What was your best ever "fluke" kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, May 26, 2013.

  1. Czuuk

    In my Galaxy, just dropped payload, dancing with mossies. Enter liberator. Enter liberator two. I'm on fire. I bail. Galaxy ram kills liberator two. :)

    Either that or the time my gunner killed a Scythe with Mossie debris. :D
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  2. Angry Scientist

    Stuck a guy with a sticky grenade and he immediately panicked, running into the room I was originally attempting to grenade and giving me a handy clear, free of charge.
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  3. ih8Darian

    Plz do the same thing but add a 360 :eek:
  4. IamDH

    I once killed someone using a Vanu weapon
    True story
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  5. ent|ty

    Attempting to destroy a galaxy with a spawn beacon pod, and it didn't quite finish the job.

    For some reason, I survived on the Galaxy for a couple seconds, and finished it off with a dumbfire rocket.

    Of course I died, but I took out 5+ guys inside. It was a w00t moment for sure.
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  6. LonelyTerran

    Fired my UBSL over a hill and Ohk'd an NC medic and my next shot finished off a sundie.
    Wtf lol
    No joke
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  7. gigastar

    A hipfire Infiltrator kill from at least 400m with the Lancer.
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  8. Crazy Airborne

    happened earlier. harasser boosting off a random hill only to land on top of a dmaged reaver that was being emergency repaired behind said hill. got the reaver kill. debris killed pilot. lol. goood laughs all around
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  9. iller

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  10. SgtBreastroker

    One shotting a Fracture MAX with my Commissioner.
  11. Liquid23

    back before we had VR I was "testing" out my new UBGL in the warpgate by shooting it at one of the Towers outside the warpbubble seeing how the aim was... now on the map my faction owned 3/4 of the map and all the fighting was by the other two warpgates... all of a sudden as I was spaming nades at the tower I see the credits roll on the screen for a double kill... lol... apparently for some reason there were 2 NC infiltrators hanging out in the tower right outside our warpgate and doing so in such a tight formation that one nade got both
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  12. Ocfos

    A Harasser reversing under the magrider I was in while playing on my VS alt.
    It instantly killed it even though I wasn't moving.
  13. huller

    I was deployed in my prowler and heard a reaver, with nothing else to do I decided to shoot in the general direction of the noise, which happened to come from behind a thick cover of tree leaves. I randomly fire and my first two shots actualy hit the reaver, netting me the kill.

    The othr one was when I threw a sticky 'nade at a VS and he aparantly ran over a VS tank mine that for some reason was in the middle of a group of VS, 7 kills with one 'nade, neat.
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  14. tastyBerryPunch

    I was in my mossie being chased by 2 scythes, I go under Rashnu biolab to try and circle around the support beams and lose them, but they shot me down. After that my mossies debris killed both of the scythes and their pilots.
  15. Zan_Aus

    Headshot with SMG at 150m, while running outside Ti Alloys.

    or ...

    Headshotting a cloaked infiltrator with my Lancer at around 250-300m. I fire at a MAX, miss and see this little bunch of pixels next to him appear and fall over.
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  16. P4NJ

    Firing randomly at a dogfight over Briggs from the base south of it (don't remember the name) with my Repeater. A second later, I get a Scythe kill. Apparently one of the shots from the repeater hit the scythe when it was almost dead =P
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  17. Terrarion

    I was with a zerg driving vanguard on esamir. While shooting 2nd story of a spawn room, one shot missed and went into the distance. Moments later got a mossie + pilot kill! I didnt even see the guy because of all the fog.
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  18. untilted

    driving around cloaked with my wraith flash, running over a cloaked infiltrator that was crossing the road between two buildings
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  19. Takoita

    Killing an out-of-sight spawn beacon with a random UBGL shot.
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  20. Headcapper

    Driving around on Amerish in a Prowler and running over a cloaked inflitrator that apparently decided to walk in front of me :D
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