[Suggestion] Quality of life improvements I would really like to see

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arquin, May 15, 2013.

  1. Arquin

    So I posted this on reddit, but I also want the forumside 2's opinion on these.

    • Using a terminal with MAX still sometimes switches the default choice to light assault. Annoying as **** if you click "resupply" by force of habit...
    • /regionsay doesn't work sometimes (still)
    • Outfits need to be able to form companies (multiple platoons under same leadership for better organized gameplay)
    • Platoon should have 49 members max. 48 (4 squad leaders, 11 members) + 1 (Platoon leader)
    • Platoon leader needs to have access to the squad leader perks without being a squad leader
    • Platoon leader needs to be able to set squad waypoints (Or atleast suggest, SL presses Y to accept suggestion)
    • In game voip needs SL <-> PL channel to reduce radio clutter and incentivize the usage of voip
    • Squad waypoints should be visible to all platoon members, colored according to the squad
    • Squad objectives need to be able be set on generators, SCUs as well as from the map. Also needs a remove button.
    • Squad deploy abuse is too easy. Remove the ability to squad deploy on a dead squad leader. You can sustain an assault nearly infinitely by swapping squad leadership between members and using beacons when deploy is on CD.
    • Flashlight needs tuning. I want to be able to use it, but it's a major disadvantage and offers no advantages. Maybe close range "blinding" a la BF3?
    • IR/NV is superior in every way to all other close-range scopes. Needs tuning.
    • Loadouts need to be made as their own buttons, instead of drop-down menu.
    • Ground AA options need balancing. Right now, burster max > all in nearly every case. I want to have a situation where I need to think "Which would fit this best? Skyguard, max or hop on that turret?"
    • Multiple cosmetics for ******' dat sundy
    • Improve the grid. the areas are too big. Zooming in closer should divide a grid-area to smaller grids (Keypads) Make the numbers and letters stand out better from the map background. They are really hard to see.
    • Scout radars are too powerful. Offer a counter to them, perhaps as a passive for infiltrators and a suit slot for other infantry, or tune them. Also, there needs to be a warning if you're showing up on the enemy <Scout> radar.
    • On the compass above minimap, add a red vertical line denoting the exact direction you're facing. It's hard to see if I'm really looking at NW, or 10 degrees beside it.
    • Let use /yell while dead

    • Chat box in deployment screen

    • Alert timer on the map screen

    • Ability to move the chatbox in the hud around, not just resize

    • ACCOUNT-WIDE FRIENDLISTS. Seriously, need this. If you add a person, you add the account, not the invidual character. Also make it show faction and server for the current character he/she is playing on.

    • Ability to hide online presence as well as away/afk status


    I feel these would make the overall game experience a lot better for many types of people. We need more things for organized gameplay, but also industry-standard things like account friendlists that are, in my opinion, pretty much a no-brainer for any community-driven game.

    Sorry for the clumsy separation.

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  2. Rhaeyn

    I for my part would like to see:

    • In deploy screen: When I edit a classes loadout, I want that loadout to automatically selected for spawning.
    (I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but it happens to me very often, that I for example died as Engineer with Loadout #1, then want to respawn as Engineer with Loadout #2, but I want to swap the optics on Loadout #2, then hit DEPLOY, but spawn with Loadout #1, because it switched back)

    • More loadout slots in general! 4-6 would be fine, I wouldn't mind more.
    (I know this is on the roadmap already, but please make this happen asap)

    • Don't we have buttons for "secondary fire" / "tertiary fire" in the game already? Why do you have to manually select your underbarrel attachment first with the mousewheel or the according key [2] (or w/e), instead of using the secondary fire keys (kinda like using the knife I mean).

    • When logging in, give me the option to choose, which continent to spawn on.

    • Remove the "too close to a player"-restriction when trying to place ammo packs as engineer.

    • "Reset to spawn-position"-button inside the warpgate area. Not rearming/resetting HP, just the position.
    (I won't have to explain why, I guess.)

    • "Remember last spawnpoint selected" on the spawn screen/Make it more obvious, which spawnpoint you have selected.
    ("Why the hell did I spawn at Helios Solar plant now?")

    • Repair/Rearm/Heal icons over people's heads when they ask for these things, not just the automatic icons. Would also help, if these icons were displayed at the corresponding edge of your screen, when that person is for example behind you on the left side.

    • "Q menu" overhaul.
    (I already sent quite a few friend requests, when I just wanted to offer repairs or asked to be picked up)

    • More radio commands. At least add "cease fire!"
    (no, please don't shoot the Liberator with the Kobalt, we're trying to move this Sunderer in quietly)

    •Add "show ping/latency" to "show FPS" [Alt-F]
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  3. Selentic

    Allow us to change hud colours.

    Make the Bulldog's crosshair on the liberator always show which way is down.

    Show height of aircraft on the minimap

    Raise flight ceiling 2000m

    Show all liberator information (speed, throttle, altitude, afterburner, flares, etc) in third person.

    Allow waypoints to be tied to vehicles.

    Allow platoon leaders to draw attack paths on the map

    Have aircraft show other squad/platoon aircraft names and numbers at the edges of the screen to show where they are when not directly infront of you.

    Allow us to hide outfit online/offline notfications.

    Also @op all good suggestions A++
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  4. CrimsonDaemon

    Ill throw in a couple

    • Remove spin from drop pod
    • Make red dot and other low magnification optics more luminous
    • Remove the auto switch to your first loadout when you switch through classes
    • Add more custom loadout slots
    • Optimization for lower end machines (all machines, really)
    • Be able to spawn bind to be able to spawn at that location if it is not listed on the deploy screen (this includes squad sunderers but does not include anywhere you wouldn't normally be able to spawn, naturally)
    • Add a 10 or 20 second timer to logging out
    • Platoon support as mentioned by OP
    • No more inconsistent reload cancel (if you switch weapons before the new magazine is seated or if the gun is not charged during long reload it should be a canceled reload, if you seat the magazine and then switch before the time is complete it should still be a completed reload when you switch back)
    • Better commarose
    • Still be able to do support actions while weapon locked (healing, repairing, and giving ammo)
  5. MarlboroMan-E

    -add a timer similar to the Alert countdown in the top right corner of the HUD for any vehicle/max in cooldown

    -bring back the PS1 quick voice menu. VTF - follow me! Seriously, it was superior in every way to the 10 voice call outs we have now.

    -I still have to go in and manually restock infantry consumables. (Maybe I'm doing something wrong?)
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    -Fix the goddam ironsights on the NC Rebel already, they've been off-center for months now.
  7. Phazaar

    Account-wide friends lists is -another- step (besides the irritating player site) towards anyone knowing all three of your characters, removing your chances of infiltrating enemy squads/outfits and creating loads of 'WTF, WHY ARE YOU ON YOUR TR CHARACTER WHEN YOU COULD BE HELPING US ON AMERISH?!' crap.

    I already use separate 'clean' accounts in a few opposing outfits (including yours, OP ;) ), but still, the agro this causes just seems unnecessary... No one has a reason to have two characters on the same server on the same faction, since there's no cap to progression. The few cases where people have done this for virtually no reason, I'm sure you can ask them for their other character name...

    Most of the rest of the list seems pretty good...
  8. Roland2TowerCame

    I really really really hope account-wide friendlists would be optional.
    **** yes to the loadout buttons and AFK status, that would be very handy
    I agree with some other points, but they've been discussed a lot before.
    • No it doesn't, unless tuning means being able to see Inf's again.
    • No they aren't. This is warfare and detecting the enemy is job one.
    • No, absolutely not, to quote from the game when you try, "the dead cannot speak" Not being able to give a warning is just the penalty you get for dying. And there should be some penalty considering we have infinite respawn.
  9. Jkar

    I would like to see the game remember what spawn location I selected if I decide to edit my loadout after selecting the location I want to spawn at.

    Happens a lot that I just want to confirm that I have the right rocket launcher or grenade on me after selecting a deploy location and then hitting deploy to get into the action only to find myself at a totally different location. Perhaps because a new spawn point opened up or whatever the reason may be.
  10. FIN Faravid

    -Optimizations for low-end PC:s
    -Optimizations for mid-end PC:s
    -Optimizations for high-end PC:s
    -Optimizations for self-made PC:S
    -Optimizations for potatoes
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  11. CrimsonDaemon

    This. I get very poor framerates on my potato.
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  12. Nocturnal7x

    Here is a list of some of my largest grievances with the game.

    -Server lag, since GU07 ive been getting sync killed a lot (when you and your opponent in a 1v1 both kill each other). This is stupid and should almost never happen, it happens 50% of the time. This needs to be ******* SOLID like a diamond before the lattice comes out, I know you are going to do this in the wrong order SOE. GG

    -Hit detection is sporadic at best

    -Drop pod spin, get rid of it.

    -Spawns need to show up on the map all the time, not just when you are dead. Spawns need to have some kind of logic behind being spawnable and unspawnable. Spawn rooms need to go back to being circles, the oval is stupid and harder to click, deployed sunderers need to glow more or somthing, spawn beacons are fine. Also why does double click on the map zoom it in? we all have scroll wheels, its really annoying when trying to spawn and the map keeps zooming in.

    -capture points need to be displayed on the map always. They sometimes don't render when im at a base FFS:


    As you can see in this screencap, A, B and C are not shown.

    -Squad deploy should move the map to where the squad leader is, like it did at launch, this way we can see if we want to use it or not, or use it to find where the squad is more easily.

    -Changing maps should not be a drop down menu, give us the box with the 3 cont icons in it that we had at launch back.

    -Enemies on radar need to be displayed above all other icons on the minimap. Terminals and other map icons are transparaent and should be layered on top of all friendly platoon/squad member icons, its impossible to find terminals if someone is using them...

    -Fix ADAD warping infiltrators (fix it in general).

    -Fix infantry movement, movement in general is atrocious. Animations need to transition, instead of just changing to another animation. This alone would help with ADADers. Animations need "weight" added to them when a player is changing direction. NOTE!!! ONLY the animation, no change to how player movment feels to the player needs to be touched. I can't stress the importance of the animations needing transitions alone enough, how my character feels on the keyboard remains the same, but now I don't just change direction instantaneously making it a real aggravating trial to hit someone.

    -Give us a way to unflip vehicles, flashes, galaxies, ect. Unless they are all designed after the 2001 PT cruiser which was recalled for a faulty fuel tank that would catch fire when upside down, vehicles should not explode when upside down or even slightly on their side.

    -Vehicles should have some kind of rubber added to their treads /tires so they don't slide all over the place.

    -Reload animations should match reload times, the fact that reload times are often longer than the animation is pure development laziness.

    Thats just a nice few I can think of right now :eek:

    Also can't wait for that official thread from matty higz, come on bro, you can make it...

    *EDIT* since there is no official thread, ive reposted this from another thread and added a thing or two, they are in bold.
  13. Cab00se187

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around the term "Quality of Life" in a video game.... :confused:
  14. Onetoo

    Nice list! I agree with almost everything you've posted, but I've added a couple notes.

    A few things that I would like to see changed:

    • Accessing terminals/getting inside vehicles should be handled client-side. During some very large battles, latency issues make it so it can take 2-3 seconds to access a terminal and this can be frustrating.
    • The pilot of a vehicle should be able to see how much ammunition his/her gunner has in reserve.
    • Quads exploding after they flip over? Is this really necessary or even realistic?
    • A player shouldn't get grief points/FF kills when a generator that they armed explodes and takes out some clueless friendly infantry.
    • Using the 'instant action' feature should only deploy you to an area on your current continent