TR Jaguar was made useless !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, May 2, 2013.

  1. MasterTater

    OH CRCRY - Compare your weapons to Vanu weapons and they are still light year better than the fk filth we received at start and copmlete bogus BS which we reiceive on evrey new weapon launch compared to TR/NC weapons.

    So **** and play Vanu to get a reality check.
  2. WalrusJones

    I find it sad that this complaint thread lives, while another constructive jaguar thread died the day of this thread...
  3. metrotw

    The thing with the Jag was that it wasn't the best up close but it wasn't horrible long range either. It was a decent mix of a weapon
    that if you played smart could get you through a variety of situations...It wasn't the BEST way in many cases but it performed well enough.

    Now it STILL isn't the best up close and it sucks at range. Sooooo.....

    You now need a Lynx if you want to use a carbine over a shotty in the 0-15 meter category and anything over that you need a decked out T5-AMC with it's full complement of attachments. However either one of those options leaves you pretty gimped if
    you need a "jack of all trades" carbine like the Jag was and you'll feel gimped because of it.

    Not happy with this change having over 4k Jag kills myself but what else can a TR expect...
    • Up x 1

    Solstice (Default VS carbine) is like one of the best guns in the game.
  5. The King

    Yeah but serpent isn't that great..
  6. FnkyTwn

    The Serpent is the best Carbine in the game. VX6-7 is in 2nd place.

    I've got Auraxium with my Serpent. When Carbine users whine about
    the HA's Overshield I laugh my *** off. The Serpent, when aimed at
    HA's faces melts them quicker than any of their LMGs can kill you.

    Serpent + INRV + Foregrip (SoftPoint Optional) + ADS = Dead Heavy

    I went at least 1000 of my Auraxium kills without SoftPoint because
    at that time, it was considered a detriment, and the Serpent reaches
    out pretty far when you need it to, but with more info out now, adding
    SoftPoint melts faces even faster. + Flash Guard
  7. The King

    The VX6-7 is much better than the serpent.
  8. warpigeon

    :eek: a nerf on tr and they cry?