ty

    Noone should be banned for using an exploit. If it is able to be done in game, then it should be done (unless you consider sportsmanship; which majority of players don't, so carry on).

    When everyone can do the exploit, or can learn the game engine exploit 'skill', then there is nothing unfair about it.

    Otherwise, people rocket-jumping in Quake, and conc-jumping, and demo jumping etc in later versions of TF, and even bunny-hopping later should all have been banned, but that is ridiculous.

    The exploit in those games, actually gave players a learning curve that they could gain a skill over others through practice, and an edge.

    However, the onus is on SOE to fix that in game, not ban paying customers.
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  6. Stormlight666

    So you're fine with people using Liberator weapons through the roof of biolabs because it, to you, is not an exploit since they haven't fixed it.

    As for comparing rocket jumping to being able to autofix your vehicle is a stupid comparison. SOE does need to fix it so Harassers can't be fixed while moving but alas that's a programming skill beyond their capabilities. After all, every time they try to fix lock-on launchers they get worse and worse.
  7. ent|ty

    No, I'm not fine with that, or many other exploits in the game; but players shouldn't be banned for it.

    Like I said, other than playing with some sportsmanship (you won't find me doing cheap spawn tactics like that), if a player can use the game engine to his advantage, then it should be allowed.

    Players who SHOULD be banned, are those who have reverse-engineered the game for the purposes of hooking into the game engine, or use programs that 'hack' the game, etc

    It is always the developers' responsibility to fix the game engine or w/e to work as intended. In fact, you WANT players to find exploits and use them, so you can correct them eventually.

    Players are innovative, and should be rewarded for that innovation, not punished.

    Rocket jumping was considered an exploit of the game engine, when players first found out they could do it. It was not intended.
    The developers decided to leave it in, because it actually added to the gameplay.

    Bunnyhopping, on the other hand, was an exploit that broke a game eg. TFC, since rockets and Sentry Guns were not programmed with the reaction time to accomodate the extra speed of BH'ing, I beleive that exploit actually broke the game. If Valve had decided to patch TFC and CS to accomodate the extra player speed, they could have left it in the game, and made both players (defense and offense) happy.

    I agree, the Harasser should not be able to be repaired on-the-fly, unless it is a certed Nanite Repair thing.

    I was only addressing your comment "Exploiters should be banned". Hopefully I have communicated why they shouldn't be, and instead put the responsibility on the developer to fix it.
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  8. NietCheese

    Harassers simply take too much damage.

    On a couple of occaisions now, I have been in a Vanguard, peeking a corner. A tank has come in so I have popped shield and beaten him.

    Then while at 90% HP with no shield, a Harasser with Vulcan (who has presumably seen me pop shield) just drives up and goes toe to toe.

    So you have a BUGGY going toe to toe with a TANK. I put three HEAT shells into the Harasser, but it's still alive. The Vulcan does so much damage he out DPSes my MBT.

    Three HEAT shells should kill a harasser. The DPS on the Vulcan is extraordinary. So you have a vehicle that has:
    - An escape mechanism in turbo
    - Is very durable, can take 3 direct hits from tank shells
    - Is very fast, the fastest land vehicle in the game
    - Does huge DPS, more DPS than a HEAT shell.

    So yeah I have pretty much left the game thanks to the Harasser. I used to enjoy being in a tank, but you nerf and nerf and nerf, The Striker, the AV turret, C4, and now Vulcan Harassers.

    Your game is broken. This is incompetent game development.

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  9. Stormlight666

    And being able to repair itself mid-drive from an engie in a rumble seat.
  10. VoidMagic

    Harrasers are hella cool...