Gunboat Galaxy in new tech plant alert (video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Novani, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Novani

    Hey all, just a small video here from Ceres EU (TR) showcasing the gunboat galaxy during one of the new techplant alerts. If you enjoy this please feel free to drop me a sub, I will have more ps2 content incoming over the next few weeks. Enjoy

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  2. Nazty Fox

    I was wondering how effective this would be. Can you please tell me your galaxy setup cert wise? Thanks for the video :)
  3. SenEvason

    I'll have to add the galaxy to my list of things to cert up.
  4. Novani

    yeh the certification set up for the gal is in the comments for the video. Thanks for all the support guys and expect more content soon
  5. TheRealTripWire

    Wow. This makes me regret thinking that two Drakes instead of the Bulldogs would be better because they also handle air more easily (coverage-wise).
  6. MilitiaMan

    I wish I had cannon fodder like this more on Connery =(
  7. bodmans

    ah, the good ol gal gunship... i got it quite certed, but need some dedicated gunners, randoms seem to be... random
  8. Phrygen

    this looks hilarious.
  9. MFP_TK_01

    We do. I was doing crap like this with a LIb a week or so ago. Blogged my thoughts on the experience which I think has shuffled down to page 5 in this forums section by now.
  10. TheArchetype

    You should get your buds to set up recorders and edit the footage to show all guns being used. Would be interesting. think LevelCap double vision.
  11. Slaidd

    I've been thinking how one of these would work out. I agree, would be awesome to see how you do with all the guns manned. Heck, if I was on Ceres, I'd come gun for you. :)

    Oh, and I think you are much more successful in doing this as a TR simply because on any other faction, Strikers! Aaannd you're dead.
  12. axiom537

    Very nice, but you need to max out those bulldogs my friend...Nothing says i love you like 10 rounds between reloads.
  13. Snib

    I'd like to thank you for posting this. I don't know if it's directly related but tonight on Woodman there seem to be gunboat gals all over the place. My Prowler is having a field day as an AA gun. So thanks! :)
  14. Novani

    Your welcome mate :) always happy to feed prowlers :)
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  15. Torch82

    This looks like a ton of fun.
    I'm now logging in to my server, just to see if I can find someone running a battle gal.
  16. GSZenith

    but but but air is dead...yolo...swag stuff, burster op ruin flightsim 2213, mom why can't i hoverspam anymore over 50other real life ppl? unfair moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!11!!!


    nice going always fun to see whales :D