"I need a personal cadre of engineers!"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AtroposZero, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

  2. thrikerr

    What's worse is the raging neckbeards who froth at the mouth at any mention of his name.

    point proven right here folks.
  4. woooow

    He might be kidding or whatever, but getting dedicated engies on maxes is generally a great idea...having engies (and a medic) stick on a max and the max knows they are with him and not going to run off and the engines similarly know that the max is not going to charge off and is going to work as a shield is way more devastating then the "pop out, lay down fire, fall back to pug nest for repairs" gameplay that people often engage in (myself included)...it can make all the difference between pushing forward and advancing or simply bidding your time until the grenades come and you all die.
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  5. UberBonisseur

    I can assure you he's much less obnoxious than half of the players I meet in LoL.

    Anyway I'm not whiteknighting him or anything.
    Yes he does have a superiority complex by moments (and again, every "celebrity" does it), but most of the people are just stepping in the thread for the sole purpose of BCP-bashing because it's the cool thing to do.
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  6. NinjaTurtle

    If you don't like it don't play as part of an outfit with a leader you don't like.

    Simple fact is Buzz is one of the best if not the best player this game has, the leader board shows this.

    I'm not defending or criticizing his approach but you can simply leave and play with another outfit if it bothers you that much. Pepper is still in the outfit and runs regularly during OPS, I can only assume she has put that episode past her (otherwise she would have left), no need to drag it up.

    People (myself included) get frustrated and over hyped playing a competitive multi player game and this are said in the heat of the moment that wouldn't otherwise happen. You see this in competitive sport all the time. It is just the will to win that shows itself
  7. lootandshoot

    If thats an actual spoiler in your sig people who watch Game of Thrones are gonna F you up.
  8. LordMondando

    Read the books.
  9. Bolticus

    You guys aren't honourable at all.
    That seemed like an organized knife fight.
    But you guys chucked grenades down there and massacred them all.:(

    It would've been a fun event.....
  10. TekTR

    Lol. Honorable? We don't roleplay with **** organized fights. I thought it was hilarious.
  11. TheShrapnelKing

    And this is why I'll never go to Mattherson.

    You agreed to a knife fight then shot them up anyway?

    You Enclave ********* have no honour. I'd TK you in a second for pulling **** like that.
  12. Bolticus

    I'll admit, I laughed quite a bit as well. Seeing all those corpses through the IR scope.

    But if you guys organized a knife fight, then you should've followed through with it.
    Judging by the chat and the way they didn't shoot you, I know for sure that it was and organized battle between AT and TE.
  13. KlyptoK

    I should get a personal cadre of engineers to follow my tank around on flashes.
  14. Cyridius

    Yeah, so fun with a render distance of nil.

    We don't organize with terrible outfits for their own publicity.

    That's sad, less free certs for me I guess.
  15. [HH]Mered4

    SO now we are just jumping on the bandwagon?
    I prefer to stay away from this guy as much as I can on Matherson, I just run with HNYB or my AOD pals because I dont wanna deal with the guy.

    Thats it. He wants to be an a$$hole then he can go say those things to his mother and see what she thinks of it.
  16. TheShrapnelKing

    If you don't then why'd you accept?

    You accepted because you wanted to take advantage of people's good nature, and trick them into thinking you were actually going to play fair when really you intended to butcher them all just to make them look bad.

    You and your whole ******* outfit are ********.
  17. lootandshoot

    I read the books.
  18. lootandshoot

    I read the books.
  19. MauveAvengerV

    If I don't "get" the humor it's just because he's a **** and I'm not.

    You guys ever hear a person say something along the lines of "My sarcasm is so sophisticated that people think I'm an *******", or something similar to that? Because BCP and most of White Knights seem like those kinds of people.

    Trust me guys. Your sarcasm and sense of humor isn't leaps and bounds more intelligent and deep than ours. You truly are just ******** =P
  20. Bolticus

    You guys seem like the horrible outfit here.
    Can't even hold your end of an agreement.