Anyone else think mines are too big now?`

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    You can spot 'em from a mile away now :/
    I think they should split the difference in size between new and old.
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  2. LoneMaverick

    if they didn't stick up to nearly my knee I would be alright with it, the width is fine IMO if they let them lie flat again.
  3. xGreedFuSioN

    Get over it, place mines just over hills, or around corners, or inside of flora.
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  4. Morti


    However, I would like to see some sort of indication for friendly AT mines. Over the weekend I had a few moments where I placed 3 AT mines, then a vanguard would roll up 30 seconds later and go "oh noez! AT mines! I'll just blow em all up without even checking if they're friendly or not."

    Driving a vehicle is painful enough these days without having to constantly watch the road for instagib mines.
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  5. schwarzklang

    Dont forget to place mines on top of trees and facilitys
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  6. Chiss

    This, and a similar change should be done to AP mines.
  7. xGreedFuSioN

    not too similar. AP mines should just cost as much as C4. too many infiltrators just running straight into crowds of people and suiciding w/AP mines. they should just cost as much as C4 and you have to step right on them (cept claymore, which already sucks) to detonate them.

    EDIT: Because I'm tired of running into a room, seeing a mine I haven't stepped, and it not mattering because it ***** up everything in a 5m radius.
  8. ThundaHawkPS

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  9. xGreedFuSioN

    what does that video have to do with anything
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  10. SgtCheese

    I'll let you know what I think once my tank stops laughing.
  11. phreec

    Yes, mine's too big. :rolleyes:
  12. xGreedFuSioN

    i c wut u did thar
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  13. JudgeDeath

    So you chose to use nano or something else then flak ...

    With flak that lone AP-Mine wouldnt kill you.
  14. xGreedFuSioN

    It doesn't kill me, but the fact that its one after the other after the next one then the guy who placed them camping the corner they were all stacked in.
    also how often are you realistically at full health and shields in the middle of a fight?
  15. RazerKilll

    they are to big. infantry keeps shooting my mines if you put them any were close to a base.
  16. Xasapis

    The new mines make me hungry for pizza.
  17. Honos

    Mines are too big. Make old size again. Add a 5 second deploy time. Add a 3 second disarm time.
  18. UnrealGaz

    a bit too big the width is fine but the chunkieness of them needs to be toned down a bit there useless unless you place them on hills where tanks cant see them and go speeding over them
  19. LibertyRevolution

    As I was mining a spawn room at a base that was about to flip and tossed out 3 tanks mines, I thought to myself, wow there is no way they are not going to see these mines...
    I stood in the spawn tube and waited to watch them shoot them.. but instead they all filed in like lemmings and still died..
    Guess the size doesn't matter, no one even looks down...
  20. Gary

    Yep because placing them around a corner sharp enough to not reveal the landmine is were vehicles go... Also who sees Flora on the roads at choke points?

    They are way to big, it is funny watching an engineer deploy them as they remained the same size in hand so they must have a pull cord that inflates them... Make them flat and remain the same width and sure. Or leave them as they are and if one gets set of it should be of nuclear proportions since they are so easy to spot and a rarity now, You have to practically hope the driver sees it and aims to drive over them to annoy the rabble in his Sunderer and kill them all..

    Mines did not need changing at all... Cert Mine guard and they are useless..

    That argument works for everything else "AP mines need nerfing, Cert Flak armor" "snipers should not one shot "cert nanoweave"... It seems to be working for them and preventing nerfs to perfectly fine items and strategies... Just seems the majority of players are to dumb and arrogant to cert correctly based on the role you are filling.

    If you are at the front of a huge push on the road then take mine guard, if not drop back a bit... The people behind once they realize youa re clearing mines are more then happy to stop and speed up the repairs, atleast thats what happens on Woodman TR.

    You also get huge praise and declarations of love when you a ferrying 11 people in a Sunderer and drive over a whole bunch of landmines and survive... The praise you get over proximity and chat is enough to make me keep using it to annoy AT mine users even more!

    If you look closely you see the giant inflatable mutant tank mines that he shoots to kill everyone as a max, which were probably laid there to trap the maxes and ambush them.
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