Resource Regeneration Offline.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wrench00, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Wrench00

    I understand making things cost more but why are the resources no longer regenerating while offline? I get certs while I am offline yet resources don't. I played for 30 minutes yesterday and log onto today and see my vehicle resources are still at the same level as yesterday. In fact it seems that vehicle is the most problematic as these are now so slow I can maybe pull a tank every 20-30 minutes instead of 10 minute intervals. This is not making the game fun at all. Even if I kill stuff with a tank I get no resource from that any more either.

    Since you can't pull stuff all the time can SOE finally give us the god damn chance to change load out of on vehicles.
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Go sit on a continent that your faction recently capped, should net you enough for a tank in ~15 minutes. You don't even have to AFK, you can keep fighting during that time, and if you are fighting in a vehicle resources territory, all the EXP you earn will also get you vehicle resources.
  3. Avlaen

    but why are we forced to afk ro acquire resources while not playing when they could acquire offline so we arent penalised for not afking between play sessions? :p
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  4. shd

    I support this. For people that have limited play time, logging in after couple of days only to see you have no resources to play with is really disheartening. Or alts you made to play empire specific vehicles, only to afk for resources screwing up both that faction and population data.

    It doesn't have to tick as fast as if you were logged in but it should regenerate slowly.
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  5. Zotamedu

    What do you mean no longer? Resources have never regenerated while you were offline. The XP thing is only a cheap way to get people to log in once a day and play because that is good for business.
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  6. Playful Pony

    I am very happy about the increased cost of resources, and that you don't get resources while offline normally. I really like that you can't pull a tank constantly, because it makes vehicles are more valuable asset. They need to be cared for, and taking one out is considered an important victory! If a tank goes down it may take as much as 30 minutes for it to return to the battlefield, and thats pretty cool in my mind. And if you do want to get the tank quickly, you can just go and fight in a zone that gives vehicle resources. That way you'll be maxed out on resources in no time and ready to drive!
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  7. FateJH

    Peoples' troubles would be mitigated if they weren't limiting themselves to doing specific things in the course of "playing this game." Of course, if all you do is drive a MBT and you also lose the MBT before recouping the investment, you're going to run into problems, if not now then after the subsequent MBT is pulled. Many other players react to this by doing some other aspect of the game for their faction while they regain resources, and that action can also boost resource growth. In the end, isn't the real problem the individuals who say they like this game but only play a fractional aspect of it and expect catering to their fractional gameplay?

    This is, I admit, a complication for people who only have limited play times. Perhaps it should be addressed in some way, but not in a way that empowers he who whines over having a lot of playing time but stubbornly refuses to do anything but X.
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  8. Springheel Jack

    Fun fact, resources also don't regenerate when you're logged in and tabbed out, or in Windowed mode and don't have it as your top and currently selected window.
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  9. bodmans

    steam ingame browser ftw

    but i do want to have resources to regenerate from 0 to full in a 24 hour window when offline. ive been improving my scythe skills to such an extent that most of the times i can return my investment with profit, but in case of logging out when low on resources, i want to fly again as asoons as i log in again the next day
  10. Macchus

    in a combined arms game you should be able to specialize in one area ... not sure why everyone thinks everyone else needs to play some other aspect of the game if they dont want to ...

    lets take out tanks , maxes , ESF , harasser , sunderer , lightning and all turrets , then we can never worry about resources and we can all infantry all the time ... because thats really what this whole resource crap is all about .... forcing doodside ...
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  11. Macchus

    lets just nerf outside and be done with it ... we can have tunnels connecting all facilities ....
  12. Macchus


    so your logic is we need to fix something for the casual guys but not the full time tanker , who probably pays a sub , and please give me a real reason why MR. W. isnt allowed to do X all the time if he wants to ? if im having fun in a tank , and i enjoy tanks , or esf or harasser or max , why shouldnt i be able to spend a mojority of my time in what ive chosen to do ? why have certification trees to enhance things if we cant even use them due to some failure logic " guy in tank , guy should no be in tank all time , HE NEEDS TO DOODSIDE , CAUSE I SAID!!"
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  13. Wrench00

    Fighting on an underpopulated continent is almost impossible..

    What about the thousands of certs spent on passive acquire?
  14. Playful Pony

    Don't be silly, this isn't World of Tanks. You said it yourself, this is a combined arms game, and in a combined arms game there needs to be a disadvantage tied to using the more powerful units. There is a reason why a tank is more expensive than a flash! Tanks are one of the most powerful single units in the game, being heavily armored and equipped with some of the most powerful weapons in the game, all controlled by a single player. It even provides the same protection and a less powerful offensive weapon for a second person, a person that doesn't have to pay any of the costs of the vehicle itself! If a player could pull all of these powerful units constantly with absolutely no downside, the game world would be absolutely flooded with them... It is silly to suggest having no cost to vehicles, it would completely unbalance the flow of the game.

    If you are a dedicated tanker there are things you can do to be able to drive a tank pretty much all the time... Nr. 1, invest in the reduced cooldown cert to get your tank into action faster should you die quickly. Nr. 2, should you be low on vehicle resources (having just spawned a tank for example), try to make your first priority going to a zone that gives those vehicles and fight there for a bit. You'd be surprised how quickly resources are gained in those fights. Nr. 3, buy armor and other cert upgrades to increase your tanks survivability (this should be a given for any tank driver). If you can make every one of your tanks last for some time, you'll never really have a problem with cooldown timers and a lack of resources...

    Should you die really quickly in your tanks very frequently, then you may need to reconsider your playing style. I am glad you can't constantly pull a new tank, because it allows me and my fellow infantry to have a fight with you on our own terms. You know, in the same way that you get to completely obliterate us when we pull our poorly certed vehicles and clumsily drive towards your position in them!
  15. shd

    I don't get all this crying against the idea.

    First of all, you can direct this whine to SOE. Their resource revamp, how they call a flat cost increase (and the 5 minutes they spent creating it) was an extremely poor design choice. First they spend months balancing vehicles and maxes around the fact that pulling them is more or less only cooldown restricted; make 4 of the 5 >no cd, no cost< infantry classes more then capable of countering them; and then increase the cost by up to 350%.

    Second, this proposal if executed properly (one can hope, even if it is against the odds) won't negatively affect anyone. It's for your average Joe that works his *** off during the week and logs in on the weekend to have some tank/plane/max fun only to realize he has 20 resources because he used them all up last sunday.

    I admit, i would benefit from this change as well since i have esf alts but forcing me to sit in the wg and wait for the resources (i'm only interested in flying on my alts) benefits no one and discourages me from playing.
  16. MFP_TK_02

    What about them? I average about 5-6 points on most vehicles now with acquisition. Occasionally I have some bad luck and lose a vehicle within a couple of minutes but in most cases I can keep one vehicle out for quite some time. By the time I do lose it I almost always have the resources back because I was actively participating in the battle. In fact more often than not I trade off drive with a friend because mine is still on a count down, and not because of resources.
  17. Wrench00

    Except Tanks die to everything, the bazillion launchers, c4's, turrets.

    If you gone make everything expensive like a tank then they should implement infantry costs for Turrets and Rocket ammo.

    Saying you should go to a region that gives you certain Resource is beyond retarted.. It breaks any remaining team play there is. You are supporting with a tank and you now have to tell your outfit, or platoon/squad, sorry guys I need to head of to another objective because I need Resource Points. Play on Connery Esamir and you will know what I am talking about, where we usually have like 3 or 4 territories because the NC and VS have the rest of the map.
  18. Zorro

    I agree. When I play I am in OPs, and recovering C4 is a pain.
  19. Wrench00

    You obviously haven't much time in a tank. Vehicles are stupid cert black holes. I've spent around 14k on a prowler to make it effective.
    Yet it only takes 1 to 2 guys with barely any certs to destroy it in seconds, and on continent like esamir if you don't have tech plant you need to drive it across the map. Hardly any one ever guns for any one because there is no incentive to do so.
    Maxes can change load outs, No vehicle can, there is no refund if you need to abandon a tank to help in a indoor fight.
    This will lead to people not pulling tanks and when they do they will not exit them. I've seen this bases where no one wanted to get out to cap a point, no one around yet no one want to chance loosing a 450cert vehicle.
    They need to implement ammo costs for Rockets, Turrets at this point.

    Why do people think as an infantry you should be able to take on a tank in an open field and win? Why do you think infantry charges don't happen in combat anymore. You also don't see military and soldiers all sporting javelins and tows around like a heavy can.
  20. MFP_TK_02

    That's pretty false actually. More often than not when I try to enter a tank I find that it's locked out because the driver would rather swap seats than have a second driver. I tend to 1/2 my tank as well but I leave the seat open in the hopes that I get somebody decent up there. By decent I mean they don't go afk in my walker while 15 enemy esf's are buzzing overhead, and they don't start shooting all of the allies around us. Either of those acts gets a boot.

    Maxes are a troop choice, tanks are not.
    If you are running a 2/2 MBT, only one of you needs to get out and flip.
    I would like to see a SS on that claim that nobody would leave a tank to flip a point. Mostly just to laugh at the people involved (which means if you saw it, you were present, and you were one of those people).
    The rocket and turret comment has nothing to do with any of the above and is just a personal agenda comment I see you slipping into many of your posts.

    I don't actually. Tanks should be stronger imo.
    Don't know where you possibly got that idea from.
    No you don't, but now you are comparing RL with a video game, and that never ends well.
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