[Suggestion] NC LMG's need better hipfire

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Bankrotas

    But is there any reason to take GD22 over LA1 Anchor?
  2. Jablon

    It's cheap, and has slightly gentler recoil. But if you're specifically looking for hip-fire lmg then no, there's no reason to pick GD22 over LA1.
  3. Bavieca

    I agree with the op, we also need more damage, lower spread, larger clips and faster reload speed.
  4. Tekuila

    Try the gauss saw s, its a lot nicer now.
  5. ThundaHawkPS

    Anchor's first shot recoil + angle of recoil makes it bad at burst firing. GD22 kills more reliable at medium-to-long.

  6. P4NJ

    I've noticed that you post a lot of threads requesting buffs to NC, ignoring all logic and looking at one aspect that is slightly weaker than in the other faction's weapons... please stop. Or at least give some legitimate arguments.
    • Up x 1
  7. Cinnamon

    In my opinion no LMG should have especially good hipfire unless the weapon is very compromised in other ways. HA already gets so many advantages in combat. And anyway you can just switch to your pistol at close range. Or use an smg or shotgun.
  8. Van Dax

    example would be the polaris I guess, basically a carv clone horrible except for hip fire.
  9. Cinnamon

    Or the MSW-R which can use advanced laser but has serious ammo problems and accuracy issues when ads.

    Or the Orion which is bad at, at, I dunno.
  10. lootandshoot

    What's your setup for the GD-22?
  11. Van Dax

    Well the orion is just an msw-r without the advanced laser and a better ADS movement speed.
  12. DashRendar

    This is a dumb thread. Buy the EM1, put an advanced laser on it and equip softpoint ammo and a RDS or NV scope of your choice. Beast CQ weapon with some decent medium range prowess. You can't have both on the same gun.
  13. ThundaHawkPS

    grip and 2x reflex

    EM1 is a bad gun. Raw DPS is too little.

  14. DashRendar

    I don't get what everyones' beef with the EM1 is? Sure it may not be the highest damage gun of all, but it's on a Heavy class that has an overshield? So what? It's one of my most used and best loved guns on NC. I think it's fine.
  15. starlinvf

    Because infantry combat boils down to TTKs that are under 2-3 seconds, which is insanely short considering the design aspects that both the developers, and the players, tend to look at. Thats less then the reload speed of most weapons. The best handling and 100% accuracy would mean nothing if the other side had a shorter TTK even if 50% accuracy.

    What really sets apart the LMGs is their ability to sustain fire, as most aspects between all the other guns (sans SMGs) are very similar. Its also one of the reasons TR Carbines are so coveted for that extra margin of error afforded by only a few extra rounds.