Connery's newest fail favorite "A2AM"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, Jun 20, 2013.


    I was giving a scenario for when they might try and approach before engaging. Once they decide to lock on you pop flares then it is a simply matter of them locking and firing again.
  2. Donaldson Jones

    This is great sophism!

    Honestly anything that keeps my tank from being spammed by rocket pods (which are just point click damnit..wait so is everything in this game) is ok with me, If they keep A2AM strong they need to up the flight ceiling for flyers and then buff libs A2G that way you guys can do that top gun **** up there. But ground will NEED you to kill liberators because they would be the terror of PS2!

    Have no fear killing libs is what ESF do best. And my changes would not hurt lib hunting in the slightest as they can't out maneuver the ESF anyway.
  4. Alexandrix

    I do fly as TR,but honestly, I can't fly over ANY enemy territory for more than a few scant minutes without hearing beep beep beep.Hell,the other night when the vanu late night over pop zerg had TR down to a few hexs,I could barely get out of my warp gate before I started getting lock on warnings.
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    Find an outfit that has some pilots and ask to work with them. This will give you a safe and secure group to fine tune your flying capabilities. Going solo as a newer pilot these days is a very difficult and painful process. If you are on Connery give me a tell and I will help ya out.
  6. Alexandrix

    Appreciate that.Sadly I'm on vanuttherson......errr I mean mattherson.At least until server change tokens become available anyways.
  7. Vixxing

    Imagine that times 10.000 then, when i fly over NC territory i go "phew it was only an annihilator"
  8. KAHR-Alpha

    Hmm, I tried them again today, and that's definitely not the case on my 24" screen, I need to have the target exactly inside the circle. :confused:

    PS: tried again in the VR, maybe not "exactly" inside the circle actually, but it's not bigger than it was since the previous nerf to that radius, when you really had to vaguely point towards the enemy before that. They're still unreliable.
  9. happfyunbags

    The reason A2AM aren't a problem in vanilla BF3 is because you normally only have 2 vs 2 in the air on most maps. On PS2 you can easily find yourself in 4v4s and 5v5s. You can evade A2AM in BF3 fairly easily by a series of tight turns if by chance your flares are down. They also don't clip through terrain. If you're going to make a weapon that does not take a high level of skill to aim and fire, it should not take a high level of skill to evade/disarm either. THAT is where the complaints are coming from, they just aren't being worded well at all.

    TL;DR Show us the missile on the minimap (if it's locked on to us, logically our radar should see it), make it avoidable.
  10. Dis

    17 pages that can quickly be summarized. You know how many good pilots use a2am? Zero. None. Why? They're boring, easy to use and in no way make you a better pilot.

    I love seeing how many people try to justify using them with so many excuses. At the end of the day it's a scrub weapon for scrub players.

    Thank you for your time.
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  11. Sea of Ink

    To all you lovely ladies out there, keeping us a2a.
  12. Daemeon

    Sorry Snafu but today I equipped them.. and will continue to do so. Not only that but I have started to tell others to do so as well. not because I like using them, they are boring as hell... but because today I went to fly and EVERY pilot I went up against had them. So I am not going to **** my air to air combat anymore and will hope when SOE starts to see the insane metrics in regards to this weapon they will tone them down or hopefully remove them.
  13. MiZrY

    That's what happens when you get warp gated. The ground troops will do everything they can to to give air hell when they get close to the warp gate. Hell, the TR outfit on Connery EXE loves camping warp gates with tons of AA even when they are no where near having any territory near there. They like to pick on noob pilots for whatever reason.
  14. Sledgecrushr

    I was thinking multiple air, over the horizon, lock on missiles 8 )
  15. Arquin

    Hey OP. Now that you reminded me, I went and started using the A2AM 3 days ago, since then I've made quite nice kills by flying occasionally and a lot of maingun kills too. Never had more certs raining on me. It's so funny to see all the mossies without flares and I don't need to bother flying into striker territory to finish them off anymore. Seems they don't bug too much either. I love it.
  16. zoobadoo

    I wouldn't be surprised if the devs reasoning behind A2AM is ;

    The aces are currently dominating the skies. If we remove the "skill-less" weapon systems from ESFs, then there will be absolutely no chance in hell for new players to make any sort of difference in the air, because the experienced players will just outskill them. They will have a hard time learning past their farmed stage. Adding A2AM, we add a system that requires little or no skill to use to effect, but at the same time is noticably weaker than the weapon systems applied by the experienced well-aiming, well-flying players.

    Well, something along those lines. A2AM are prob subbosed to be the bridge between Aces and Noobs.
  17. SNAFUS

    It very well may have been their motive for the way A2AM are now. But sadly a lot of experienced pilots are using them in mass now creating lock on fights instead of the quality dogfights we had before. Skill is becoming less and less of a factor when you have enough A2AM in a flight.
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  18. phungus420

    Flying solo is simply impossible now, new or experienced it doesn't matter. There is no lone wolfing air game anymore, it is completely and totally dead and gone.

  19. Blarg20011

    hehehehehehehe sorry about that, It's something we've done since Helios, usually to the north warpgate. Lattie has made it a lot harder since now we can't blitzkrieg into Crater Firing and turn it into an impenetrable AA fortress.
  20. Tricky

    I disagree, you just have to have situational awareness and be willing to not over-commit to a kill and find yourself in a place you don't need to be. Sure that Scythe might be smoking and you know 1 more clip will take him out but if he's running and your chasing, it might not be the greatest idea to put yourself on the wrong side of the line and find 5 Scythes on your butt once you get the kill. Be patient and take advantage of others making this same mistake.