Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. Maarvy

    TR crying about infantry wepons ... seriously ?

  2. Squirreli

    On my TR HA, I've unlocked: Nighthawk, Hailstorm, Carv, TMG-50, MSW-R, T16, Mini-Chain Gun, Skep, Decimator, Annihilator and Striker. Do I use the class? Nope, not really. To me it is just a missile dispenser. Decimator is good in some situations, Skep a bit more rarely and then, for AA work when MAX not available, I pull a striker HA. Should get the AA missile for that though.

    To me the deal-breaker with the HA is that all of the non-missile launcher weapons are worse than engi/LA/medic guns. I'll rather pull any of those classes instead of the HA for fighting infantry. The HA's weapons, even when combined with the shield, are just so much worse than the carbines and assault rifles. I have had no such experience with my NC/VS alt HAs and would like to have either of the NC/VS default LMGs on my TR HA.

    Other than that I have no serious complaints about TR being UP.

    tl;dr: TR HAs weapons are bad
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  3. Scorponok

    i agree as NC...its much better to face TR then VS as it is now ^^ NC weapons are much better i love my saw :) and the GD-7F i dont even understand why we NC have...i thought our lore was about slow hard hiting weapons...not the fastest weapons in the game...
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  4. Cyridius

    Because when you're fighting two people with higher DPS weapons than you, that extra 10 bullets is going to let you win.

    -VS and NC logic
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  5. GimpyGotcha

    Exactly. In ps1 it was that way precisely, Tr had lower dmg/ Higher Rof than anyone else and Nc had Lower Rof / Higher Dmg However.. The key was they statistically worked out to equal Dps in ps1 and they Do NOT here in ps2. As to why Nc have this here? The lead dev higsby is openly pro Nc and plays them exclusively. His twitter avatar is even an Nc char.....
  6. hostilechild

    You do know that if you stop shooting it resets your CoF etc.? Something NC learned from day 1.

    As NC HA i use the NS-15 > than all other HA lmg <75m and it hipfires like a beast. Yet when i play TR i use the T9 and VS the Orion. Only time i pull the Gauss is its a precipice(murder ridge) and expect some long shooting of elmos and barneys. TR/VS well sorry your screwed at long range, go grab a sniper tank.

    All in all, just like rof flinch was OP now having little flinch is OP as we learned to deal with it and now we can aim/control our guns even better. (more headshots).
  7. pnkdth

    Short answer, SMGs and Shotguns are CQC weapons. They drastically become worse past 10-30m depending on which weapon you use.

    Because they're not the same weapon type, nor fill the same width of areas where they are useful. I use the CQC LMG the most on both my VS(Polaris) and TR because of versitility. Both can engage in mid range combat without any problem, and with SPA(increases max damage range to 15m and small extra damage on mid range at the cost of bullet velocity) turns the MSW-R into a proper beast. The MSW-R and Polaris also reward good aim, a shotgun and SMG does too of course, but you can increase your kills per magazine more with these two LMGs. I would also argue LMGs have a much better synergy with the HAs shield.

    Funny part is the Polaris is probably a better choice for mid/long range than anything else. It has long range barrel attachments with CQC rail attachments. The RPM of a long range weapon but soft point ammo. Make up your mind, you silly weapon!
  8. JonboyX

    The simple answer to this is that your experience is relative.
    Relative to when you started playing, and relative within your empire experience.

    Because those of us who started back in Technical Beta have seen the rise and fall of each of the empires. We were here in the few weeks before launch when NC was considered OP. About 2 weeks before launch, the NC weapons got such a huge smack to the face that we couldn't quite believe what we got at launch. The VS weapons got a range damage buff (soon to be culled, then ironically, just recently reinstated).

    What you forget is we had 4-5 months of twitch pain which totally skewed mid - ranged combat in your favour. We had 2 months solid of uphill battles in to the Crown, against the VS, with substandard tanks. We still have the reaver. None of the NC specific guns I use have had any recoil buff; don't know which ones you're referring to but I've not had any benefit.

    Meanwhile, you guys had the original T9 Carv. A weapon so OP practically every infantry death for about 2 weeks had T9Carv|T9Carv|T9Carv in the assist window. You have a twin firing tank whose Anti-Tank shells are so pinpoint accurate you don't need high explosive rounds to farm infantry. You STILL have the mosquito.

    All through that time, what buffs have the NC seen? None. It's been fairly level for us, but with nerfs to our Max. Go do some searching around in the period from November to January to see how many posts there are saying the TR were weak.

    So, to put things in context: you're not UP. If anything, you're about balanced. It's just that balanced probably doesn't taste so good as the OP you've been used to. On the biggest world server, Miller, TR consistently out-%age pop at all times of the day and night. If you're basing your entire argument about the SAW, a gun that hasn't had any major changes since launch, then it's hardly reflective of an empire.
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  9. Danath

    Oh nice, I die before I even have time to use all the bullets :p Oh right, I rarely die while reloading... because I always hide before doing that?

    On the Striker, you should count time to lock on, the maximum range to lock, and the chance that the farthest (and sometimes the closer), the more missiles will hit some ground, unless the driver/pilot is oblivious to the warning and didn't even try to move to cover, unlike against the phoenix or the lancer (surprise surprise!). It barely takes any skill (barely, because still most people lack the minimal skill or patiente to wait for the right moment to shoot or not shoot the 5 at once) and is boring, I agree on that, though you aren't going to tell me the phoenix is about skill, right? :D
  10. TintaBux

    T9 for me and many is the best default gun in game, still beats crap out of NC HA in CQC.
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  11. Bape

  12. Pat Cleburne

    It cracks me up how many people still use the carv as an argument that TR is fine. Don't you people know the carve was nerfed months ago?
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  13. {joer

    I've been saying this for months. I own almost every TR LMG trying to find something that works after they nerfed the carv-s to useless and I'd trade everyone for a stock SAW.

    TR is underpowered and at some point I expect a buff so they can keep the 4th empire sales flowing.
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  14. Saigak

    Its fair while u aiming in a chest. But when we talk about headshot....T9 Carv (especially Carv-*****) is - ****. Its bullets going anywhere but not in a head (even with hard burst control). Thats why today i cant find abillity where i should use T9 Carv\T9 Carv-S\MSW-R.

    TMG-50, AMR-66 for med\long. In CQB situations everything belong to shoutguns, especially after GU02. My thanx to Highby.

    Orion is best starter LMG for now with highest abililty to make a headshots and deal dps at close\med range. With the same ROF as Carv\MSW-R actually have.
    In this case for every pineapple farmer - SAW have a highest TTK with a very strong accuracy.

    SOE tweak a flinch again PLZ! MB not to how it was before. But increasing of the flinch will give some whinners on this forum ability to understand that the dealing headshots should cost some skill.
  15. Intruder313

    Not really because I think you have:

    The best Tank
    The best MAX (the Vanu MAX is close behind maybe, the NC MAX is utterly useless beyond 7m).
    The best or Equal-Best Fighter (NC Reaver is unarguably the worst)

    In terms of Infantry weapons it's closer than it used to be, there's plenty of identical weapons and if you look at a category as a whole you tend to find there's equivalents to each. I don't think TR has worse recoil than the NC but they certainly do have larger ammo pools in exchange for a tendency to have lower bullet damage.
  16. pnkdth

    We know. It was nerfed because it was easy mode incarnate. Now, it is mere a very good weapon. It is also very easy to log on a TR character and test the various weapons yourself these days. Indeed, since the inception of the VR it has become pretty apparent that you cannot simply look at ROF or DPS to decide what weapon is best.

    T16, and Polaris for VS, are by far my favourite weapons for TR/VS. Both are murderously accurate, have very high bullet velocity(T16 at 640, Polaris at 625) and 100/300 ammo. Polaris has a bit of an identity crisis though and have lots of CQC attachments for some reason.
  17. {joer


    It kills you a lot because its the default TR LMG, and most people don't pay. Its not a good weapon, its the worst of all the default LMG's by far. I use the MRW which is identical to the Orion, only with the bonus of bullet drop.
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  18. St0mpy

    unique? unique except for the NS-11C which all factions can use? thats a 0.75x movement carbine right?
  19. Saigak

    Did i missed something?

    Oooh comeon...Especilally after most NC whine about Mercy Nerf. Just no words man

    Naterain (one of the best TR pilot in world) in his comment on youtube said - "My main sir, BR 83. I've flown the Mosquito more than the Reaver. I like the reaver more :)"

    Thats why today most TR use only TMG-50, shoutguns and NS weapons.
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  20. Cyridius

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