Remove the Stupid Fireworks. Now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Setyri, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. exLupo

    Favorite part: OP actually thinking telling another adult "Now." means anything when it can't be backed up by force.
  2. Roarboar

    Your opinion is noted, meanwhile I will continue enjoying my flare gun, hockey and skull mask.
    • Up x 2
  3. Eclipson

    They are already becoming less common. Soon people who bought them will switch back to their pistol. I am slowly making the transition back to my pistol, but I enjoy shooting fireworks when we win bases.
  4. KAHR-Alpha

    You can mute the idiots spamming music, you can't mute the idiots spamming their fireworks gun, especially at the warpgate (you can shoot them in the face everywhere else).
  5. skyN3T

    I turn that on you.

    It's like a kid crying on the playground that he can't get immersed in sandcastle-building because the others are playing catch too loudly.
    I help you get immersed. Imagine it as the anarchists playground in the future where no one ever dies (which it is by "lore"). I for myself am sure as hell to spam the living **** out of it in that scenario because... what could you do? Kill me?

    True story
    It was a boring spawncamp @ splitpeak pass and I decided to spam the spawnroom with glorious TR flares from the nearest building. Suddenly I heard the noise of a vanu infiltrator-suit. Predicted where he will come from (there is only one entrance on foot) - he ended up dead, eating a full mag of my glorious TRAC-5 in the face. Then receiving even more glorious teabagging and even moar flare spam. (can't help it im such a childish troll sometimes) I am just wondering... was it you? :D Or anyone crying about juvenile peeps like myself? :rolleyes:

    Grow up kids.
  6. RoMoronik666

    Yes a REAL flare gun that can be used at night to light up the general area..... and maybe blind those using INRV and Thermal? interesting!
  7. RoMoronik666

    I dont mind them.... might get annoying very soon though...
  8. RoMoronik666

    Pterodactyl Guns
  9. Osskscosco

    OP must be some grumpy 80 years old man.
  10. PS2Freak

    Yeah, agree, very old, very angry man.. hey that children there at kindergarden next to your house, are so loud, i go and call police.. now!


    leave the fun to those who enjoy at firing it at warpgate, and get outside or lower audio sfx volume.. + this gun is not fired 24/7 like some here do like it is so. from time to time, but it less and less. and now the gun isnt in shop anyway and dont come back until next 4july(?)

    +its fun to see fireworks after won base or alert
    + distraction/tactical use
    + its light up area of interest.
    + if you try to shot with flare gun as you last help (no bullets for primary) you die in honor, firework incl.
  11. Roadwarrior82

    Give me an option to turn of sounds+effects. You can spam it, and anybody who likes them still hears/sees them, but not me. Please don't force me to like what you like. I may have another opinion.
  12. Jex =TE=

    Because some people aren't interested in it. They just want to run around and shoot things ad infinitum and allow lazy game developers to code the basic's. Lack of attention to detail like getting into tanks - PS1 you actually got inside it, it opened up and your character climbed in.

    I've said it before in earlier threads, the really great games shine because they add in things like this, attention to small details whilst not particularly a big deal, on a subconscious level it enriches the experience. Some of us appreciate things like that, others don't care - they just the mindless zerg and kill things.

    The F2P kills innovation as well. Must get the hats out for $10 for some sjdhfaksdo to buy rather than work on other things that's actually good for the game.
  13. skyN3T

    Another random rant on another random subject and on FTP in general.

    Immersion. Is it really climbing in tanks that would give it to you? Any other "immersive" ideas?
    A few are already in the game in case you failed to notice.
    - Detailed shadows
    - Day/night cycle
    - Indar, Esamir, Amerish.
    - Detail on vechicles, and infantry
    - Game physics (as ****** they are, still better than being unable to fly top-down, just to mention something "unimmersive" from the previous installment which you seem to adore)

    And what if I get this sudden, overwhelming, grand feeling of being "immersed" through the use of fireworks? It's all about personal preference. Tolerance guys... tolerance.

    Last thoughts
    F2P is NOT killing innovation. It is merely a business model making money by adding new stuff constantly, which by default can't be innovative to the core. It actually needs new content regularly to get the money coming, which - be reasonable - can't be all weapons, vechicles (the somewhat "innovative" stuff) due to balancing, etc. Remember ESRL ? Or shotguns? You want that weekly?
    Innovation comes in the early phases of development, and it's hard if not impossible to throw something really "innovative" in the mix while already on the fly. That is done by Expansion Packs, but thats not F2P model.
  14. MasterCheef

  15. rayvon

    Miserable boy.
  16. Crator

    Contrary to popular belief, fire works are used in other instances besides the 4th of July, and in other countries as well.

    They should not have made the thing a side arm weapon. Cause I do think they need to reduce the use of them (or add an option to turn off the graphical effects of them if you want). I can see how it would cause some FPS drops for some folks.

    I like the flare idea here but like I said, the made it a side arm weapon (it takes up a side arm slot and does damage). I don't see them getting rid of it though. They sold it for real money.
  17. Nephera

    the fun police are out in force i see.
  18. DG-MOD-02

    Closing this thread now. Please keep posts constructive on these forums.
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