[Suggestion] Faction Unique Maxes

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Singed, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Singed

    Since the special abilities of each factions' MBTs have been carried over in the faction' MAX suit (ok maybe not for ZOE) I think the Max suits should inherit the factional differences of their tanks as well. This makes sense because all the of the MAXes look differently. The NC MAX looks like it has heavier armor then the TR one and the VS MAX looks more swift then the lumbering NC one.

    This would give the MAX more flavor and promote different playstyles based on the strengths and weaknesses of their empire. The NC MAXes already has a very specialized role, but there are many similarities between the VS and TR MAXes, the only major difference is their abilities, Lockdown and ZOE. Enacting this change would also allow the NC to field more medium range weapons without people claiming SOE is homogenizing the MAX as a class.

    The changes I propose would be copied from the Vanguard, Magrider, and Prowler.

    The NC MAX would receive added bullet and explosive resistance from the front.

    The VS MAX would gain faster movement speed, although ZOE would remain at present levels.

    The TR MAX is where I'm stumped. Arguably TR is the DPS faction, but I don't see a way to increase it without straight buffing it's gun or adding another gun to each arm.

    So any thoughts?
  2. Van Dax

    well the prowler is the fastest tank so arguably the TR should get increased move speed, vanu max should hover or something oh I know! a Jet pack! :p
  3. HeadshotVictim

    for heavens sake! Please no!
    A flying disco MAX dual-blueshifting my Lbierator to death would be horrible! :D
    • Up x 1
  4. HeadshotVictim

    I know a Blueshift doesn't deal dmg agsint Liberators... please don't decapitate me!
    (But I think you know what I mean)
  5. vanu123

    VS max gets PS1 ability and I dont care what you guys get.
  6. Crewell

    One might already argue Maxes did receive abilities similar to MBTs. TR Maxes and Prowlers both lockdown. NC Maxes and Vanguards have a shield. VS Maxes and Magriders have a speed boost (granted they got a damage boost too).
  7. Liewec123

    i'd LOVE this change, and not just because it makes sense from a "they look bulier" point of view, but also from a gameplay point of view,
    NC maxes use shotguns, shotguns mean we're right in the danger zone, the danger zone means we're C4 fodder,
    a buff to explosive resistance would be amazing :)

    also tank-esque trait for the TR could be an easy one, simply give them half of VSs bonus speed and half of NCs bonus armor,
    since prowler is the middle ground between magrider speed and vanguard armor.
  8. Dingus148

    I made this suggestion to someone...Goretzu I think. I wouldn't just say MAXs, but potentially all faction classes. They don't need different names (yet...) but differing health, movement, strafe modifier, etc. Anything that reduces homogeneity I'm all for.
  9. Iridar51

    MAXes seemed distinct enough for me. Default TR max has minigun and 4-shot grenade launcher, what more TR-ish do you want? =\
  10. Anvildude

    6-shot grenade launcher and a 'minigun' that doesn't act like it was made in the 1800's?
  11. Singed

    The minigun is seriously a joke. At 400 RPM it fires slower then most infantry weapons. You need two AI 'miniguns' for a TR/VS MAX to have the DPS of an LMG. Also have you ever used the pounder? It has terrible convergence issues, and even at semi-medium range you need aim to the left or right of the reticule for the projectile to actually hit the target.
  12. Iridar51

    I agree, weapons are bad. But we're not here to discuss stats. This is still a minigun and still a multi-shot grenade launcher. Not a plasma cannon, which wouldn't fit TR MAX.
  13. Singed

    ...what? I never said anything about putting a plasma cannon on a TR max. This thread isn't even about weapons. The premise is that since the Maxes inherited abilities from their tanks, they should inherit their tanks' unique traits as well.
  14. FrontTowardEnemy

    I was going to say.... lol... (I"ve shot at Libs with my AI guns out of pure frustration with no result lol)
  15. Lazaruz

    New VS MAX concept:


    But I do agree that there should be some differences besides the MAX abilities. Everything in the game is too similar in my opinion, think the devs chose the safe road in order to balance things better. Too bad it took some of the variety and excitement along with it.