TR on Cobalt - Lack of organization

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. S0LAR15

    I think i remember the one. This one a new platoon lead made a complete mess of the start, at which we had a good share of the map at start and ok pop. However, after half an hour he had ****** it up, getting the platoon stuck at Mani and Saerro which were both completely cut off. I took over at this point and tried to fix it, but the damage wa done, TR with the lowest pop had 50% territory, and the NC were focused on us with only "enemie detected" in the east, so we just said frak it and went to farm the NC, and deprive them as much as possible. The TR were also sitting on us and the NC starting capping the east for a while, but then they sent some people over there to get those territories back. It was a true 2v1.
  2. Jablon

    It's funny how tiny little things can influence can have massive consequences. We capped Mani->Aurora->Apex and were about to move to fight TR, when we saw VS capping Aurora. So we decided to quickly resecure that before going south-east. It's when we saw 3 sunderers and 10 Maggies camping that place we were like: "OK men, this looks like a fight we've been looking for - let others deal with TR" (unfortunatelly nobody did :(, IIRC they were capping Northpoint Station when alert ended).
    If you guys would wait literally 30 more seconds before moving onto Aurora, then we would be too far south to be bothered to turn back and the alert would probably end with Vanu owning whole northern part of the continent, NC owning SE and TR being almost warpgated.
  3. Nargot

    The last time VS on Cobalt doesnt seem to play out any better than the "laughable NC" as far as i observed. "You" make all the mistakes you mock in this thread about like overpushing the smallest faction during an alert or ghostcapping the "allied" territory during an unlock attempt.

    Its a bit weird to play the game and read the overbearing posts in this thread, though. :)
  4. Huunterinvitus

    Worsest Night for TR.
  5. Cougarbrit

    Yeah it was a pretty **** night for us. I might just stop playing during the night, always end up underpopped and lacking the manpower needed to do anything significant.
  6. Huunterinvitus

  7. Huunterinvitus

  8. Ribero

    I like Cobalt Threads. The other servers seem to ForumSide more than we do, so interesting ones don't pop up often.

    Just another casual NC player here but contrary to what's been said, I'd guess that the TR are probably the more organised faction on the server. If I had to pick and choose my engagements on the simple grounds of enjoyment, I'd pick the TR every time because they're more challenging. When defending against them, it doesn't feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over. They move Sunderers to open new avenues of assault, they retreat and reform rather than meat grind, they pull well composed Gal drops to break stalemates etc.

    Maybe it's just that I'm having isolated experiences, but when fighting the VS it largely feels like they Roll up in a Magrider Swarm, park a sunderer and then just push until they capture a base or until their Sunderer is destroyed, and then you don't hear from them again.

    (Note: That's not a slanderous remark about VS players. I'm not saying you're bad, I'm not saying you're a Zerg faction etc, these are just my experiences and opinions. It's also just coincidence that they mirror the experiences other factions seem to have when fighting the NC xD)
  9. Lazaruz

  10. Cougarbrit

    Yeah that's more or less nightime pop for the TR.

    Think VS usually has more than NC though, I dunno I've given up playing at night.
  11. Lazaruz

    Never seen it that low though. Usually hangs around 24-26%.
    The VS mostly come at night... mostly.
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  12. tastyBerryPunch

    Constant double EXP! Wooohooo! I gotta start playing nights again.
  13. tastyBerryPunch

    To be fair, if the TR had higher pop, your experience with them would be much more simmilar to your experience with VS. Usually having the lowest pop has forced some outfits and platoons to play more tacticly, but if we had higher population, I'm sure most platoon leaders would take the easy route and just bring up a tank zerg and park it in a base defended by 1 or 2 squads.
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