"I need a personal cadre of engineers!"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AtroposZero, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. AtroposZero

    Buzz, dude, we all love you like a (slightly demented) bro... but really?


    I don't really watch chat on my alts; just happened to see this one scroll by. Does this kind of stuff happen a lot? It's weird enough in itself, but the fact that it was in continent-wide Orders chat and not just Region was like... o_O
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  2. LonelyTerran

    "I need a personal cadre of engineers"
    Sounds like a great voice macro to replace "I need an engineer"
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  3. MrMurdok

    inb4 "oh look, another thread about me"
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  4. ZEPLN

    Buzz always has a healthy compliment of support players. Extreme MAX-team.
  5. DonC

    A "cadre", haha.
  6. NoctD

    BCP orders are simply - follow him around, and other than that he'll want ALL of TR to come to a single/his location.

    That's about it really. Pretty simply orders if you choose to follow them. The meta is quite beyond him most days, though he did want to break the Vanu Indar cap the other day which was refreshing.

    If anyone plays Waterson VS, you'll actually get to see how orders are really meant to be used. They make so much sense you just end up actually doing it!
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  7. FnkyTwn

    You should watch him fly a Mosquito.

    Galaxies full of TE Engineers following him around and jumping out to certain
    suicide, but hoping they'll fall near enough to him to get one Rep-Cycle in.

    Anything for their Red Lord.
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  8. GSZenith

    ****** ******* ********************** *************** ************ **** .... *********** *** ************ *********** *******.
    /self censor off.
  9. Cougarbrit

    Well, that's one way to get the most out of your command certs.
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  10. ColdCheezePizza

    Buzz's medics get you up faster than viagr*
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  11. ColdCheezePizza

    It's funny because I saw a "where are all the vs heavies" thread the other day and know that was a response to ZOE OP! they are the mid distance version of Scats now, they're like a cert pinata for vs engi's. IMO the strafe is no longer that bad long as you keep your distance, but easily still the best max in the game.

    Today I learned that Buzz aint easy to kill during ops, he always seems to take double the shots to take down, even in solo ops
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  12. Tommyp2006

    Ego reaching critical mass!

    I get a little happier each day that I dont play on Mattherson. If Waterson and Mattherson ever get merged I'm quitting.
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  13. ColdCheezePizza

    funny my main is TR on Waterson, BR72 and loved every minute of it. On Matty I main NC/VS and the competition against TE has been beyond memorable, thru the wins and the loses
  14. thrikerr

    99% of the time Buzz uses orders chat, he's telling the brainless TR pubs to defend an outnumbered base that's worth saving. Sounds like a good leader to me.

    As for the picture above, some people just don't get his humor, and they never will.
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    lol good one.
  16. HLM

    Hey at least he asked nicely.
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  17. HadesR


    " We are on the way "

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  18. Marinealver

    I miss the days when the global spam privilege actually required effort to achieve. Now all you need is grind cert spam.
  19. Klondik3

    Repairing MAX gets you lot of certs. I don't see what is the problem here, it is a win-win situation.
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  20. Matlock0

    0% of people get the humor, and just jump in on the bandwagon of bashing TE and Buzz :p.
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