Thread to not Lattice Amerish and Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, May 22, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    After reading all the concerns from all sides involved, I think the "sandbox" that Smedly said would be here should stay. Therefore I think the Lattice should be left out of Amerish and Esamir.

    Amerish already has battle flow well directed thanks to the natural land features that the map designers made and doesn't need the Lattice.

    Esamir could therefore be left as the main "sandbox" for those who want to do all the flanking, ghost capping, and free world type of activities.

    This is an effort to given everyone something to play in this game in favor of maintaining the population. I would like to point out that I really like the Lattice but don't want to make even more people leave this game. Therefore I am putting this up to try and feedback from everyone so that everyone that currently plays this game will have something that they can play and like.
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  2. Bolticus

    You got it all wrong. It's lettuce.

    On a serious note, they should add lattice to all the conts. It'll provide a better battle flow for when we have multiple conts and cont locking.
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  3. treeHamster

    Amerish battle flow is already dictated quite well so it's pointless for them to spent the time there. Esamir is simply to appease the people who hate the Lattice. Plus, thanks to Alerts, it means it'll get some traffic. Who knows, maybe it'll be nice to have a continent that you can go do the whole sandbox thing on. I mean it's not like Esamir is a great continent for vehicles or infantry in the first place since the entire thing is pretty much the same with the most boring of all the bases.
  4. Evileet

    I'm absolutely supporting this. All continents with lattice is just boring in time, Esamir and Amerish should stay like they are now. Indar and Hossin should get Lattice. More variety is always a nice thing.
  5. Phazaar

    Not even reading OP; /Signed based upon title.

    Amerish is perfect already, and imho Esamir does its job; it's balanced and chaotic, as fighting on a desolate wasteland should be. It gives a different feel the Amerish, and that's good, rather than just having a change of scenery.

    Indar is screwed up immensely from a design/strategic perspective either way. I already hated it. The lattice is like one of those horrible old wool-ish bandaids that tear the cut right open when you pull them off because they stick so tight... It's fixed the bleeding, but ultimately it's gonna do more harm than good.
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  6. Eclipson

    Lattice is freaking amazing. There are actually huge fights everywhere now, its so good. Its what this game is all about. If they don't but the lettuce system on Amerish and Esimir the only time there will be major fights there will be when there are alerts. Today, there was an alert on Amerish, and almost no one left indar. Not even a quee for the alert.
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  7. DreamlessLiberty

    A 2 hour queue for indar while people wait in the esamir wasteland might encourage people to subscribe for better queue times <.<.
  8. Evileet

    The problem with lattice is: It forces the zerg to go in one direction. This sounds like a good thing and it is, but it also has a bad side. You will see the same battles over and over again. The variety is gone.
  9. r1stormrider

    No. Lattice must be implemented on all continents. Continent locking and a global lattice may be in our future.
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  10. LGhost1904

    Lattice could be used on Esamir but I don't want it on Amerish at all...
  11. Ribero

    The openness of Esamir is its appeal, imho. Though I wouldn't be against it having the Lattice so long as it kept this to some degree (I know this would defeat the whole purpose of the Zerg Lanes, but just cutting a few routes would be fine i think, since Fights [on Cobalt Esamir] are usually well fought across all bases but the South-East corner)
  12. Sifer2

    Is Sandbox the new term for Ghost capping? And about the Amerish landscape naturally creating a flow. That's ignoring the ability to just fly right over all the mountains in your dirt cheap ESF, and ghost cap anyway. When I want Sandbox I play Skyrim.
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  13. TheJosephChrist

    Bring the lattice to all continents and then lattice the continents.

    I want some Planetside 2 with extra lattice.
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  14. MurderBunneh

    Yep ghost capping on ES and AM are rampant all you see here are the people that lost the lettuce battle on Indar trying to hold on to the old system.
    You can't have 2 systems thats just stupid. It would further confuse new players and plus it's just stupid.
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  15. Tactics

    yes so we should remove the lattice, problem solved.
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  16. LGhost1904

    Whatever it takes to get a plus 1, like, or thumbs up... It's ruined the internet
  17. Nocturnal7x

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  18. SiosDashcR

    This I will support. It gives variety to those who do and do not want lattice.
  19. MichaelONeal

    I think Indar with its poor design may benefit from lattice but keep the other two conts how they are.
  20. R71

    They need to add in the links to other bases from the conts. The caves also gave you more ways to back hack.[IMG]
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