Indar is Vanu (miller)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armag3ddon, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Tatum

    Had dinner and when I logged back in, vanu had 9% pop on indar with only connery as last stand. Kudos to NC and TR who send in alot of forces, but in the end, TR an NC couldnt work together to take the lock from VS. Logged off 5 hours later with TR warpgated and NC losing but a few more galaxies at connery could of taking away the Vanu grasp over Indar for the past 10 days
  2. DoomMaze

    Considering how we certainly win our fair share (if not more) of alerts when the pops are even, there is no lack of team work on the NC side....The fact that perhaps we don't work with you to break the cap might mean we're not that bothered about breaking it.....possibly
  3. Hazzaslagga

    That 9% was territory control, not population, which was 33/33/33. Also god damn it NC, you finally managed to get the blue ball rolling up the western side with a little help, but fell on the last hurdle. In any case congrats VS you may keep indar, for now.
  4. diversionkay

    Yep this is NC. Now you know what we had to fight with.

    You guys just win Alerts cause noone is fighting you. From my perspective it's always a clash between VS and TR. And then you guys sandwich us.
  5. MajorZbug

    This was the first time NCTO + TRAM really tried at the same time, and if the vanu hadn't put their 33% of Indar pop inside one base (that's 600 people) it would have been it. Great job defending there. TR were doing their part of the campgate perfectly fine but to be honest, the vanu never really tried breaking out towards us.

    There was little we could do about Camp Connery except try not to interfere with the NC and try not to kill their vehicles. We had striker teams on the ridge east of camp connery to deal with vanu reinforcements, and when you have like 20 NC sunderers in your crosshairs, god that's tempting to blow them up. But we did not, or at least, TRAM didn't.

    Some dudes from one TR outfit decided to ghostcap the NC territory and especially quartz ridge, despite a huge /orders spam telling them to stop. There will be retribution for that.

    In the end after we took "our" territories and wiped the only real attempt from the vanu to get them back (that ambush on the bridge near Crater Firing really hurt), there wasn't much of a good fight and a lot of people grew bored, but at least there was an objective, a bigger picture that really lacks 99% of the time. And some form of metagame when we cooperated with the NC. That was neat just for this.

    We also did some stupid stuff like a 200 men footzerg, or this :

    In the end it's sunday evening and I'm staring at an empty TS instead of the 30 people we usually have at that time, people got pretty fed up with their afternoon and went to do something else, and I hear similar feedback from other TRAM members, so it looks like it was a one time thing and we're not going to try again. You win VS, I guess. Would have been nice to remove that lock in primetime but welp, someone will surely do it in the middle of the night and brag about it.

    Edit : just to clarify, the NC were doing great IMO. It's just that they had to take Camp Connery one on one with 600 defenders inside. Not sure it can be done.

    Edit2 : hope you liked the way you lost The Crown, cause we loved the way we took it. Yay achievement.
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  6. PS2Freak


    notice the typical purple vanu colors. :)
  7. Stasz90

    It sure was one hell of a fight.
    We were literally stopping waves and waves of incoming attacks on Camp Connery.

    Everyone who participated there deserved a T-Shirt nonetheless.
  8. TintaBux

  9. GhostAvatar

    Yawn, you done stroking your self indulgent ego yet. Or are you going to try another excuse for why you guys failed.

    EDIT; And just so you are aware, NCTO was bothered and was trying to break the lock. Unfortunately its seems they were ultimately let down by slack-jaw jockeys like you.
  10. Dotz0r

    BRTD started falling asleep at alkali storage, we ended up pulling out. Think my tent is still up there....
  11. Hovis

    I don't often agree with Elmo, but first time for everything.

    The VS mastered the ALL MEN SPAWN ONE BASE NAU tactic, and it works.

    What competing factions don't understand is that if the enemy is in one base, one of you should just defer and leave. Go and watch a movie, have a beer, stroke one off, whatever. When two different factions with itchy trigger fingers are on one base they do not help each other. Also, more importantly, the attackers do not have the best possible adjacency bonus, plus they can't attack from all sides at once.

    So in effect, when you've got the 1200 guys attacking 600 in a fairly small base situation, what you have is this:


    Meanwhile the TR who were back hacking the NC rustled my jimmies something rotten, so I was delighted to see my platoon, among others, pulled away from the Vanu front to stomp on those bushwhacking mingemops. I wasn't happy about helping the TR in the first place, it amuses me that the VS have held Indar for so long, so I was very happy with that. Of course as more troops came to sort out the mess the Vanu, slippery fish that they are, made a break for it. But that's how the cookie crumbles.

    Am honestly surprised it was a rogue element of TR that were doing the backhacking though. I suspected that Elmo was having us do the grunt work and prepping the ground for a cont lock of his own.

    Interesting that TRAM would be disgruntled by it all too, because things didn't look too cheerful on the NC side either. I'm of the opinion that multi-outfit events on Indar are bad for business anyway, the place is hard to get into and it's a dump anyway. Past that taking nearly a dozen of our platoons, setting them all up nice, and then smushing them into a meat grinder is about as much fun as eating cat poo.

    The smart move for people organising events is to take the lads to Esamir or Americh where the whole gang can roll in at once and everybody can have a good game. When I see organised outfits used for a role that I wouldn't wish on the scruntiest CoD playing Zergmonkey it makes me all kinds of sad, because that sort of mismanagement kills morale and that kills outfits.
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  12. Bargus

    Sighh. I think in all , we , TR that is , tried , once? Maybe? To actually take camp connery. Via just a straight up bioball towards the tower. Which to be fair , resulted in the only actually decapping of the hex , be it only for a min or 2.

    For 2 hours + TR did its job , held storage and firing range. Even left Alkali Mining Supply for the NC so they had more influence on camp connery , which they didnt take for some unknown reason for another 30 mins. Upon that particular cap they proceeded to move their armour across to crater firing range. Why?

    I couldn't see what was happening between Benson and Connery , but I can guess.

    Question to the VS

    Did the NC continually try to bring sunderers from Benson , over 400 meters of flat ground straight towards the western side of the tower? Did you have fun Lancing the **** out of them?
  13. GSZenith

    don't worry TRAM will take it back tonight! :O spoilers.
  14. Tenhi

    Oh yes! That was the best fight for my Lancer... ever! At some point we stoped charging them... because you wouldnt get your shot of if you stood there charging that thing for 3sec.

    Also I'm not sure what happend all around (I only came online at ~20:00) but we constantly had TR/NC at Camp Connery. There were only brief moments (maybe 30min total) where we would only fight one faction. Most of the time it was TR on one corner of the base and NC on the other corner.

    And yeah... its basically impossible to cap a base if the defending side has its whole pop there. It might be possible with a 3 cap point base compared to a one cappoint base (like Skydock or Spec Ops...) but even then its extremly hard. Especially because the lag kills all your attempts to keep your Sundies alive. If you cant rep them because the HP allways resets you WILL lose them. :(

    Oh and one last thing. Those MAX crashes! Damn that was fun. One TR "crash" was basically tons of MAXs running along one of the outer walls inside the B building. While they were running there they got shelled to oblivion but still made it to B. That looked really awesome.

    So yeah... kudos to everyone that fought there. Good fight!

    Edit: And to quote wusl "Convert today and get a spandex suit for free!"
  15. dnaRIP

    I would like to congratulate VS on a hell of a defense at Camp Connery. Well done fis.....errrr, lads. :)

    To those that backhacked Quartz Ridge, ignoring leader/order chat because you wanted an explanation as to why it was being spammed to leave the NC alone, and then crying about some grief, more tactical awareness is being prayed for you now.
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  16. Hovis

    One control point or three, you're always going to win with six hundred guys on an protected spawn point. Ironically you would have a tougher time of it defending a full sized base, because they can lose the spawn. In a tower with a safe spawn or a base where the spawn is very close to the control point (better yet between the enemy route of approach and the capture point) you're basically always going to win because of the numbers you have on the location.

    Seen a few gloat threads by factions who have mobbed up onto a single point, it's a little embarrassing. I mean I get that you couldn't be shifted from the point, but it's a pretty lame way to 'win'. Putting six hundred guys into a base that then cannot be captured is about as impressive as maintaining control of your warpgate.
  17. Danath

    The damn lag, I ran out of bullets and no ammo box was working!

    I shiver thinking that most battles will be like that with the new territory capture system. Lancers sniping vehicles (I see a corner of the sundy!), phoenix shooting from safety, and strikers... oh, strikers are useful against air :(
  18. Hovis

    Since the TR job didn't include capturing the base with all the Fishies in it, then the TR job could have been done by these guys.


    I mean seriously, you're going to claim credit for capping the part of the continent that quite clearly didn't have any enemy players on it? This begs the question, with the benefits of modern science, just what is the smallest medal that we can make for heroes such as you.

    Meanwhile, we get one route to attack an invincible base, and while we do that we have Elmo feeling up our rear like the dirty little red creeper that he is.

    Frankly the whole op is bunk, and the whole business of double teaming one faction is a farce. Always ends the same way, six hundred pleb tier Rambos thinking they're superhuman due to their ability to place their collective biomass into a single base. The smart move for the NC would have been to attack the TR from the get go. Because then TR die. Plan with no downside there.
  19. Tenhi

    Yeah thats one of the things I dread about the new lattice system. It will allways end in Platoon(s) vs Platoon(s) fights. As a player that likes Infantry AND Tank I can already see my Lightning/Magrider die in 0.5sec. -_-

    And the thing with the Striker. Well it can be pretty bad vs. Air because of its insane DPS... and witht lockdown MAXs right next to them flying will be a PIA... luckily I'm not a flyboy^^. As a tanker Striker are okish... if you get hit it hurts pretty bad... but you can dodge them quite easily. Oh and as a ESF... just dive hard the moment you get locked and the rockets will hit the ground thanks to the weird flightpath.

    And Lancers are awesome now! If they ever let us cert scopes for that thing it will be a beast. Right now its sometimes hard to hit that "corner" of the sundy if he is far away because we only get a 1x scope. Not that its super duper hard... its just not "that" easy ;)
  20. Hovis

    I would think in a battle like this the new lattice system would mean that the VS, rather than basically curling up into a ball in a base that would ultimately become invincible, would be able to fight inch by inch all way back up the map.

    As it is if you are defending a continent you can get ground stolen from you very easy, so you can't dig into a good fight, because you have to keep an eye on who is capping what around you. With the lattice you can make a stand, and if you lose, make a new stand. Only at the end is there a chance you'll be forced into a cul de sac.

    Current system forces an army to adopt a locked-down position way too early and easily. If the battlefield is too dynamic you just end up with armies chasing each other around in circles.