Manna Turret can one hit Tanks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rebelgb, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Bodido

    Not saying this is what happened for sure, but there is legit tactic that could explain this....

    With a fully certed av turret it is possible to find a long range target, fire the rocket very high and continue guiding it higher for about 4 seconds, at this point you start guiding it down toward target, fire second rocket directly at target and hold crosshair on target.... Profit.

    I've never had simultaneous hits on ground targets, but they were really close together. Combine that with some lag and client side hit detection, and you're bound to have some sketchy seeming deaths. Especially with rockets not rendereing properly.
  2. DFDelta

    This is very sad, and very true.

    Or they are simply too busy shooting at a far away tower.

    Anecdotal evidence:
    Once I've ran around in a TR tank column busy shooting at crossroads watchtower, killing pretty much most of their engis with my silenced stalker when they stood around the tanks to repair. I was somewhere around a 15 - 20 person killstreak before one of the TRs even noticed me. People with tunnel vision are funny.
  3. Keiichi25

    If and only if the tank column was running through a narrow area where a LA, Engineer or Medic can try and throw it. But difficult to:

    1. Stick a C4 on a moving tank column, even from above. More so without being 'noticed'.
    2. Remembering or knowing with Tank has the C4 and then mounting a Mana AV turret and hitting the C4 where it landed, and this is presuming you know WHERE it landed.
  4. FatherVanu

    TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL it was a troll post to get people wanting it nerfed which it needs
  5. GhostAvatar

    Yes, there is a hack that is currently making the rounds that gives speed fire to the mana turret. Yesterday I experienced the same thing in a sunndy, but you could actually see the damage for each shot (albeit in less than a second for all 4 hits). At first I thought it was a coordinated AV turret nest, that were all firing on the same target at the same time to give the target no chance to escape. Then I saw the death screen and it was all the same guy.