Armor nerf accentuated by being TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jachim, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. bodmans

    • has TWO barrels
    • is most effective in infantry farm
    • doesnt like being flanked(which takes more time, and is less rewarding)
    • can be extremely effective AV if AP and good gunner
    • expects to be GOD when deployed
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  2. Chipay

    ...Fractures :D My fault for taking smoke over shield :(
  3. Phazaar

    Hilarious. 3/10.
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  4. Xind

    That has what to do, exactly, with the subject at hand?

    To be honest, I could see a resource cost being attached to the AV mana Turret, not a super significant one, say around 50, but it does sort of feel like it has the power to warrant a price. None the less, c4 should still be increased in cost to match the increase in the cost of the assets it's used against.

    I don't use the Striker, so can't really help you with your choice of certing a counter to a weapon that I find to be garbage against ground vehicles.

    You should really re-evaluate magburner, I've seen it used to some fairly hilarious results, even if they are more vulnerable to lock on cheese.

    None the less, I will suggest that smoke is still a better situation for trying to survive a c4 commando, as it does not root you to the ground. ^_^
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  5. Bill Hicks

  6. Morchai

    All I know is that I'm much more likely to become a 4th factioner now, logging on to whichever faction is generating enough mech income to keep me in a tank. Guess I better get familiar with Vanguards and Magriders.
  7. Van Dax

    1/10 would not bother to correct
  8. Ranik

    As usual. The VS are particularly childish in their balance discussions. Sad to see this trait become more common place.
  9. Flavo

    Solution: Change anchored mode to make it affect secondary weapons as well.
  10. Kurohagane

    By same logic i could say lockdown requires skill because you must be situationally aware of your surroundings, and use it in the right place at the right time in a safe spot.
  11. HannaDest

  12. Pat Cleburne

    Prowler is a BEAST when certed with full lockdown, AP rounds and 2X zoom. It's good against everything, including air. I can't tell you how many galaxies, esfs and libs I snipe from the sky on the daily.

    Not to mention anti-tank and anti-infantry abilities.

    Magriders never give me a problem unless they get the drop on me, or are in packs. Vanguards are the most powerful, and I still do well against them usually.
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  13. shovat

    Tell me about it, Vanguards are a significant reason why my aggressive playstyle is becoming more passive.
  14. Ashnal

    So all you're saying is that the prowler has less defensive capability than the other two tanks. This is balanced by the tank having the highest offensive power, especially if the Vulcan buff mentioned in the GU11 changes thread is decent. Its middling mobility helps a bit too, compared to the Vanguard at least. For the prowler, offense and mobility are the best defense, that or long range shelling with lockdown.

    Your complaint has no relevance to a resource cost change that affects all factions equally.
  15. iRhuel

    Are you serious? You think this nerf is going to affect TR badly? How about this?

  16. DeltaGun

    Way to completely ignore that the Prowler kills enemy tanks easier. All factions are equally effected.
  17. Jachim

    Yes yes, in a contrived, perfect fairy world

    Really? Trying to claim it's effective infantry farm with AP weapons? You're contradicting yourself with your own damn bullet points.

    Try again.

    This does NOT effect every race the same. Mark my words, the Prowler will be the worst tank by far after this.

    I would even argue, when versing TR that the Vanguard and Magrider will benefit from this change.
  18. Mambakiller

    the damage of the both barrels (granted that both hit their target, even with the insane recoil) its the same as one shot from mag or nc mtb.
    So, if only one barel hits the target, and the otehr shot miss, we are looking at half of the damage time research a bit before spouting nonsense
  19. Prudentia

    There will also be less Air, and TR can kill even that Little bit faster with lockdown burster maxes and strikers, so if we look closer, TR will have mossies flying around and shoting rockets at enemy tanks and them beeing destroyed quite simple, so in the Long term, this is a buff to TR just because Air is nerfed for all non TR
    see what i did there? :eek:
  20. bodmans

    dont want to insult you, but are you blind?
    4th bullet states ''can be extremely effective AV if AP and good gunner'' which refers to a prowler being a beast at vehicular combat if it has AP shells and a decent gunner. never did i mention to use this set-up in AI situations.

    and how will mags and vannies profit from ths change other than the points earlier described in this thread?