How I'd nerf the Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FigM, May 15, 2013.

  1. Xind

    The faction balance occurs in the fact that the Striker cannot be used on Infantry, MAX units, or Turrets AT ALL.
    They aren't JUST as powerful against ground because they cannot attack a large portion of ground targets.
    The Striker is NOT better than the annihilator or G2A lock on launcher for each empire also. The sole advantage is it can attack both air and ground. (But not all ground targets)
  2. FigM

    The inability to hit infantry targets is a really weak disadvantage. Infantry are much easier to kill using many other weapons, it seems almost stupid to use ESML against them. Sure, other factions can do it, but it's still stupid because those weapons are not properly designed against infantry. Just look at what kills you as infantry more, Lancer/Pheonix or just some guy with a shotgun

    Striker deals the most damage to air of all lock-on missiles. It deals about as much damage as A2A missile from ESF. Dedicated G2A missile does less damage by about 10-15%. Anni is about half damage of Striker.
  3. QuakerOatsMan

    And what you're describing is a hovering pilot that has no flares and no stealth. Where are the statistics proving your claim that the TR is "completely dominating" the skies and putting things out of balance?

    What is your point here? All three factions have flak. And the regular G2A launchers that every faction has are equally as effective as the striker (if not more because the regular G2As have better tracking mechanics). You just don't see them very often because people bought the annihilator over those and after the annihilator's been nerfed, nobody wants to pull them out. How are strikers "dominating" when everyone else can just fire off flares and instantly negate them—just like every other lock-on? Are the nemesis and the crow so far behind that the VS and the NC can't do practically the same? Or is the number of their users simply lower? Was Higby supposed to be bluffing when he said the striker was supposed to be "good" at taking out ESF?

    What you're asking to do is to pretty much make the striker useless. The only reason why people are making such a big deal out of it is that a lot of TR players have the striker, and that's exactly what I'm getting from your post. It is actually nothing special—just a lock-on that does slightly more than a decimator over time but takes more time to do so (ie: it gives you more of a warning than any other launcher before it can apply its full damage).
    Have you tried using the striker at all?
  4. Keiichi25

    I fly against TR as an NC or VS character. The amount of Striker spam is not as 'omg' as most make it out to be. And actually, it takes 3 striker users with some misses, not 2. 2 full clips, no misses for a Striker to really down an ESF.
  5. Keiichi25

    No... It does not deal the most damage to Air, Fig...

    The Striker, Per missile, is weaker than the Annihilator or the ES G2A launchers. A full clip of a Striker is about slight better than 1 Annihilator missile and close to 1 ES G2A Launcher missile.

    I don't know WHERE the hell you think you are pulling those numbers.
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  6. GhostAvatar

    Why nerf something that is performing on either the same level, or below the other ESRL in all metrics?
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  7. BarxBaron

    Now that's a TR nerf I can get behind 10000000000000%

    I would LOVE that nerf more then you could imagine.
  8. Dis

    Striker isn't the problem, it's all lock on missiles defying the laws of physics to hit their target no matter what. TR territory is currently a no fly/no harassing zone, the latter of which makes me a sad panda.
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  9. BigMacDeez

    Uh oh...a TR weapon works well!! OMGNURF!!
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  10. Ghosy01

    everytime tr gets a good weapon it gets nerfed to hell
  11. jdono67894

    If the striker is a big problem for you then you need to change how you fly.

    I fly around 2 hours a day on average and have not been hit by a striker yet.

    learn to play.
  12. Ghosy01

    you play a lot of video games lol
  13. Wintermaulz

    OR, you could point your nose towards the ground for 1.5 secs and laugh as all the missles fly into the ground.
  14. Oheck

    THIS. Please visually ingest everything this man just said. Because that's what it takes. You have to try it on the field against actual pilots instead of in the damn VR, or you will never know exactly how crazy the missile paths already are.

    I think, OP, what you really need to do, is post a thread asking for help from more experienced pilots. Because I sure as hell do not get some crazy kill streak with this weapon like you seem to imply. Maybe some of the AACE guys or BL pilots that were DECIMATING us the other night. I think I killed one because he hovered as I fired while he rushed to empty his pods. The rest? 2 missiles out and FLARES...turn and burn and reengage. One guy didn't blink an eye. He just looked right at me, took two missiles and killed me before I could land the 3rd. This launcher is not the 'Bane of all Aircraft' that you make it out to be.

    "20 of everything is OP" Repeat this till it sinks in because it's true. If you choose to fly into airspace defended by a squad of Strikers or any other anti aircraft launcher you are going to have the same issues. shouldn't fly there....maybe. Maybe you should allow your ground units time to soften up the defense before engaging......maybe?

    Aside from the crappy tracking that no Striker owner likes, its buggy as all hell. Sometimes it fires nothing. Other times it fires missiles that sit at the end of the launcher, glowing in your face. Other times the missile goes off in some crazy direction, apparently to chase its hopes and dreams.

    Personally...I would have loved a launcher like the AT4. BFBC2 wire guided. Fun to master and rewarding when you get that kill. Most likely won't happen though. I think TR has enough lock on launchers..
  15. MorganM

    That doesn't work anymore.
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  16. Messaiga

    I think that the Striker should have been Wire Guided through dumbfire, but be able to lock-on to air targets too. So basically it would be Wire-Guided/G2A Lock-on, I think that would have been better if they wanted to make an Empire Specific Rocket Launcher that was not an Annihilator 2.0, just make sure it cannot kill infantry in 1 magazine so you have to reload to kill an infantry unit while still making it useful against Max units. This would actually make it better against Tanks because 1. They would not know they are being Locked-On to. 2. You do not have to wait to Lock-on allowing you to deal damage faster. Where as against air you still need a lock-on making it effective against air. Btw, this is coming from a 2 month Phoenix user, so this is in no way a troll.
  17. MorganM

    After the GU8 update the pathing for Strikers is too good. I use it all the time. If there's ANY vehicle near by I run and grab my Striker. So I have a lot of time behind it.

    I could get on board with this nerf.

    Even when the rocket intelligence sucked I could still get plenty of kills and tons of assists with it. Now it's just silly; I kinda feel bad for all those reavers and scythes =/ If they don't have flares they don't stand a chance.
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  18. Tekuila

    No offence but that is brutal logic. Just because there is one guy in the cockpit, doesn't mean he's only worth one infantry on the ground. Vehicles are force multipliers and should require team work from several infantry to combat them.

    I'd also like to add **** the striker, make it dumb fire or wire guided. To hell with lock ons.
  19. Xind

    How is that brutal logic? Or are you agreeing with me?

    Two guys with specialized anti-vehicle weapons should not be effective against a single vehicle?

    Also, in general I agree with your anti-lockon ideals, but making it dumbfire would allow it to assault any target, which is what I want/why I only use the default dumbfire.
  20. Tekuila

    Moral of the story is I hate lock ons.
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