C4 needs a 2-3 second arm time or it will destroy this game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. WycliffSlim

    I can't see how in an MMOFPS team based game one guy can spawn a tank, chill on a hill 300m away and just spam HE rounds at infantry coming out of a spawn room. That's not very balanced. Besides... lets be honest, it's not like tanks are hard to get. Double the resource cost of vehicles and then we'll talk.
  2. Wildclaw

    Or just bring a Flash with radar like every half decent Squad does.
  3. McChimperson

    More like make MBT's ground libs and not the 1 man piece of farming equipment they are now. Provided you aren't too stupid to let infantry crawl all over your tank.
  4. Springheel Jack

    You're bad, get out.
  5. Xind

    I could support a 1 second arming timer, but no more than that.
    I'm only supportive of that because I can't stand seeing LA drop them on MAXs and kill them instantly...but even so...I'm not sure they should have an arming period longer than what it takes to chuck it out and press the button. Especially on vehicles where you need to attach 2+ in order to get the job done.

    [edit] Would it be possible for there to be a 1 second arming timer if the device was not attached to something? Meaning if you just chuck it on the ground it has a timer and if you attach it to a vehicle/person it does not? Sort of rewarding more skill based usage versus twitch usage?
  6. Separatists

    technically you cant detonate the c4 right after you throw it, theres a 1second delay. i wish there was no delay at all after they decided to nerf the c4 so it disappears when you die.
  7. JerryMouse

    1) The amount of time between dropping a brick of C4 and actually detonating it is enough to kill whoever dropped it twice over. As someone who has used C4 to destroy MAX nests in the past, it is the most frustrating feeling in the world to watch your character drop the charge in what feels like slow motion, and then dumbly stare at the detonator in their hand as you hammer the fire button.

    2) C4 can only be dropped at your feet. If they get close enough to drop a brick of high explosives on your head without you filling them full of holes, buddy there's a problem here and it ain't the C4.
    • Up x 2
  8. Dtswiss

    Called it, nerf the mines now more and more people are using c4.
    Anyways mines were fine and c4 are also fine.
  9. Tommyp2006

    That's exactly what I'm working on. Now that mines don't detonate on stationary vehicles, and they are going to make tank mines gigantic so they're easily visible, I'm working on certing out 2 c4 on my LA so I can easy mode vehicles.

    AI rockets + other tanks are plentiful, so you have to fight in a tank using cover instead of sitting out in the open. Then 1 lone light assault charges through, and uses the blindspot that cover gives you to jump and fly over you and brick you. Dead. Or you fight out in the open, and get spammed by a million lock on launchers. Still dead. Tank zergs are nothing anymore. Just friday night 2 of our outfit squads had no issue fighting off multiple waves of tank zergs using a combination of vehicles and rockets. It's not hard, tanks are paper. Increase the resource cost, and the timers on them. Make them much tougher, either by making the things that hurt them weaker, or by increasing their armor dramatically. The problem of LAs being able to spam C4 so easily, is directly related to the issue of vehicles being too weak.
  10. WycliffSlim

    Don't get in close with a vehicle... or if you do be aware. I typically get killed by engi turrets in my Magrider anymore. If any AV weapon in the game needs a nerf at the moment it's those. I like using them but... it's just stupid. Decimator damage+decent ROF+Unlimited Ammo+Unlimited range+guided=no counters and lots of easy kills.
  11. DoomMaze

    Yes... because there is so much s**t that can kill tanks its ridiculous.

    The worse thing about C4 is the fact that it is just used as a suicide bomb, if the C4 carrying inf had a 10 min timer and therefore actually gave a flying f**k about staying alive it would be fine, but no.....its just run out ...suicide bomb...if you fail ...grab another and run out again etc etc etc

    There is too much AV stuff ....thats the real problem. the balance has shifted to far in infantry favour
  12. Tommyp2006

    The turret does still have a bit of a learning curve. I'm still working on getting my aim down at distance, it's hard to judge how far away the rocket is. And it's a huge risk standing out in the open with one of those. What they really need, is a render distance fix so that they show up from farther away, or vehicles don't show up as far away when you are on one. And make it so the rocket actually renders from long distances.

    With the prowler needing 2 shots to do the damage of the other 2 tanks, (well slightly more) you have to get in close to hit with two shots, considering how much recoil there is between shots.
  13. FigM

    If anything is going to destroy this game it's the never ending missile spam, not C4
  14. Tasogie

    so dont play, seems easy.

    What I do find funny is how universal these calls of doom an gloom are. in the new FFXIV MMO beta the same horrific calls of doom are used "Must nerf or els game will fail!!".. nerf this or I'll sue!!" You would almost swear it was same people lol.

    Not that it will matter, but C4 is fine, of coarse soe will give you everything you want, it is after all a game centered around keeping little timmy an company happy so they dont have to think ever.
  15. smokemaker

    I like C4 as is. I vote no change.
  16. WycliffSlim

    A tiny bit of a learning curve :p. It's much easier to hit target with it than anything other than a lockon.

    But, yes, the rendering is the main problem. Typically the turret that kills me is one I can't even see, nor can I see the rockets it's firing at me. I just hear a crunch or two and explode. I got teamed up by two turrets in my Mag. I was recording and reviewd the video... less than 5 seconds from the first impact until when I exploded. I never saw either of the turrets or the rockets and they hit me head on... That's a serious problem.
  17. RobotNinja

    C-4 doesn't automatically explode. Try again...or better yet...try actually using C-4.
  18. siiix

    yeah this is really an important issue as i have been killed like 4 times with C4 out of my ~3500 deaths *sarcasm, but true storry
  19. DoomMaze

    This works both ways.....little Timmey the infantry man doesn't have to think anymore about how to decimate and entire armour column. Vehicles are a joke now, a large group of tanks will get absolutely annihilated by a large group of infantry. Tanks back up and run away from advancing infantry! I'm not saying it should be the other way around and tanks just roll infantry, but a large group of tanks should at least be able to hold their ground against a large group of infantry.

    Tanks have to hide behind cover all the time, you cant be out in the open otherwise you're either getting hit by engineer Turrets from the other end of the map, or having constant lock sounds the minute you break cover. This cover then becomes advantage for infantry sneaking up on the tank. When its a suicide bomber with no thoughts of trying to stay alive its just too much in conjunction with all the AV stuff.

    I'm all for trade offs, I play mostly infantry and certainly am not looking for a return to infantry HE spam, but the balance has gone totally out of wack in favour of infantry. By all means have the more powerful tanks cost more or be on a longer cooldown. Making the base tank stronger where everyone can pull one is as bad as having every infantry able to pull out an AV weapon.
  20. siiix

    i guess you do not have imagination , that's the problem

    and lets be honest tanks are the hardest vehicle to get, flash , sundy you can get at any terminal, air you can fly where ever you want to , tanks ARE hard to replace, especially the heavy tank ... tanks cause to little damage right now and are easy to destroyed, because people like you do not understand how this supposed to work... so SOE softened tanks to near useless