The cheating is getting out of hand.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shvok, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. commandoFi

    Any cheaters these days are likely being subtle. I have witnessed a cheater who was getting loads of kills and reported to be aim-botting through walls, as well as a person I saw glitching and rapidly flying through walls/teleporting. Fortunately I think these days are over.
  2. Juunro

    I dunno, earlier this afternoon on Esmir on Mattherson some friends and I ran into a BR33 fellow who was playing HA... he killed myself, my friend and 6 or 7 random other people with one half of a magazine with the default TR LMG. All headshots, from 100+ meters away, killed the entire group of us defending an AMS in less then 10 seconds. His TTK on each of us was approximately 1-1.5 seconds, meaning all headshots.

    Possible? Sure. Likely? No. Suspicious? Hell yes.
  3. lncabin

    The TR hacker situation is really getting out of control on Mattherson.

    Had 3 hackers in Quartz Ridge today. Started recording when one dude completely destorys our squad and sunderer position. After that I started running around tryign to capture video evidence and just reviving people that were killed by the hackers.
  4. LahLahSr

    Some of us don't have the patience to spend 2 months to find and kill a hacker....
  5. HadesR

    Yeah if any its all ESP's or No CoF etc .. I have only seen one blatant hacker in months
  6. LahLahSr

    Nobody here knows if SOE is conservative, laissez-faire or somewhere in between when it comes to issuing bans for cheating. Whatever is being written here about it is completely suspect and cannot be considered reliable or trustworthy.
    Even if it could be confirmed that any one poster in this thread is completely trustworthy, everything stated here is entirely anecdotal. Furthermore, even if it was not, it would be impossible to prove if any one experience is representative.

    Sorry, don't mean to be a downer. For all we know you could all be hardcore cheaters and hackers and the rest of you hacker-groupies.

    Prisons are full of people claiming innocence and serial killers are drowning in marriage proposals.
  7. Xae

    Every time there is an Indar continent lock about to happen or be broken on Mattherson hackers come out of the woodwork.

    If a GM wants to bag his monthly quota for hackers be on Mattherson tomorrow around prime time.
  8. Duke

    Hacking is an issue.
  9. Kumaro

    What annoys me is one simple thing that this game has a problem with.
    rendering the shooter
    Rendering the projectile. Even if the area is low on activity i wont render properly.
    Hard to follow damage indicator. Thanks to bad rendering.
    And thanks to this along with the classical connection issue.
    You get.....(waits for it)...*drums*......HACKER ALERT....<-< turns out that in a lot of moments you should scream for a render fix not about thee ghost hackers....Not that i say there are none...but perhaps these little issues makes you think there are more than there actually are.

    To be honest i would rather they banned some biased whiners and TKers instead they are frigging worse then the hackers.
  10. Sapare

    For those who say there are SO many hackers. I am a light assult who is running a cabiner and still sometimes gets a 4 kd, I really don't think there can be all that many hackers or ells I could not do that with total legid gameplay.(And LA is the first person to feel the pain from hackers becuase we are the most vurnerable to it, if some tank or lib made this statment it would be ignorable)
  11. IronfistNC

    The hacking situation on Mattherson is pretty bad right now. SOE have banned these multiple times but they just come back 5 minutes later.

  12. Niamar

    Not that many hackers, but to many using scripts/software/cheats.

    There are rumors of a stream where a player is interviewing some of the dev's, while he is using a button toggled aimbot, and recoil cheat.
  13. lncabin

    And my name is MAtthew Higby
  14. TrainerS2

    hehe you must be one of them :D
  15. IamDH

    That must mean that they are committed to the game yet hack to prevent a cont lock
    (high lvl alts)
  16. Sapare

    Cool, never seen someone with a name that starts with two cap letters.
    How did that happen?

    Anyway, you do know you can check people's profile? Look up Sapare on the charts, current 1.5 kd average with last few days(hthat I played)more being a 3kd average