The Carv has been un-nerfed on the test server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kronic, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    The only way to test the true recoil of a weapon is to not compensate at all. That's how players compare the recoil of different weapons and compare the recoil reduction/increase of attachments. The how many bullets it takes to get from point A on a wall to point B on a wall is what many players use to find out how a guns recoil will play out.

    Only after then would you test the weapon with the player trying to compensate recoil at different ranges using different scopes.

    You never stated you was compensating for the recoil in the video so you could of given people the impression that the carv has less recoil then it does. Especially at the range you was shooting at. It might apply if you was shooting at a player 100m to try prove you can hit the target by compensating for the recoil or prove you can't hit a player by compensating for recoil at certain ranges.
  2. EnviousCipher

    And heres how we know you're talking out of your arsehole. Give a Striker squad the Grounder/Annihilator and you will get the same result. The striker itself is utter crap due to the bug where every couple of magazines the weapon will shoot blanks.

    Hell NC and VS can do the same with their lock ons, but apparently they're too dumb to realise this and blame the Striker.
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  3. Guardsman99941

    Yay the T9 carv is now actually usable
  4. LibertyRevolution

    Here is that video so you can compare it to that style of video:

    I didn't even consider testing it in this fashion, but it does just as I expect, it goes in a line up till I run out of bullets.
    So I still think testing like this is kind of useless.. who would shoot like this?
    I test recoil while pulling down as I would in the game.. I wouldn't ever be wild spraying a 100 round mag of an LMG..
  5. Fenrisk

    Thank's, It seems we have a LMG that cuts players from bottom to top right into a head shot. Can see the recoil better in that vid or the complete lack of it.
  6. {joer

    So they STEALTH nerfed the carv, making it near worthless and the carv-s completely worthless, they unnerf it and we should be grateful?

    Who's running this circus?

    If they do fix it you can expect new nerfs once something else isn't selling at the expected level.
  7. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, it feels like I'm shooting a solstice, just with slower fire rate and more bullets. :)
    By that I mean that it has totally controllable recoil even going full spray through the whole mag.
  8. XParagonX

    LoL, comparing a striker to an would have to have 4x as many people lmao.

    Grounder ok its almost there, not quite.

    So no NC and Vanu can't do the same thing.

    Derp Derp lock on's ftw.
  9. Metallic123

    so it's gonna be on par with other starter lmgs? awesome
  10. Kociboss

    Any confirmation? Hard numbers?
  11. Sebyos

    Bad news: facerollers HAs with a better weapon that they already got ?! No thanks.
  12. gigastar

    Back up a moment, i thought all 750+rpm weapons were supposed to be getting nerfs at long range?
  13. Llaf

    Can it be true?!!?!?!

    • Up x 5
  14. Jadith

    if the Carv is that much better, I wonder how the VS LNG's feel now.
  15. Zotamedu

    You have been chance less in a gunfight if you are caught witht he launcher out for months. You really don't need to nerf the equip time more just for that. A lot of people complaining about rockets being used in CQC have been hit by a heavy who was surprised whit his launcher out. There is currently only one option and that is to fire the rocket and run. If you try to equip the LMG, you will be dead before you can fire a single shot. I have tried this several times. There must be some other reason.
  16. Kociboss

    While we're at it, some medic ARs feel more comfortable now, namely TAR.

    I might be suffering from placebo though.
  17. EnviousCipher

    Why would i need 4 more people? They're both locks on, both do roughly the same damage (though the striker needs ALL 6 ROCKETS to hit, not just the one, a fact that seems to be lost on some people), and they're both lock ons. The defenses for ALL lock ons is EXACTLY the same, flares smoke and ducking behind cover.

    Whats different about the Striker? It needs six times as many rockets to do the same damage as ONE from the other launchers. Thats IT, it is nothing special in the grand scheme of things and TR are just using what they have to the best of their ability. Vanu will sit in hills and melt armour with the Lancer, NC will sit behind cover and kill tanks, TR stand in the open waiting for a lock on only to be thwarted by flares and then blasted away with lolpods. So TR bring burster maxes to cover Stikers, and in the end the Burster Max gets more kills.
  18. Roland0077

    Yo envious its 5 rockets, but in truth its the grounder that is the gem compared to the striker. The tracking is MUCH harder to evade. Currently the striker tries to lead the target, normally only allowing a 50% hit chance or so at best against moving targets. If anyone is getting hit by all 5 rounds they are either A. Standing in an open field or B. Hoverspamming. The damage however on the striker is about 1/3 higher then the grounder. But generally when you do groups overkill is so much that it you could all be using UBGL and you'll still do enough to kill that ESF or Lib. Currently however the striker is broken for most users, causing ever 2nd and 4th mag to fire complete blanks just like the old tank bug the vanny and prowler suffered back after gu2 or so.
  19. Roland0077

  20. Purg

    I don't know if VR on the test server is a great indication of future weapon performance.

    Tried the Carv, almost no horizontal recoil.

    Tried the SAW, much the same.

    Reading the release notes for weapon changes, it appears that the LMG's were going to be penalised in accuracy. Based on my play in VR on targets ~150m, I was able to land consistent rounds with less need to burst - often not having to burst at all.

    Not convinced until the patch goes live on the real servers.