Helios I just don't understand

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, May 4, 2013.

  1. 2Slow2Calm

    Dont worry about helios too much. I'm sure if there is a merge, the major outfits on helios will load up on flak when they encounter all the Connery pilots in full force. Helios players aren't all neanderthals.

    Enjoy the farm while you can i guess

    This may bring some more attention to what I am really after here. Servers that allow vehicles to farm with little consequences hurt everyone else. Since they now have to take in mind for balance that certain servers allow behavior that will not fly on another.
  3. NoXousX

    Snafu, you aren't the first to make this observation. But keep in mind, you came from probably the most demanding server for pilots in this game. One of our members that came from another server straight up admitted he thought he was good pilot until coming to Connery.

    The pilots are better, and the AA is extremely prevalent. I'll hit a huge flak-free farm maybe once a week, usually it lasts for 5 minutes tops, but what I've seen on other streams leaves me dumbfounded. No wonder everyone complains about air in this game. They aren't on Connery.

    It's to true dude when we started doing our little ops over there everyone just freaks at the state of no AA. The majority of the ESF I came across were nose down into the ground ignoring any enemy that came by. It truly is a totally different experience for the two servers by a large amount.

    I just don't know how the devs can implement balance with how different each server may be. As any AA buff may make life livable to the Helios type servers but will break the game for whats left of the Connery aviation community. I really don't envy the guys who have to figure a way to balance game play when there are such different metrics from each server. Why I hope they can step things up for the sake of air not being nerfed any harder then it already is.

    Still in here stroking yourself eh. I shoulda made a thread about farming the Connery TR with a carbine the other day.
  6. SolLeks

    I fly NC on connery, Every time I see a [FTCW], [MERC] or [56rd] lib in the air with the pilots I know, I get excited for a good lib fight. I have had NoX msg me to stop shooting at him and I love fighting Meatus (SP? srry don't remember off hand).

    hell, even if they are in ESF I know I am about to be in a good fight >=)

    SNAFU, next time you see me in game and your gonna do a Helios op, let me know because I will join.

    Chase SWAT around on Connery by far the best farm you can get from us.

    I will surely do so. I want as many Connery pilots as I can to see the difference to the two servers.
  9. turtlestation

    I like the state of Connery air. Some really great pilots on here and a boatload of decent pilots and also the most organized air division in the game with the 666th air wing (although I wish they'd drop the A2A missiles). It's pretty different from Mattherson where 95% of pilots are terrible and only exist to be killed and farmed by the remaining 5% who are godly. Given from what I've seen on Waterson as well, Connery pilots are no slouches in general.
  10. SNAFUS

    Yes their recent fascination with A2AM has been an ongoing headache for me. Why I make it my mission to kill any ESF with A2AM first above all else.
  11. Jrv

    He's right, most of Helios is terrible. His generalizations match up perfectly with mine. I'm not even a Reaver pilot, rarely fly, but when I do, I can usually get a solid group of kills from a sunderer before any AA is brought on me. 3-4 rocketpod runs sometimes before they start firing back. I figure a skilled pilot would have some scrubs on a sunderer to farm somewhere at all times, there's almost always mindless zerging going on in Helios, especially from all the zergfits and whatnot. Not very many good, organized outfits here other than =VX9=, 82IN(curse the TKing lot but I can admit they're good), Black Plague, TED, etc. These outfits can pull off some fun stuff and you'll rarely get a good farm on them as they tend to put up a good fight.

    The rest though? Zerglings. Casual, talentless leaders with terrible stats leading hordes of terrible players.
  12. ThePackage

    First off, 99% of every server is bad. Don't think you're special Helios!
  13. Keiichi25

    Obviously, Snafu hasn't had the joys of EXE Drunk Division... As many NC and VS pilots complain about constantly about their almost night antics with AA...
  14. SNAFUS

    I'll keep my eyes out for them ;)
  15. SNAFUS

    Don't want to say they have a monopoly on bad players as that is very much so not the case. What they have is a enviroment that doesn't demand certain aspects to be as strong I assume. Since me and my buds were able to farm with impunity for so long I hope that A2G ESF are rare. Or it may simply be they don't have quality outfits trying to show inexperienced players proper counters to threats in game I can't be sure on either situation. I just hope they step it up on the AA scene as allowing farming from the air gives the Devs data that isn't similar across the other servers.
  16. Kallowe

    The truth is the majority of us Helios players are actually just inferior human beings in basically every way.
  17. Str8Dumpin

    Is my VS doing it right?
    Oh whoops, I'm on Connery.

    I should go check out Helios. I'm pretty sure every server has skills, just gotta fly around and find it.

    Now to add another variable, we should always keep in mind what time of day we play on whatever server we are analyzing.
    This is fairly critical on Connery,(and I would assume all servers) as the air game changes over a 24 hour period --oo like night and day.

    An example of extreme change to the air game from my experience happens every night when the [26space] outfit logs in. They are an all mosquito outfit, that runs in formation with no less than a gaggle of mosquito's terrorizing Connery from midnight to early morning PST. They are a CN outfit so you wont hear them much on the forums, but their numbers in the air are hard to match most nights.

    You would also have to keep in mind that... Daddy.
  18. Str8Dumpin

    woops wrong thread
    <message deleted>
  19. NoXousX

    They'll be forced to somehow separate air and ground more with libs being the middle man. That's the only way, but even that will be prone to abuse. I would like to see increased flight ceilings for the dogfighting, but any time you are away from obstructions it is no skill A2AM domain, and you'll never find me flying up that high. So I'm not sure how it needs to be done.
  20. Kapernum

    You should come see the AA on Miller. Just for reference in comparison to Connery. There are dedicated AA outfits who take shifts in keeping every single AA turret and at least 2 AA max units beside them online 24/7.