Saron needs its splash damage tuned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    The PPA isn't too bad, one of the annoying things is you can't aim down enough. I mean what were they thinking? Oh silly infantry, you'll never be on the ground, we don't need to aim there.

    Tbh I think the saron and enforcer are pretty well balanced at the moment. Both good vs vehicles with slightly different roles, sustained damage for the enforcer and high burst for the saron. The vulcan seems to be a bit too focused on close range and AA duties.

    The AI secondaries need a good balance pass of course, I don't think anyone would deny that. The PPA needs a bit more splash imo, and greater range of movement. The marauder is just a fury 2.0, which is bad, ES stuff should be different from common pool. The enforcer modified is just too niche, the idea of a vehicle mounted shotgun would be handy in some situations, but needs more versatility to be used in others.
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  2. MrIDoK

    Agreed that the vulan needs AA damage toned down, it's ridiculous now. Just as it's ridiculous how better than the Vulcan the Saron is at AI when it's supposed to be good only at AV.

    The marauder's direct damage type is classified as "HMG", to which vehicles have around 70% base resist, which means that a marauder does 105 damage per hit, without considering the armor they added a few GUs back when they buffed AP.
    And its indirect damage is classified as "Explosive Splash", to which most vehicles have 100% resist, so its splash does not harm vehicles.
    So, saying that it's a Saron is just wrong, put your facts straight before posting this kind of garbage.

    Also, about the fracture splash damage:

    It seems to be a bit too good at AI and the same can be said for the Comet.
  3. Van Dax

    Well for the comet it already takes 75% of your ammo to kill one guy if you make it 100% it will make literally no difference since you fire in pairs of shots.
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  4. Kaon1311

    The Prowler is hands down the best tank for killing infantry because of the 2 shots and lockdown.

    Maybe the Saron and Enforcer having 'some' AI capabilites is making the gap between AI duty shorter between the 3 MBTs?

    Saron and Enforcer imho are fine. (maybe, and i mean maybe, slower velocity for Saron as it has no drop?)

    Reduce damage versus air from the Vulcan, remove the spin up (or no COF Bloom while spin up) and drastically reduce COF Bloom so it can be at least used for long range targets.
    This is all i want, not too much to ask is it?
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  5. MrIDoK

    50%. Each shot is 555 damage considering direct+splash.

    Still, many think that the fracture is far too good against infantry even if mercies would've done the same damage wasting far less ammo and in less time. At range a fracmax can't kill you because the rockets aren't that fast and you can duck into cover after a hit. Same as the Comet really.
    The problem comes at close range, where both of these weapons can hit infantry easily, which feels wrong when they're supposed to be AV only. In theory, to be able to deal with both vehicles and infantry you should mix and AI arm and a AV arm, but both fractures and comets can hold their ground easily in close quarters. Try the same with a pounder max and you'll see how stupidly easy they are to use compared to it.
  6. Chipay

    Fracture has more AI kills than Comets, and seeing how Comets were in this game from lauch...

    If the Splash damage is useless, no one would mind removing it, right?
    Then we can agree that the Splash can go.

    It has 200 RPM, a mag of 10, and deals 105 dmg on hit. That's 350 AV damage per second (1050 in 3 seconds for a full mag), that's not bad for AI vehicles huh?
    It one shots up to 10 infantry per clip and deals moderate damage against vehicles, that's a reverse Saron.

    Meanwhile the PPA has a AV dps of 207, can't OHK infantry and has a slower velocity, dafuq?
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  7. treeHamster

    Not really. The convergence on the Comets is terrible compared to the Fractures. The Comets have half the velocity of the Fractures. To be honest, the Comets are really not good at AI the way Fractures are.

    I've said it a bazillion times but I guess I'll have to say it a bazillion and one times, the Comets are just Pounders without drop. Fractures are a WHOLE other game when it comes to AV weapons.

    The Saron isn't even that good. Don't expect to be able to kill infantry with it if you're in a Harasser that's moving. It's great for shooting big targets but little targets take a ridiculous amount of skill and about 4/5 of the gunners that hop in, can't hit infantry unless the vehicle isn't moving and the infantry isn't moving.

    The Marauder on the other hand, is easy to spam and get insane amounts of kills with.
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  8. NeverWas

    before then, bring PPA up to marauder standard. Then we talk.
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  9. Blinklys

    Get rid of the splash damage then, I dont mind. My point is that the splash is so minimal. I find it slightly amusing that a TR player is complaing about the minimal Saron splash damage when you have the fracture maxes.
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  10. Xasapis

    It's funny how a thread is going to backfire when the faction that complains about something has tons of better options to compensate.

    On a side note, the same 3-4 people amount for the majority of "nerf random thing" threads on these forums. I hope they understand how annoying it has become.
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  11. starlinvf

    Since when does the Banshee have splash damage? That was supposed to be the Air Hammer's ability, but got pulled early in development.
  12. Elia Chobanov

    Go check it out, it has plenty of splash, enough to KILL with splash only. Do some research first, then talk. About the Saron, the splash is just too small to be taken seriously, you have to do DIRECT hits to kill. Same thing with fractures.
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  13. sindz

    Buff the main cannon on the magrider, velocity, more movement and less arc and then you can talk about nerfing the splash dmg on saron.
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  14. Xasapis

    What splash damage? It's either multiple direct hits or nothing with saron as it is right now. They might as well remove the splash altogether.

    It's like complaining about fracture splash. Some people really don't know better.
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  15. sindz

    Sssshh. Stop runing my grand scheme.
  16. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Omfg, another Saron Whine Thread...
    Ok, if you compare AV with AV weapons then compare AI with AI weapons!

    PPA vs. Marauder e.g. - Marauder is a direct upgrade to the Fury and even for the Fury on PTS the DEVs think, that it needs a nerf (don't know why it isn't live almost?
    why the hell Fractures have Splash damage then???? :eek:

    Lame argument discussion can start now
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  17. MrIDoK

    That's true... well, who cares if they nerf them against infantry, i don't even use fractures outside of VR.
    Well, i guess nobody will miss that whooping 25 splash damage.

    READ, FFS, READ. 105, BEFORE applying the armor resist. I only applied the base resist. Applying the vanilla armor resists of a magrider we have: 44 damave vs side armor, 40 vs front armor and 73 against rear armor. So it ranges from 54 shots (33 seconds) from the rear to 100 shots (about 60 seconds) from the front. "moderate" damage is an exaggeration in this case.

    The Saron cold easily see its splash removed in favor of a bit more direct damage so that it's still a 2-shot kill but it can't splash other people. Main use as AV, but capable to take down a few infantry if the gunner can aim.
  18. zedfonsie

    Try killing an aircraft with the Saron. I dare you.
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  19. Kaon1311

    New cert line for MBTs

    1. Magrider main cannon increase velocity per rank (velcity would effect drop also)

    2.Turret stabaliser for Prowler and Vanguard.

    We have a deal?

    Prowler and Vanguard can effectivley shoot and move and Magriders main cannon has velocity increase and less arc?

    I think thats fair :D
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  20. EvilPhd

    Yes a thing that blows up tanks should only tickle infantry as they laugh their way to place C4, rockets, and AV mana turrets on your face while you are blasting away at them.

    :eek: SLAPPERS ONLY:eek:

    You people are ridiculous. Get over your ******.
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