What to buy for close range Infil?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DCWarHound, May 20, 2013.

  1. DCWarHound

    Well after 3 weeks of casual playing with an outfit i finally managed to get 1k certs and bought the hailstorm smg.So far i'm not liking it much,the TTK is so high unless you are standing right infront of the target.

    My question is what should i upgrade to further my role of an actual infiltrator?

    So far i have planned:
    SoftPoint ammo to decrease TTK :100c
    Laser and adv laser :200c
    NV sights:30c

    What else should i buy and what should i upgrade?
  2. Ripshaft

    The ttk should be very high if you take them unaware, otherwise the main strength of the smg is the stupidly high accuracy stats while hipfiring and moving while hipfiring, allowing you to juke like crazy while shooting people in the face. Hailstorm's a really nice gun, just stick with it.

    And just expand your basic kit, infil's not an especially complex class as far as skillset goes; dump certs into cloak, recon tool, prox mines, and whatever suit slot suits your fancy, maybe with some emp or decoy grenades (personally big big fan of emp), and go nuts.
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  3. DCWarHound

    Do you think i should go with flak,nano or ammo ?
    Also should i go with more claymores or medkits?

    Even seeing an enemy proxy mine and stopping right before i get in range gets me killed because of movements prediction.
  4. Ripshaft

    I'd go claymores, as for suit slot they all have their benefits (though I personally would not use nano), flak will prevent you from dying outright to enemy mines, which can often cause irritating deaths after some difficult infiltration of heavily populated towers or bases. That said, I run ammo 99% of the time, since I can almost always avoid mines, and ammo can be an issue if you're doing well. Nothing worse than having to pull out just because you're out of ammo.
  5. Get2dachoppa

    Totally situational. I find flak useful for base infiltration and other CQC situations where you can expect the place to be mined in doorways, stairs, terminals, etc. More open field battles at mid-long range with the occasional close quarter encounter, you'd probably be better off running with nano or ammo.

    Personally, I almost always run with AP Mines as I'd rather drop them and take a few people out. Normally if I'm caught, I'm dead anyway so medkits don't help much with my Infiltrator. I don't have any experience with claymores though, since they stand out more and are directional. They may take a bit more effort to set them up properly compared to the VS and TR mines. Someone else will have to comment on that.
  6. Vanon

    You really should never scope with the SMG's. Also SMG's TTK is more about where you shoot then the certs. You want the biggest clip sized SMG and you want to aim at the upper body. You'll get a few head shots in there. Personally i don't use soft point either, as it hurts velocity which makes it harder to hit even at shorter ranges. Muzzle Velocity in this game is pretty much king.
  7. MNO

    Why not? An SMG with a foregrip is an entirely different beast than one with laser sight, I got my first 1500 odd kills ADS'ing with a foregrip, and it was MUCH tighter in ADS than with Adv Lasersight and hip, with much more range ability.

    Muzzle Velocity on an SMG is also something you shouldn't worry about, it's not even a decrease in velocity that you can notice, but the pluses from SPA at range are noticeable. I'd agree that muzzle velocity was king if we were talking about battle rifles or snipers but we're not.
  8. Vanon

    It takes to long to scope and shoot an smg imho, where with adv lasersight and hip fire bound to get more bullets in them at short to medium range before they fire back.

    Muzzle velocity isn't noticeable in the test area's, however in real combat with lag, and people jumping around it's far more noticeable. atleast for me

    I suppose if your sitting at medium range with cover ADS would work well, however at that point, wouldn't it make more sense going to a BR? I personally use the SMG's inf to get into CQB and kill important threats like HA's that are targeting our tanks, Snipers and medics. I use other classes like Medic / LA / HA for medium to long range shooting.
  9. MNO

    As an INF 90% of your kills should be from you firing first, which requires you to position yourself so that you get the jump on players. After that it's about dropping them as quickly as possible and landing as many shots in as short a space as possible, and the foregrip is perfect for that. If you're going head on with players most of the time then you're not using the Inf to it's full ability.

    Can't say I share that experience honestly, it's not noticeable at all for me, and I rarely lag on my server so I guess it's a personal experience and such.

    BR you're screwed at close range, and the clip is abismal. By using a foregrip with the SMG you have very decent range, you can drop people at range MUCH faster than you could with Lasersight, and you're still fine in CQC. TBF most times in CQC I just ADS'd still, because it has such a low TTK that as long as your aims on point you should have no problem dropping most people.

    It's a taste thing, for sure, but I definitely wouldn't rule out the use of foregrip on an SMG, it's wildly underrated.
  10. Fredders

    You don't necessarily want the higher magazine capacity SMG. It depends on how good a player you are and your playstyle. IMO the (I play NC so NC examples here) Cyclone is much better than the Blitz because of the slightly shorter TTK (faster) and very fast reload speed. It also has very close to the same number of kills per magazine if you are skilled enough to use it properly.
  11. TommyXXL

    no softpoint ammo, it will make the weapon a paint ball gun
    no laser, you are playing infiltrator, use the silencer !
    get nanovawe and claymores, you won t have time to use the healing if you play with smg and you can clear the mines with the emp grenade, play more time and you will learn where and who puts those mines on ceres anyway , the 3.31 is very good, good luck keeping it at same level after using smg. ;)
  12. DCWarHound

    Why not?,Soft Point increases damage and lowers TTK so faster kills.
    You can use both the laser and the silencer/suppressor,they mount in different slots
    I can just shoot a mine to clear it,i rarely got shot at so i don't think nanoweave will help much.
    EMP is only good if you thow it next to a sundered full of people and then blast them with the SMG

    I already know where people place mines,the problem is spotting them.NC and VS mines blend in very well and sometimes sink into the ground so it's impossible to spot them.They can also kill you through walls if you are within their detonation range at the other side of a wall.

    K/D doesn't mean much,it's only that high because i liked sniping at the start because of the instant kills.
  13. exLupo

    Claymores, Recon darts, Grenade bandolier and EMP grenades.

    Seriously, EMP. Lots of players run high flak so standard grenades are so-so. EMP gives you shield stripping and are better than flashbangs as players often flip out when they lose their hud. Also, as an added bonus, I like to toss them at spawn rooms at 1s to go as it pops all of the explosives people pile in them and kills the whole room. Comedy gold.
  14. Jac70

    I've only tried the full Auto Scout rifle in the VR and it seemed like it could be a useful weapon, decent at range and still viable as a hip fire weapon at very close quarters. Other people say there junk though so I don't know if it's worth taking one over an SMG. SMGs are great at very close quarters but practically useless at anything else.

    I would also consider getting one of the NS heavy pistols, especially for finishing of targets. I use my Commissioner almost as a second primary when using my sniper rifle but an Underboss maybe a better choice to complement a close quarters weapon like an SMG.

    Prox mines are a must as are Recon Darts and I think it is worth certing Nanoweave 5 for the Infiltrator. Then max your cloak and get level 5 of the hacking ability.
  15. Jac70

    I do this too, if only we got XP for it. Instead some poor enemy probably just got weapon locked for hurting friendlies.
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  16. RoMoronik666

    I run with:

    SMG Armistice with Extended Mag and Supressor + soft point ammo
    EMP grenades
    Grenade Bandolier
    Claymores x2

    + Flash with Stealth and Scout Radar

    I dont think it is necessary to use any kind of armour. Nanoweave doesnt prevent enough damage, and mines can be avoided. I like the flexibility of two EMPs. On quite a few occasions ive used an EMP badly, and the enemy rush me. They don't expect you to have another.

    I would recommend getting mines over medikits. Although medikits save your life, mines are FUN. Theres nothing quite like watching from afar, someone walking into your mines.
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  17. RoMoronik666

    all part of the war effort :)
  18. TommyXXL

    the soft point increases damage only at a longer range, if you plan on killing them like that then it's useful, i like to get behind them, pick the closer enemy to me, finish him, run, reload, and go do the same thing over again until i run out of ammo or get killed most of times :D
    the laser will make you more visible, when there is a heavy battle you can pass enemy even uncloaked and they will think you are a friendly, any special camo, laser, helmet or something that makes you stand out will get their attention (the most times i got teamkilled was when i played infiltrator).
    i have the hailstorm with all attachments unlocked, used them all and the best loadout for me is this : no soft point ammo, supressor, 1x sight, forward grip.
    try the smg at vr with and without softpoint and you will see that the weapon feels more powerful without the ammo, also the silencer makes it weaker too but is a must for infiltrator.
  19. DCWarHound

    Yeah but soft point has no downsides other then lowering velocity.

    I have never noticed the laser pointer on enemies even though they have it equipped so i don't think it will make you stand out.
  20. TommyXXL

    dunno, if you can play with the softpoint better than without then it's good, it's not like you will spend 1000 certs on it.
    get the grip instead of laser sight, really !
    i will log in 1 - 2 hours, i will add you in game and we can assault some basses with the smgs if you want :p