[Guide] How to deprive a man of all his Vehicle resources in less than 5 minutes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InterSpectra, May 4, 2013.

  1. InterSpectra

    Nothing personal here, just strictly business.

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  2. LibertyRevolution

    I think you just made the case for having c4 despawn on class change..
    There is a reason that infiltrators don't have c4...

    You infiltrators wraith flash have made it so fury is getting nerfed..
    Guess you thought you might as well finish off the week by having them get rid of c4 after class change too?
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  3. HellasVagabond

    You do realize that this is lame right ?
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  4. ReconMarauder

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  5. Fenrisk

    Well at least you can see the shimmer of death approaching if your vpaying attention and it costs the driver 200 infantry resources +25 tank resources.

    All it would take is a scratch and that shimmering flash would go up in flames with all his infantry resources down the drain :p
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  6. giltwist

    Pfft. That's an easy fix. Have an engie buddy put them on for you and ride in the rumble seat.
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  7. InterSpectra

    Yep, but it's in the game. As lame as it is (as is lot of things in this game) you cannot fully stop this particular tactic from happening. All it takes is a friend to strap the C-4 onto the Wraith Cloak Flash if they despawn explosives on class change (why just C-4 and not AP/Tank mines?).

    Plus I primarily play Light Assault, so finding new ways to deliver a crippling and definitive blow is in my best interests.
    Also strapping C-4 to a friendly Infiltrator is a legit tactic!
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  8. LibertyRevolution

    That would take 2 guys working together... I would be ok with that.
    I am not ok with this guy basically giving his infiltrator C4..
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  9. HellasVagabond

    Tactic to do what ? Kill 1 person inside an Lightning and also kill yourself in the process ? Sorry friend but that's not playing.
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  10. EMP1RE

    Well I thought it was hilarious...
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  11. InterSpectra

    Taking out their armor so my faction can move in isn't playing?

    My main goal would have been to take out an enemy Sunderer, but none was present so of course I'd take out other vehicles.
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  12. EvilPhd

    cloaking c4 kamakazie guided missiles.

    If you do something cleaver, don't gloat about it.
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  13. HellasVagabond

    Your faction had Magriders (i counted 2) there and they couldn't kill a single Lightning ?
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  14. Stew360

    LOL at this rate youll run out of ressources before anyones lol also , if this is buisness i think you have much more sucessfull entreprise in VS they call themself MAGRIDERS/ENGI corp or also SCYTHE/ENGI corp
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  15. XDDante


    so now we have suicidal cultist heads???
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  16. SinerAthin

    You drive like a drunk maniac!
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  17. Jalek

    Infantry were shooting at his shimmering ATV that the lightning apparently never saw, maybe the TTK just needs to be faster for infantry against flashes.
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  18. Thesweet

    This is why I keep saying tanks need a buff of some sort for survivability, as of this point there is no role for them. In PS1 their role was to hold open ground and the infantry stormed bases.
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  19. RobotNinja

    Why shouldn't this be doable in a game that the devs have touted as a "sandbox FPS"?
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  20. PieBringer

    I need to make friends with a dedicated light assault. Even if it's another empire LA, it's fine as long as there's enemies from the third faction around.
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