[Suggestion] Ideas to get more people playing medic

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by ladiesop, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. ladiesop

    Medic seems underplayed at the moment. What sort of ideas would there be to make it more attractive? How about:

    1. Better visibility of friendly health bars - at the moment you only seem to see them near the centre of your vision or if they've shouted out for healing. This will make it easier for new players as well.

    2. Allow medics to see if shields are up or down, and have the tool decrease the waiting period for an empty shield - this is to make it different than just refilling it like a health bar. Also, increase healing score.

    3. Maybe a bit controversial, but allow medics to heal MAX units, albeit at a reduced rate to Engineers. This can allow a medic to slowly 'patch up' a MAX in quiet periods, but not have it healed as well in combat situations with an engineer. This can alleviate the problem then a MAX is revived, and then having to wait for the Engineer to reach you or having to change to an Engineer in a smaller squad (like a buggy squad). It gives the class a bit more utility as well.

    4. Something to improve defence? I don't actually have a suggestion for this one, but maybe a reason people don't pick medic is doesn't have as much utility as the Engineer, the 'go-anywhere, fly away' nature of the Light Assault, the staying power of the Heavy or the slipperiness of the Infiltrator. The 'F' regen is ok, but maybe it's perceived as not enough by a lot of players?

    Any other ideas, especially relating to utility?
  2. MajiinBuu

    Medic is good when there are dead friendlies lying around, or wounded allies.
  3. Dhart

    The best way to improve medic is to change it fundamentally.

    Every rez is 100% health...the only difference is how long it takes.

    Right now it's how many certs into the tool that determines health. As a consequence you have folks rezzing (when they shouldn't) at rank 1-3 then peeps dying instantly b/c they are only partially healed before being fired on again. When it happens to me- I don't bother with rez... I redeploy. If every Rez was 100% certain... that would be a different story and folks would play medic more often. Rez is Medics #1 way to gain certs.
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  4. TheKhopesh

    I like the idea.
    all tools revive at 100%, but the lower the level tool, the slower and shorter ranged.
    I would like to see the Medical Applicators give more xp as they are certed into.
    Something like this:

    Free Rank 1- 100% hp (Maxes at 15%), base (1m) range, base revive/heal speed, 100 xp.
    1 Certs Rank 2- 100% hp (Maxes at 15%), +0.5 meter range, +10% revive/heal speed, 110 xp.
    10 Certs Rank 3- 100% hp (Maxes at 20%), +1 meter range, +20% revive/heal speed, 110 xp.
    30 Certs Rank 4- 100% hp (Maxes at 20%), +1.5 meter range, +30% revive/heal speed, 115 xp.
    100 Certs Rank 5- 100% hp (Maxes at 25%), +2 meter range, +40% revive/heal speed, 120 xp.
    400 Certs Rank 4- 100% hp (Maxes at 25%), +5 meter range, +50% revive/heal speed, 125 xp.

    As it is right now it looks like this:
    ~Note; XP gain appears to be randomly between 79 and 120 at rank 6.~

    Free Rank 1- 20% hp (Maxes, idk if you can), base (1m) range, base revive/heal speed, 75 + healing xp.
    1 Certs Rank 2- 30% hp (Maxes at 7.5%), +0.5 meter range, +10% revive/heal speed, 75 + healing xp.
    10 Certs Rank 3- 40% hp (Maxes at 10%), +1 meter range, +20% revive/heal speed, 75 + healing xp.
    30 Certs Rank 4- 500% hp (Maxes at 12%), +1.5 meter range, +30% revive/heal speed, 80 + healing xp.
    100 Certs Rank 5- 75% hp (Maxes at 15%), +2 meter range, +40% revive/heal speed, 80 + healing xp.
    400 Certs Rank 4- 100% hp (Maxes at 20%), +4 meter range, +50% revive/heal speed, 79-120 (Random) xp.
  5. }{ellKnight

    IMO they're fine as they are. Would love to have a deployable healing beacon of sorts (doesn't stack with other healing beacons, if you're hit it won't heal you until 10s have passed etc.)

    The way I see it medics are super useful when used right, I don't want that to change because people will complain and then they'll nerf us :p
  6. phreec

    I think it's underplayed because it's a very one dimensional class.

    Healing isn't as fun as jetpacking around and raining hell on the enemy. All you really get to do is shoot and heal, although useful and rewarding in terms of XP it's not particularly fun. I rarely touch CM outside of ops since I find the other classes being more fun and less limited when playing solo.
  7. EViLMinD

    I've maxed specs for every class, but CM is - and always will be - my bread & butter class. I've been playing one since RtCW, W:ET and then ETQW. My experience has made me a powerful support player. Other players may shoot better, but very few can outres me. I'm a master war doctor.

    The CM class doesn't need anything. People are just ignorant about how good it is. CM gets the best rifles, can self-heal and make a poop-ton of certs. Sure, staying out of direct fire so you can keep healing your buddies may get dull at times. But, the class can also be one of the most exciting; most dynamic, and most vital. One skilled CM can often turn the tide of a conflict. So often I'm the last man standing and somehow manage to get all my comrades back into the fight. It's a rush.

    Shame more people don't play medic. To get more to play it though... Perhaps, more certs for healing would bump up the usage. More tools and gadgets are welcome for every class, but I don't think the medic needs to be stronger. It's strong enough.
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  8. Bhudda V1

    i think you guys are missing 1 thing, some of the people playing this game are for the lack of a better term jack *****, running away as they scream for heals, tking because you don't have the top medic tool cert, players raging because your not healing them the second they ask for healing

    also im with dhart on that it's always bothered my why it doesn't heal people fully on rez, it's nanites they are fully automated just because you don't got the top model available doesn't mean it wouldn't put the person back to full health for the time it takes and it seems like a small thing to do so newbies piss off the veterans a little less.

    also the ability to drop your utility slot to get an extra healing/rez grenade not frag might be an idea, little bit of flavor to spice up the class a little.

    Just a few thoughts.
  9. Evil Monkey

    Maybe make them one of the highest scoring classes in the game?

    Wait a minute...... :cool:
  10. EViLMinD

    I'd like to see new abilities added to the medical tool. The R mouse button would be a perfect key to activate a such abilities.

    Bonus medical tool abilities could be added in the way of attachments (the devs have something in mind for this, I gather).

    As for what kinds of attachments there could be, I can think of a few possibilities:

    Reflex boost - Temporarily upgrade a teammate's reflexes. Slightly faster weapon reloads and equip times.

    Electro shock - Zaps an enemy at close range with a pulse that suddenly moves their cross-hairs upwards. The purpose of this is to delay an enemy's ability to target the medic for a second. Giving the medic a chance to either escape or reposition and draw a weapon.

    Life regeneration - Temporarily gives a teammate the ability to regenerate life on their own. Stacks with territory controlled auto-life regeneration bonus.
  11. tutzdesPS

    I believe medics somewhat lack the niche. It's not very punishing to die and redeploy. Sundy is much more useful now - it resupplies, resurrects, has guns, offer some protection, allows to change class and is a magical portal for reinforcements.

    I often die as LA with empty magazine of primary, no grenades and C4. So, after rezzing I'm often still useless and need to find engineer, terminal or Sundy to restore my ability to fight at all. So why should I bother with resurrecting? If there's no respawn room/Sundy nearby - the assault is doomed anyway.

    Medic is still good for rezzing MAXes and people inside some facilities, where it's hard to move Sunderer in. Also it's not bad to have medics in a small, well organized group.

    Some major revamp is needed to make medic more popular. Not only the class revamp but game design one. Larger vehicle-free bases, maybe, longer respawn cooldowns. Maybe make healing items resource free but make medics resupply them by some packs.

    Vehicles could not survive long without engineers around and cost a lot. Infantry is cheap and mostly just redeploy after death. There's not a high demand in medics now.
  12. The King

    Weird, it seems like they're used way too much.
    Nearly everyone is one of them.

    Though, many medics are just bad. They do not know how to revive when it's safe and the dude is 3 feet away from em.
    It makes you just redeploy anyways.

    Also, you gain a shizload of certs being one.....
  13. TekFan

    Making the class more attactive to play sounds like a good ídea. I play medic-classes since BF2142 and always loved it when there was a good mixture between healing-support and fire-support in that class.
    BF2142 gave the medic an intelligent rocket-/grenade-launcher under the AR-barrel, a defi and a medi-kit to carry around or deploy.

    The medic in PS2 lacks a bit in flexibility and seems like some of the ideas didn't get a second thought before implementing them.

    Unless you put a lot of certs into the medic-tools, you're not really effective with the healing-aspect.
    Sure, the Nano-Device helps a bit, but when you really want to heal someone, you need the tool, unarming yourself and becoming a high-priority-target for enemies who want to stop the healing.
    A deployable healing-device that maybe stacks three times would make it more useful to keep some medics with a group and would give the medic a free hand to help in the fight.
    In return, the kits should give less XP/hp, making the decision between healing-kit and healing-tool a decision of risk and reward.
    The basic kit should be for free.
    I would love it if it doesn't take up a slot, but given how it effects the balance, the kit could take up the utility-slot.
    Kits that are unlocked with certs could have effects like:
    -Not stacking the heal, but slowly rezzing dead players in the area of effect.
    -Not stacking the heal and healing less, but containing a small area-radar.
    -More kits stack their effect, but each kit heals a bit less(Three of those kits heal less than three normal ones, but if you deploy a fourth in the area it stacks too and the four heal more than three kits).

    The most annoying thing the medic and engineer suffer from are the switching-times between your tool and your main-weapon. Those immensely long seconds before you can strike back against an enemy that flanks your group.
    If this delay could be shortened a bit it wouldn't give you that feeling of being helpless.
    Let's face the facts: Most players storm head forward, not caring about their tail or giving allies a clear back.
    Maybe give both support-classes a shield-boost while they hold their tools. A Cert to help with that on a slight level.

    Triage is a joke for the certs it costs, because most players will search for a medic to get full health, before they enter a sunderer or galaxy, rendering the in-vehicle-heal quite useless, unless you play with people you know.
    A graphical effect to show that the galaxy/sunderer contains a medic with triage would help greatly in that department.

    I totally agree that being rezzed by a medic is quite useless if you need to resupply afterwards.
    Since the game already can check if a player was damaged by friendly-fire(medics get no healing-xp then), why not expand this so players who got killed by an enemy get some infantry-resources if they are rezzed by a medic?
    It would actually make sense, since the rez means the soldier doesn't need to be rebuild by the rebirth-device.
    You would still lack ammunition and equipment, but maybe you could get enough inf-resources for a grenade.
    The medic would still get its xp and you get some resources.
    A slight decrease in the shield-recharge-delay sounds good too.

    Also I find C4 a bit useless for the medic. I'm a medic, I mostly heal. The situation where I'm the only soldier of my faction in the area and a Sunderer is unguarded enough for a C4-placement is quite rare.
    But I certainly don't get how medics grab their C4 and run towards a Sunderer or Galaxy while HA's shoot at the vehicle and allied soldiers drop dead and need a rez and heal.
    Still, the medic shouldn't be completely helpless against vehicles, so I'd rather suggest to give the medic some kind of corrosive ammo. Nanite-ammo that applies a small and short, but stacking dot-effect on vehicles. Making it only dangerous if the vehicle is shot over a long period.
    Just enough so a vehicle thinks twice about besieging a building just to get the medic inside.

    I don't agree with medics getting the ability to heal a MAX. The focus should be on making the medic more attractive, not making the engineer less attractive.
  14. Nexus2151

    This +1
  15. hansgrosse

    I actually feel like the CM is very similar to 2142's Assault class. You get the AR and the ability to heal and rez, which is essentially what Assault troopers had in that game as well. With the various S-variant rifles you even get the option to use an underbarrel grenade launcher or shotgun like the 2142 Assaults had (though admittedly, they're not anywhere near as effective in this game).

    The similarity between these classes is actually the big reason why I main CM in Planetside 2, as BF2142 Assaults were a blast to play, and my favored class in that game.

    That being said, WTB my SCAR-11 with underbarrel Herzog shotgun in this game. I could die happy. XD

    On-topic, I really don't think CM's need any improvement. They do their job very well and are deceptively powerful combatants, to boot. Also, dem AR's are just drop dead sexy.
  16. Kociboss

    2 things medics could use:

    1) Improve/change triage.

    2) Get rid of V-6 taunt (./care) and put something like "Medic here. Son, I got it. Just stop running and let me heal you. Seriously. I don't want to shoot you in the back again." The "HoldQAndRunCirclesWithYourMouseTillYOuFindTheCorrectOption" is annoying.

    That's it.

    Also, OP, why do you want more people to play medic? At most you need 2 per squad and the community usually delivers.
  17. TeknoBug

    Many players are too helbent on playing Rambo than supporting, that's the way this game's gameplay is (too much Call of Duty style), I have been playing medic more lately and it makes a difference, I decided to stick to medic because the amount of medics has been shrinking and there's almost never any medic when you hit the "need a medic!" voice.

    One trend I notice is when people need heals, they basically run away from friendly crowds... I stopped chasing people to try and heal them and let them die if they want to run away from the rest of us.
  18. Jalek

    I see lots of medics around just tagging people with the tool. 3-4 per floor in a tower seems like a bit much but it happens.
    I have a lvl 5 tool and both grenade types, but don't bother.
    Higher level tools should overwrite lower ones though, more people might take revives that way.
  19. EclipsedTerror

    C4 is a bit useless. Corrosive ammo. Nanite ammo. lolwut.... Please go. If you think C4 is pointless, you obviously don't know how to use it correctly or effectively.

    Why would the medics have that kind of ammo and the HA/LA's wouldn't? Vehicles already have enough counters to be adding in even more and that doesn't count the new max weapons.

    -Triage needs a radius around the vehicle that heals people near it.
    -Med tool needs to be a chain heal or an AOE heal to supplement the suit heal, not a single target.
    Single target heal is so pointless that I don't even know where to begin with who thought that would be a practical idea. Got it, medics in the real world technically work on one person at a time along with all the gadgets and can see how they got to the current mechanic, but what an awful idea in-game and for such a pitiful reward. 15 xp per heal vs letting him die for a revive 80 xp. Looks like I know what I'm doing instead of wasting time to heal. Shooting the person who kills him for Xp then reviving. Thanks for the xp per hour boost.
    -Make the class specific grenades useful. As of now, I'm better off dumping points into claymores, med kits, and spawning in a Max.
    Change revive grenade into full hp at max rank but make the last rank a massive investment. (2000-5000 certs)
    Heal grenade, who knows. I would say give people a regen buff, but this isn't a RPG. I guess we could go with lolNanites.
  20. Ghost_Leader

    - Healing should give more points.Seriously,half of the health I heal(and roughly 30-40% of the revives) are caused by friendly fire and don't give me any XP at all.The heal ribbon is a pain in the *** to get,it just takes too long.
    - Also a revive should give you 100xp or whatever the kill value is.Right now they are something between 70-120,but we should have a constant bonus for reviving.Reviving friendlies,killed by friendly fire should also give a small bonus for the effort - something like 50xp,to prevent boosting(unless the medic was the one who shot them).When I see an idiot in a sunderer or a tank driving through 2 friendlies and I go there to revive them I think I shouldn't be punished for the effort,just because someone on our faction was an moron.
    - The medic must be aware of which downed friendlies can be revived.I can't count the amount of friendlies I go to and try to revive them only to find out that somebody else already did it.We need some sort of indication(both on the HUD and on the minimap) of which friendlies can be revived.
    - The revive grenade must revive at full health.
    - Friendlies with lower than normal health should be able to see exactly where the medics are on the minimap and in return medics should get more visible icons for people in need of healing (the icon right right now is pretty small/not visible enough).
    - I haven't certed in Triage due to the horrible reputation it has around here,so some improvements should be made.
    - But the biggest and most optimal solution for all of this would just be to increase the TTK.People die so fast now that healing is practically redundant and spawns are generally fast,not to mention the healing kits each class can get.