GU08 - What to expect and when.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, May 1, 2013.

  1. The King

    It seems like the damage is almost 2x as much as the single shots.
    3 single shots vs 1 (3 ammo charged) fully charged shot seems like it does 1.9x more dmg.

    However, you can pretty much shoot all 12 rounds in ~4-5 seconds.
    Doing the full charge shot, to deplete 12 rounds takes ~13 seconds or so....

    Takes 2 seconds to reload.
    So it takes 10-12 seconds to do as much dmg(or more) as doing full charges that takes around ~13 seconds.
    But uses 1/2 the ammo if you charge it up..

    (I didn't time it with an actual timer, I just used my mind, so the numbers may be off a little, but still, the noncharge seems to do more DPS than charge, but use more ammo)
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  2. The King


    Except the fact that the TR one goes faster and does more dmg and extremely accurate even at far range. Put in the lockdown and it's even more insane.
    Charge it up, that weapon is doing <500 dmg, but the TR can shoot 4 times doing ~1229 dmg.
    But factor in at some sort of distance and that VS overpowered weapon that you say is probably going to be game breaking will do ~360 dmg at some range around 250m... Which isn't too far.

    It's a POS weapon compared to others.

    To add, was using the TR's MAX melting sunderers 350m away very quickly.
    The VS MAX takes too long since we're doing <300dmg at these ranges per full charge.

    Think what the lockdown will cause it to do....
    Oh, don't even bother to mention the ZOE, lol....
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  3. Fenrisk

    The VS new rockets should have their damage drop off removed and bullet speed increased. It's only fair since both NC and TR have no damage drop off for their rockets.
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  4. Stew360

    Actually i really fear the implementation of Anchore modes for TR especially with Zergfits spammers like the enclave you could expect any kind of exploits with Buzz and hes minion lol

    i see that from here , 30 TR maxs camped on top of a hill (TE) with AV weapons abusing the anchore modes

    the new maxs ability could ruins any balance in this game only the NC shield id no big deal since the NC shield will only make NC maxs more vulnerable to C4 wich is the best way to kill maxs rigth ?

    TR lockdown could be really broken as well as ZOE Maxs vs infantry

    A maxs that goes as fast as infantry even if he is 50 % less bullet proof it will be a class of doom agains regular infantry they will be really hard to deal with since their slugishness will be remoove :S

    iam really not looking foward to that because Test servers are always Empty so almost no ones test those thing expet a few players i think the Qa from SOE migth have more tester than the test server itself

    So yell see
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  5. martane665

    when I hear vanu whine about disadvantages, it makes me laugh !
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  6. Hoki

    Empire specific laser guided rocket launcher.

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    Where is the Warpgate Rotation?
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  8. KanoHe

    Vortex - noone gona buy it, since It's easier to just pull HA with Lancer and be more efficient in AV role.
    Fracture - will be overused by TR maxes and will be nerfed to oblivion when Lockdown introduced.
    Raven - will be used over Falcon for better AV role and Infantry Sniping.

    What should be done ?
    1st Wave of AV default weapons should be reworked and buffed not to be obsolete.
    Why Comet ? Because Balance wise it have underperforming stats... Fracture 100x times better
    Why Heg ? Because Fracture is 10X times better ... again
    Why Falcon ? Whats the point of having 150 dmg more if you cant hit stuff as relyably as Raven can...

    p.s. 500 m/s velocity for Fracture working as intended or a bug ? Because it's redicilously OP to have more velocity on an automatic dumbfire ground rocket pods system than a on a Lazer Cannon or even 150mm Vanguards AP cannon (275m/s!)
    It will be used as AA and AI
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  9. Konstantinn

    Vortex does dmg up to 500m... do NC and TR weapons do dmg or are they not effective at all after 100m? Haven't tested these, but if TR and NC max weapons can't hit anything beyond 100m the damage difference per minute seems acceptable tradeoff for extended range. Also haven't noticed anyone take into account reload times in their damage per minute calculations. VS have 12 round clip, while NC 5 and TR 10.

    So again seems like trade off of lower sustained damage for huge range difference and more shots if you count in reloads and clip size.
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  10. Dreadnaut

    This is the single worst post I have ever read on these forums.

    You have absolutely no clue about this game if you're making statements like that.

    I would prove my point with facts but you don't have the mental ability to understand facts.
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  11. Thentar

    All in my calculations. Even with the larger clip size the VS are doing about 1/2 the amount of damage in the same period of time and effectively carry 1/2 the amount of ammo to do the same amount of damage to boot.
    Here let me quote it
    Notice the top figures are dmg/s factoring in the reload.
    The bottom figures show that not only can the NC and TR dish out about 40% more damage in the same amount of time but they 50-66% longer before needing to rearm.

    Stew complains about the VS accuracy at range but ignores 2 factors.
    1) most max engagements are fairly close when it comes to vehicles which negates much of the accuracy issues (IE it is like complaining that my M16E2 is more accurate at hitting a barn 30 feet away then your .45 M1911. They both will hit the barn just fine. The M1911 will not only hit the barn just fine but will do a lot more damage to it.
    2) The ranges he's complaining about the VS increases the TTK from about 53% of the TR & NC to less then 33% of the TR and NC.

    So for his argument to be valid the TR or NC would have to be blind to miss at close range and at long range would have to miss 3 times more then then the VS and even then you have to remember that VS have to rearm almost twice as often as the TR & NC. Might not sound like much but that comes into play when you are trying to finish off a MBT and the VS runs out of ammo and the TR & NC can shoot fro another 20 odd seconds before having to go back and rearm.

    Work today is almost over and I'll be home after my 2 classes tonight ... so in about 4 hours I'll test all 3 empires to see what the TTKs on vehicles are at various ranges and post the videos.
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  12. Holomang

    Exaggerate much?
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  13. BalogDerStout

    This sounds about right. The Vanu stats look terrible on paper. I imagine this will translate to them being terrible in the field as well.

    Once again the NC are getting even more cheese weapons. Woo, like they were already so much fun to fight against. And the devs wonder why there is a huge population imbalance across almost every server. Maybe it's because winning is more fun than getting routinely curb stomped?
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    To be honest it's good to see them taking their time doing it, hopefully as a result it will release with no problems.

    The last thing you want, especially now there is a test server to test new features is for them to be released and need fixing.

    Though I like you am eager to see this in game :(
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  15. bNy_

    1. Game will run worse
    2. Vanu will get unfair treatment
    3. More people will stop playing this game

    Think that covers it...
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  16. The King

    Was murdering Sunderers with no problems passed 350m with the TR's Fracture... VS weapon, on the other hand, took forever since it barely does any dmg.
    TR weapon doing 4x more dmg and also it shoots faster. (not counting any lockdown)
    You don't really have to compensate much on the rocket drops....

    Go high in the mountains and you can kill everything so fast. I haven't tested it out further as I didn't see anything further away at the time.

    3-4 seconds for Vanu to do ~300 dmg vs the TR doing 1228 dmg in that same time.
    Did I mention that these rockets go faster than the light beam from the Vanu weapon? Yeah, go figure...
    *light is supposed to be extremely fast*
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  17. Chrislocho

    TR helmet looks so much like a storm trooper, this only to me? or to anyone else ?
  18. Thentar

    Ok I've done some 50m and 119m. Hands down the NC max is better. TTK is about 50% better OMG...just what the numbers said it would be...I'm encoding and uploading the videos now
    NC max kills a prowler from the side in 19 seconds. VS max takes over 30 seconds. The VS max has some weird bug (see the 2nd volley in the VS Video) that sometimes you get kick back while charging. 119 Both maxes land 100% of their shots

    waiting on the VS one to encode...I'll upload right away but might not be done processing in you tube for a few more minutes...hmmm 3 more minutes to encode and I need to be at class in 15 minutes. Cutting it close

    The VS weapon has kick back just like the NC so it is more prone to missing during rapid fire since you can't correct in flight.
    2 minutes....

    This is how you test Stew. You don't just cherry pick what you think supports your claim. The numbers back me up and the and the tests back me up. I show NC and VS (will do TR later tonight) doing the exact same test and the test confirm the numbers on paper. So both on paper and in practice the VS are worse.
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  19. Xasapis

    Some people live in a parallel funny universe, where some people sees things in the completely opposite order than the entire playerbase. The general concensus of all VS players is that the new VS max weapon is as much in a junk state as the lancer when it was first introduced. The VS are the least populated faction because they are considered also the weakest (and thus the most challenging to play).

    Having a player from the most populated faction in the game calling those who play the weakest and most undermanned faction "cancer of this game" only shows how much detached he is from reality.

    Guess what. If you get owned by VS on a regular basis, it's because only veterans are left to play the faction, while you get to roll with the derp army that is after the really more powerful faction in the game.
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  20. DaNDeStRoYeR

    Oh goody another pointless update that's all about cosmetics instead of addressing the real problems, It's become quite clear that Sony obviously can't fix the optimization issues and are just ignoring the mass public who are screaming for FPS updates. Sony really are the worst Developers there is for PC games. Stick to playstation games and leave the big games to the DEVS with money as your budget is obviously terrible as your onto GU08 and the game still runs worse than any other game on the planet.
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