Carbines need to be rethought

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, May 3, 2013.

  1. Paperlamp

    If high RoF carbines are meant to be designed as CQC weapons, shotguns need to go. If not, stop weakening their medium range capabilities. That is what people use them for, if people want a very close range hip fire weapon shotguns are the only real choice except SMGs for infils.

    Rather than randomly applying CQC sauce to people's favorite all-rounder carbines, why not make the ones that no one uses better? Carbines are already the weakest weapons in the game excluding pistols, medium-long range carbines have no chance vs. competent LMGs or AR users in a firefight, and while LMGs have lower RoF ARs are simply superior carbines.

    They have too much innate weakness at range currently for some of the longer ranged carbines to take hits in other stats to make up for bullet velocity and other tweaks for better range performance.

    I also use foregrip on all my carbines even those with advanced laser sight access, you lose too much medium range capability without one. If I wanted to hip fire I'd use an SMG, you can get a much higher mag size with them allowing for a much better CQC experience in more crowded areas.

    It feels like there's a misunderstand between the players and those making the balance changes. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm an unusual case, but I would trade my advanced laser sights and low hip fire cone for more mid range capability. I don't see why high RoF guns need to all be CQC weapons.
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  2. WalrusJones

    Shotguns belong in two spheres of weapon:

    Easy to use weapons, with high reserve ammo (Aka, Blind run and gun shotguns,) with cross balanced TTK's with other weapons: Trading range for ease of use/independence.

    Powerful weapons, that are difficult to use due to long gaps between shots, and poor stability in run and gun. (Trading range and ease of use for unrivaled power.)

    These are the two balanced forms of action game shotguns (Lets not get into Russian survival horror shotguns....)
  3. Antreya

    Carbines were originally the close range weapon that had decent mid range capability in burst. SMG's were supposed to be added to be the heavy close range weapon with little to no mid range capability with battle rifles dominating mid, LMG's mid-long, and sniper rifles long range. This was what the setup was supposed to be. Then shotguns were added in for $$$ grab, and the game got FUBAR'd beyond any repair. The addition of shotguns broke CQC completely and now you are absolutely forced to use them, or be inferior, even with SMG's than everyone else who has them.
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  4. Xind

    After the latest patch I replaced my Lynx and MSW-R with the Hailstorm. It just performs better for close range hipfire scenarios than either of them.
  5. PaperPlanes

    I still like carbines. Just wish SOE didn't wimp out with the silencer buff...went from almost getting it with no penalty to only getting a 5% buff...what a joke.
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  6. WalrusJones

    I think we should get someone who can record to compare a suppressed carbine with HV ammo's bullet velocity to a carbine with nothing on it in a fairly controlled enviroment.

    I wonder how well the two will line up with the HV ammo buff.
  7. Xind

    Don't suppose they've released what the actual numbers for the "each weapon gets unique HVA speed buff" are? I'd really, REALLY like to know.
  8. WalrusJones

    Anyone who can record can do a side to side comparison of the two on a few carbines.... Namely, the AMC, the ACX, and the Whatzitsbutt I don't care it isn't named pulsar.
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  9. Ganelon

    I just slap a shotty on my Engineer and LA now, can't nerf something with exactly the same stats as other factions' shotties. Right? Right?
  10. Sifer2

    What's even funnier to me is the real mid range weapon is the Pump Shotty with slugs. It was a stupid weapon to add, and people downvoted it cause they knew it would either suck or be OP. Ended up being the latter cause hey dollah bill yall.
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  11. Xind

    Only if they nerf them all...which frankly...I would not mind.
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  12. ChaosRender

    I know for me my default Carbine is perfectly good in close and medium range. And I would still rather have a GD-7F over a shot guns as you have much better range and utility, and many time better DPS.

    If I can regularly kill shotgun users, even PA shotguns, in CQC with a EM1 then you can sure as heck do it with a good cqc carbine.
  13. Xind

    GD-F7 kills pretty damn fast, though. 95 more RoF then the Jaguar which TR seem to consider is their best Carbine. (I don't think it is, but I'm in the minority)
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  14. ChaosRender

    True GD-7F is fast, it is the NCs only fast Carbine.
  15. Xind

    But you have fastest, in addition to Hardest hitting and hard hitting.
    I would really love the same sort of variety as opposed to various degrees of fast, but not including fastest and no variations of harder hitting.
  16. ChaosRender

    True I would not mind the the GD-7F being knocked downs to 800, but tr does only the only .75 ADS carbines. And it would only be fair to give them one 167 carbine to be in live with each faction having at least one gun like the the other two factions.
  17. that_darn_lurker

    Anything other than the default carbine (or S versions) is a waste of time. Go straight to smgs and shotties asap. The S version of the starting carbines give you some nice attachments if you know how to take advantage of them.
  18. Tact

    Pump shotguns should not have been introduced, but at this point I think they are here to stay; semi auto ones are fine. My solution to dealing with shotgun noobs: Max suits.:cool:
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  19. Ranik

    Someone in a previous thread had a decent suggestion about PA's. Make them the long range shotguns. And semi-Autos the point blank spray and prays
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  20. Xind

    Now I'm not trying to get angsty, but everyone brings up the .75 ADS speed. Our carbines are designed as hipfire weapons, meaning they should be optimally used at 100% movement speed. The .75 is a consolation prize, especially on the Lynx which really isn't that great at distance firing at ROF speed. If it was designed as an ADS weapon, that would be one thing, but it seems to be a hipfire gun.

    I don't think nerfing the GD-7F is necessary, I'd just like to see a 167 damage carbine or potentially have TR tie the Serpent and GD-7F in RoF.