Resource Regeneration Offline.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wrench00, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. KlyptoK

    I'd hate to break it to you, but although free to play players can't, paying members such as myself can pull a tank every 5 minutes. At the worst it may take 10 minutes (the worst for a free to play player is 60 minutes)

    My only issue with the resource system is that vehicles have now become pay to dominate. If you pay you're allowed to pull as many vehicle as you want, however, dedicated drivers who are free to play players are left behind in the dust.
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  2. starlinvf

    Which failed miserably as they were still a defining factor in assaults on all territories except Biolabs. Since balancing them against infantry and air power wasn't working, they had no choice but to try enforce scarcity instead. This shifts more sustained power to infantry, and gives burst power to vehicles.

    However, even with this changes, its still easy enough to recoup the resource cost on a normal run.... that is unless your either a very bad tank crew, or just very very lucky. Eventually I plan on seeing the Resource bonuses pulled from membership and boosts to rid that potential p2w X factor.
  3. Playful Pony

    Really? Where did you get those numbers? No, I would geniunely like to know, because if you are right about that I have been WAY off target and SOEs advertizing is terribly misleading! You see, their membership page of their website satates that a subscribed player can earn resources (and XP) at most 50% faster than what is standard. That should mean that if it takes a member 10 minutes to earn the resources for a new tank, it should take a non-member 15 minutes to gain the same amount of resources and pull a new tank. Now, lets say you buy the (extremely overpriced) resource boosts as well, for an aditional 50% above the baseline, brining you to 100% extra resource gain. This should mean that it would take a non-paying member twice as long to pull a new tank, so 20 minutes going off your 10 minute "worst case scenario" for a member.

    If you could clear up how you got such radically diferent numbers from me, that would be really neat. Where did I go wrong? (I'm actually TERRIBLE at maths, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn I did)
  4. Wrench00

    Actually if your on continent thats underpopulated and the other factions have the majority of the continent it will take you a long time to spawn a tank.

    I was on esamir and I was getting pultry +22 every 5 minutes even needing 150 point I would have to wait close to 20 minutes and I am a paying sub. So a free player would wait about 30 minutes.
  5. FateJH

    Why did you reply to my post twice, practically back to back?

    Because specialization is for insects. Even if you want to specialize, that's not stopping you from doing something else, nor is doing something else stopping your specialization. If anything, being a combined arms game implies that specialization is a passive expectation while having a more rounded or more adventurous skillset, the jack of all trades, and the enthusiasm to utilize that skillset as need be is more desireable.

    Also, doodside?
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  6. St0mpy

    seems everyones missed the reason why resources were nerfed to begin - everyone complains about having them taken away but no one ever questions how these harsh levels came about, just a headless 'whyyyy' and presumptions on pay2win
  7. DreamlessLiberty

    This works:


    Loop 5000
    Random, x , 47.000, 947.000
    Sleep, x
    Send {w down}
    Random, x , 47.000, 947.000
    Sleep, x
    Send {w up}
    Random, x ,47.000,947.000
    Sleep, x
    Send {s down}
    Random, x ,47.000,947.000
    Sleep, x
    Send {s up}
    Shutdown, 1

    You could probably do something better with phase space chaos theory but I really don't think anybody cares. I might do it anyway to accrue resources in the most fancy and human way while I'm sleeping.
  8. KlyptoK

    The 10 minutes came from my personal experience with my 100% resource boost. The rest is just based on what others have told me (outfit/in the field).

    I didn't calculate it as I can pull tanks every 10 minutes at worst so therefore others who don't pay can at worst pull it every 20 minutes because everyone else is not me.

    Call me arrogant, but I don't believe there are more than 5 people who could even come close to my performance in a Vanguard. Why should I expect the "normals" of Vanguard Drivers to achieve the same results?

    Waste of time. Just use auto-run. It's built into the game

    They did it the wrong way.
  9. starlinvf

    Except resources were, and still are near inconsequential as long as your earning points in a combat zone. People continually fail to realize that you get resources for exp earned in a territory. The type is awarded based on what the territory gives, and of the 3 large facility types, each gives the most appropriate resource to help both assault and defend it.

    The only players heavily impacted by this are bad drivers who can't keep their vehicles alive, or those who can't score enough points to recoup the cost. Any competent crew will earn enough resources back long before the timers expire. And even with a streak of misfortune, any crew who would be operating with that level specialization would also have the foresight to take turns pulling things as needed. And in a worst case scenario, you can still go infantry for 5-10 minutes in a mechanized zone get your resource count back up. If your so narrow minded that your only capable to doing one thing thats disproportionately more powerful then other activities, and can't function outside of that for a good 10 minutes, I'm not sure anything the game can do will compensate for that.

    But for all the complaint and gripes about the higher vehicle cost, I've yet to see any significant reduction in its use. Prowlers, Vanguards and Magriders still roam around, laying waste, just as they always had.
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  10. KlyptoK

    You're assuming that there is always combat in a mechanized zone, which is simply not true.
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  11. Playful Pony

    Ok.. Well, I can in no way call you out on the "personal experience" part, especially considering that it's not too far away from my personal experience with resource gain. I WILL, however, point out that the 10min-to-60min ratio in your original response to my post might as well have been pulled from the depths of your bum for all the relevance it has! I have no problem with you standing by your own opinions on such matters, but it does annoy my greatly that the vast majority on this forum (and others) get their arguments from thin air hoping that people won't call them out on it. It helps to create a badly distorted image of what is ACTUALLY the case, and leads me to believe that you have no interest in actual balance, just personal convenience. You drive a lot of tanks anyway, so it wouldn't hurt YOU personally if everyone could pull as many tanks as they wanted.

    Heavy assets having a cost is integral in balancing the game. There is a reason why tanks and aircraft in a game like Battlefield spawn in limited numbers, and often with a respawn delay after one is destroyed. They are powerful assets that can turn the tide of the battle, and without those limitations the game would turn very one-sided, and likely see a lot of the players that do not enjoy tank battles migrate to other games.
  12. KlyptoK

    But I don't want everyone to pull tanks whenever they want to:

    Nowhere did I say I wanted the cost of tanks reduced for everyone.
  13. TheRealMetalstorm

    i have a tool for that :3
  14. KlyptoK

    You can just use auto-run into a wall, which already is in the game.
  15. TheRealMetalstorm

    i just tried it lol, it didn't work. i went to hvar, faced a tree and hit =, used windows key to tab out (alt is crouch for me, don't want to break the auto-walk)
    tabbed back after a skype call and still had 213 infantry resources o_O

    the version I released isn't the version i'm using... it doesn't have the auto-unafk in it