TR MAX ability 0_0

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeralamo, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. felfox

    My point was more that Bursters for all three factions -do not need more help- and so lockdown should be used as infantry barricades and flanking tanks with 'surprise!' love the picture though by the way X3

    Lockdown is still a very good ability, making it have a weakened firing ark would prevent it from being OP against air and forcing SOE to either nerf the ability in general, or nerf the burster gun which would then effect the other two factions (VS would still laugh but NC would be in the mud)
    • Up x 1
  2. FigM

    TR already has superior AA with the Striker. They definitely don't need stronger AA MAX

    ground AA in general has become very powerful and doesn't need even small buffs
  3. Phrygen

    you realize that the deploy will stop them from turning with all likelyhood right... as in they cant follow your ESF...
  4. Astealoth

    burster dueling would be very boring
  5. Hoki

    Another ability that requires you to stand still and every empire but TR actually wants it.
  6. WalrusJones

    They don't really get how limited the terrain limitations are for these things.
  7. lncabin

    Maxes should have never had AA capabilities in the first place. AA should have been dominated by skyguards, base turrets, and other ESFs.
  8. felfox

    It would change your play style and make bases that tanks and ESFs cant reach more fun. Trying to take a TR base with Maxes blazing bullets down the hallways is going to be crazy. Besides, these abilities are just extra flavor. If you don't want to use lockdown outside, use charge.
  9. WalrusJones

    I suppose corridors is where these abilities will shine.
  10. LonelyTerran

    Make it stronger for TR Max AI/AV weapons and disallow it for Bursters.(Faster reload time/More velocity)

    Wait, the Striker is better at AA than the Annihilator/ Grounder? Well that's new to me
  12. Jeralamo

    from a thread from the test server forum.
    BAM! what i tell you. must get video of the how far the lock-down max can turn

    Edit tested it out my self.
    in lock-down mode the tr max can turn 90 degrees left,right and up. BUT the transition time from lock down to walking is about 2 seconds...2 very short maxed certed lock down mode you get 40% increase to rate of fire projectile speed and reload speed. sooooo yeah i was right to be pissed off.
  13. Chiss

    Wasnt adding useless skills the idea of this update? Thats what the Shield seems to imply.
  14. Zotamedu

    Stationary target = Decimator bait.

    I can reliably snipe MANA turrets up to a couple of hundred meters. A MAX is a larger target. No one in their right mind would be stupid enough to lock it down when infantry is around.
  15. FoamyApostle

    Unfortunately, the locked down max wont be able to fire behind itself, so it kinda evens out. From the front it kills quickly, but from behind its totally useless.
  16. rickampf

    Just like everything TR have; A powerful death trap for suicides.
  17. SinerAthin

    I wish that the TR and VS got something that would benefit their AI/Survivability more.
  18. bobzebrick

    Right to be pissed off because of something on a test server. Kids these day, no wonder we can't have nice things... Do you even understand the concept of a TEST server?
  19. Nasher

    This is true :p

    It's like the prowler, great dps but the biggest target on the battlefield.
  20. Holomang

    There's this thing called cover. Look into it.