GU11 landing soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. EvilPhd

    They won't. They are just as fragile and will melt just as easy, save for a few long shots. Any ESF within engaging range will be extremely vulnerable from Ground to Air.
  2. Chrisragnar

    Another thing, either give the TR MBT another perk than high rate of fire. Or make the barrels reload independantly. When one barrels is fired it should reload and sec barrel still be able too shoot. Or it does not count as high rate of fire.
  3. Tykune

    Any chance of increasing the time you can hold your breath as an infiltrator? I hate feeling like an 80 year old with COPD and Asthma... who breathed mustard gas.
  4. STR1D3R109

    get ready guys ;)
  5. STR1D3R109

    Just saying now, that would be insane OP seeing the damage a good prowler driver can already do, sure I would love it, but not if the nerf makes it 4 shots to kill an esf with AP :p
  6. Vortok

    Agreed. If you aren't pulling armor (or chain pulling Sunderers) then the 100 per Flash likely won't be a big deal. I bet many infantry players that pull them wouldn't even have an issue with running out of resources even if they were 250 a pop. Dedicated infantry players basically only need to pull Flashes and Sunderers anyway (maybe a rare Harasser to transport a friendly MAX).

    At 150, I would've been pretty hesitant about grabbing one as that'd significantly cut into the tank budget. Between the drop to 100 and the Lightning drop to 300 though, it still shouldn't be too bad to grab a Flash here and there. If there's heavy fighting where resources might get stretched thin, I'd probably already only be using tanks anyway.
  7. (-)IONS

    Can you please buff letting people on Briggs play the game on a Friday night. Like just once or twice a month would be nice. Cheers.

  8. DocteurVK

    well, it appears to be an additional 5% armor reduction only, not that much if we consider well... I really hope the fixing of infantry movement will be the real cure to all that whining (btw, this has to be one of the first implementations for MLG arenas introdction:))
  9. Zan_Aus

    Most of those GU11 changes seem good, even though I am a heavy MAX Burster user I have to agree tightening the MAX range is probably a good thing. That LA drifter idea sounds pretty clever, a good addition w/o being OP.

    My only complaint is the resource thing. Before adjusting costs I still maintain you need to re-examine your whole resource model. Its completely back to front. I realise you see increased resources as a reward for taking territory. Unfortunately this results in a resource snowball where the underdog team is further constrained as they are crushed further back and also at the same time lose the necessary resources to fight back.

    Until the day you go to a full convoy system for resource supply, resources should DECREASE with territory to represent stretched supply lines, not increase. These cost increase will further pressure the team which is being put on the defensive, especially with the MAX changes as MAXs are often the last ditch defenders when its too firestorm-ish for vehicles to be used.
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  10. biterwylie

    Good morning Chris

    Just to keep you on track with the facts, all ESF have the same hit points. Reaver has the worst ESF v ESF death stats, it is also at the largest disadvantage against other factions with Zoe, Lockdown Bursters and Striker launchers.

    The Vanguard Tank has the largest hit box.
  11. biterwylie

    Great to see the Nightvision scope nurfed. IMO it needs to be nurfed much more. It is basically a legal cheat mode for ESF and infantry.
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  12. Bankrotas

    So.... when will you re-do NC max weapons to be decent all rounders?
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  13. Endlos

    And the only scope in the game that wasn't worthless, but sure, go ahead and make it worthless like the others.
  14. Morrow

    Gameplay changes may just about save this GU from being a disaster. All I'm seeing is nerfs and no new content. Nerfs to items myself and others bought with SC! So thanks for that!

    On that note releasing slightly OP or OP items so people buy them, then nerfing them is a shocking way to treat your paying players! Perhaps more rigorous testing should done to balance new weapons before release, just an idea so you stop pissing people off.

    Anyways perhaps slight changes might make the gameplay better and I hope it does otherwise more players will leave.

    Hopefully GU12 will be more positive than GU11 although some of the changes in GU11 are needed. So I guess keep up the good work
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  15. Iota

    It's entertaining reading all the tear filled comments regarding the nerf on NV. God forbid you have to aim now. I think it's an overall positive update. ZOE is still the clear front runner in things that are OP but whatever. Most players are stupid anyway so taking them down isn't too difficult.
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  16. Roxputin

    A buff and a nerf to the MAX. They really do not know what to do with the VS do they.
  17. Iota

    Almost as if nerfing it is the obvious thing but SOMEONE on the team favors VS too much.
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  18. eldarfalcongravtank

    byebye tanks [IMG]
    YAY!! [IMG]
  19. Fang7.62

    Agreed on the infantry scope. I'm fine with vehicles having thermal optics since they are getting expensive and infantry already has a lot of anti vehicle capabilities. But that infantry IRNV scope has no place in a FPS shooter thats trying to achieve some balance, variety and competitiveness, it still replaces your eye's ability to spot, removes model of the recoiling weapon when firing and replaces it with a comfy crosshair that doesnt get screw*d by movement on top of that. Crutchy as any crutch can get and you better use it if you want to stay competitive, screw variety and spotting by you know, your goddamn eyes.
  20. Alge

    That's funny coming from Vanu. Just check /YELL ingame and you see who is QQ'ing all the time. VS players seem to be constant victims in this game. Few VS players on Miller that doesn't do anything else except ghost cap during mornings and abuse /YELL during days. I never see NC/TR complaining so much.